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September 08, 2009 03:48 PM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Here come the hands on the leashes

The cross, the capital, the pale families

The fear and their mouthpieces

–Rage Against the Machine


60 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

        1. He said, “sometimes I deviate from what is written on the jacket of the disc and in this case, I said ‘their’ mouthpieces.”

          And then he confessed his love for me.

          And then I woke up and went to school.  

          1. Baird Expresses Regret for Remarks [eds: calling people brownshirts], Calls for Civil Discussions and Announces Series of Five Town Hall Meetings (August 12, 2009)

            “What we’re seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics,” Baird, D-Vancouver, said in a phone interview. “I mean that very seriously.” – Congressman B. Baird D-WA


            Please see the townhall above … I don’t think this Marine enjoyed being labeled a “Brown Shirt”.

    1. and dated through high school. But then, I was the co-founder of the Gaming Club, so I had an advantage over my fellow geeks.

      Thanks for posting this. Absolutely hilarious… and kind of nostalgic.

  1. This is the type of stuff that I find just goofy! And yet, the Republicans seem to have no shame putting this stuff out:

    Clarksville Tennessee Mayor Johnny Piper has achieved his own degree of infamy for himself and his town. Piper forwarded an email to every City Council member, department head, many city employees, friends and family to raise the alarm over President Barack Obama’s decision to release a stamp to honor Muslims. The only problem is that the man whose Administration ordered the stamps was not Obama but George W. Bush and the stamp merely celebrates the Muslim holiday of Eid.h/t Jonothan Turley

  2. Numerous media outlets have contacted 911truth.org, asking us to “make sense” of Van Jones’ “strange” behavior. We have issued the following statement:

    As the eighth anniversary of 9/11 approaches, what doesn’t make sense to us is that media outlets choose to impugn the character of the signatories rather than carry out your responsibility as watchdogs to call attention to the as yet unanswered questions raised in the 2004 statement. Five years later, we challenge you to finally print those same unanswered questions and pursue their answers with the same vigor with which you pursue the signatories.

    We are overwhelmed by all the messages of support that we have received in the last 24 hours. We apologize that we can not possibly respond to each individual message, but please know we do read each one and are grateful for your support. For those of you asking what you can do to help, we encourage you to use the questions of this 2004 Statement as talking points for calls to your local media outlets and national call-in programs, and letters to the editors. Perhaps with your help, we can finally get answers to these lingering questions. Thank you.

    For readers’ convenience, following is the actual Truth Statement signed onto by Van Jones in 2004, currently being discussed in the media:


    How this was never picked up by the 63 question czar application we’ll never know … and hopefully 911thruth.org doesn’t launch an effort to uncover the “truth”

    1. …and it couldn’t be more appropriate! You’ve chosen to use the name of a street in Manila, The Philippines, which is famous for back-room cockfighting. And prostitution.

      In retrospect, your name perfectly suits the reaction we have when we see your posts.

      1. What you’re saying is you have been oddly sitting around looking up my handle on google or you know of this place personally.  Either way odd and perverted.

        1. Sorry to distract you from your crazy, but the reason I know this is because my wife is in Manila to train some people in FInancial Analysis, and her cab drove down this street on the way to the hotel.

          Hookers and Cockfighting all along the way, which is the same reaction when II see your posts – f*cking cock.

              1. Both my young Men 9 and 12 saw the President real time in school try to indoctrinate them into working hard and staying in school. I am  thrilled.



    1. and liked the central message of personal responsibility.

      But there is something fundamentally flawed in a system that dictates messages from the top that need to come from the most local level to have a meaningful, long-term effect. Not only does this method wreak of political agenda, but it maintains the notion that the government should be the source of change as opposed to the agent of change. It’s a quick-fix approach to a systemic problem that starts with how education is funded, graded & organized. If Obama wants to effect the future of education in this country, he should lecture adults on passing school bonds on a local level and actively participating in the every-day education of students.

      1. that the President would want to be part of a positive inspiring message to our kids. Please, this isn’t about dictating messages from the top but using his position to reinforce the messages parents and educators are all trying to send our kids.  Obama has the advantage of being cool. A lot cooler than most parents and teachers with more cred among youth.  What’s wrong with putting cool to good use?

      2. But can’t he do both? In our system, he basically has to.

        I think the problem you’re talking about stems from the fact that in our system of government, the President is both the head of government and head of state. The speech he gave to children today is something that would fall under the duties of a head of state in a federal parliamentary system like Germany has. The policy-oriented stuff you’re talking about would, in that system, most likely come from the Prime Minister or his cabinet.

        I agree that he should be encouraging more local action, but I think that if he’s in a position to make a speech like he did this morning, it’s important he do that too.

        1. and when he starts showing leadership on education by promoting good public policy, I won’t have a problem with his efforts to promote a positive message to our children.

          But the latter without the former is just lip service. To us and to them.

          1. While it’s true that, technically, it’s lip service without a better education policy to back it up, I don’t think that it’s useless.

            For kids, especially minority kids, to hear this kind of message from Obama is incredibly important. Black kids sitting in class used to say “Well, I can never be President, or achieve anything great, why should I ‘act white’ by doing well in school?” That is no longer the case. They now have someone who they can look to and see that no matter their race or economic situation, they too can rise to be leader of the free world.

            Kids don’t know anything about the policy–or lack of good policy–that is being put forth by politicians in Washington. They do, however, understand a straight forward message being taught to them by their President, and I think that it serves an important purpose for them.

            But your point about a better education policy being needed from this White House is definitely cogent.

            1. about his message to minorities and to any child growing up in a less than ideal learning environment. I certainly appreciated his focus on speaking to kids who are in real need of a role model.

    2. Before the sinister speech was even given, it succeeded in totally brainwashing Laura Bush. Can you believe she supports it and thinks it’s important to respect the President, even this commie/facist/nazi/ socialist/Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot Svengali?

      I bet she doesn’t even believe he was born in Kenya.  I bet she has doubts about the re-education camps and death panels. Clearly she has been replaced by a pod person. She must not have been wearing her tinfoil hat or maybe she foolishly negected to have her transmitter fillings replaced.

      1. on the extremist messages posited by right-wing fanatics. But I do wonder if you have anything constructive to say relative to this conversation…

        1. other comments posted on this and other threads concerning the conversation about the Obama speech to our children.  Or you may not find those relevant either. Whatever, I’ve certainly had plenty to say on the subject. You sound a little touchy…think I don’t take you seriously enough? So sorry.

      2. Inspiring and appropriate.  Kudos Mr. President.

        Let’s see if the Republicans choose to play politics like the Democrats did in the 90s when President Bush I spoke to students, and hold hearing in Congress and investigate the President.

        A little hemming and hawing on the Republican side helped to curtail some of the “lesson plan” non-sense, and helped make Obama’s speech better.  But they aren’t on a hell-bent politically motivated frenzy like the Dems were in 93.  History just doesn’t side with this cooked up non-sense on the part of Democrats that Republicans are the fringies.  Both sides will take advantage of the political realities of the time, without any caution for sanity or common decency.

        Holding Congressional hearings on Bush’s speech to students was perpetuated by a lunatic fringe of the Democratic party, but also supported by its leaders.  Let’s end the rhetoric and fix the country without the labels please.  

        1. if this seemingly apolitical gesture was met with no politically charged responses from Republicans, but we know how party leadership views each issue as a ‘battleground’. Removing the aggressive rhetoric and referencing a given debate as something less than total warfare is a pleasant thought though.

  3. (cross posted on facebook)  Protesting parents held signs: “Mr President, stay away from our kids”. A) Bush for sending kids to Iraq? or B)Obama for telling kids to stay in school, study hard, and make something of themselves? Sad, but the answer is “B”. “Protecting” children from our President…really? I have never understood the concept of censoring ideas (unless they are developmentally inappropriate). Where is the courage? the critical thinking? the vigorous debate? It’s the diversity of our ideas that makes us stronger, smarter, more sensible. Attributed to Voltaire: “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”

            1. I have to give it to her, it’s a very sharp looking website, and those look like Colo mountains to me.  Dosen’t look like longs though – could be wrong.

    1.    She thinks she’s Ferdinand Magellan or Vasco de Gamma.  

        My guess is that she sticks her big toe in the water and decides the temperature’s not right.  

        Any word on what Buck, Frazier and Wiens plan to do?

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