“Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can’t, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.”
–Robert Frost
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BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Stay Classy, Rep. Matt Soper (Jimmy Carter Eulogy Edition)
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Stay Classy, Rep. Matt Soper (Jimmy Carter Eulogy Edition)
BY: Air Slash
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
BY: Air Slash
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Americans care more about Al Franken's tongue than what's in the tax bill.
Trump administration gives CDC a list of forbidden words, including ‘fetus,’ ‘transgender’ and ‘evidence-based’
How does one fight disease without science? The Trump adminstration wants to return us to the Dark Ages. What's next, witch trials? Treating illness on the basis of "foul humors"?
I guess the Medical Leech lobby got to him.
Probably not, Duke. Doctors are actually using sterile leeches to clean up necrotic tissue in surgical wounds. That's probably too advanced for The Yam's backward crew.
I guess the Medical Leech lobby got to him
Not true. He fired Dr. Tom Price for mooching all that "free" travel.
These Morans trying to get us all killed one way or another. The Determined Stupidity is SICK
There are no words for that kind of ignorance, that the CDC employees would be told what words they can not use makes me want to Trump my breakfast . . .
(Language will have its revenge . . . )
Oh boy! We can look forward to vastly lower costs of healthcare! It's a miracle:
The goal?
By prayer. Diseases are not caused by microbes but by those who commit serious sin.
'Cause the President and his incompetent administration will use a search program to make sure there's no inappropriate messaging, but won't be bothered to read for actual content.
That is a load of santorum.
Trumpidiocy has befallen our land. Now it's costing us some of the best and brightest who now find opportunity in other countries.
Even the Denver Post has had it with Trumpidiocy and his Trumpidiot spokesperson:
The real reason Trump has so many vacancies in his administration? There aren't enough Trumpidiots to go around:
As we head into a new year, a little reminder for my Democratic friends. There are miles to go before you sleep.
I’m A Brown Woman Who’s Breaking Up With The Democratic Party
Charles Barkley Got It Right: Democrats Need to Respect the Black Voters Putting Them in Power
Barkley is spot on. Trump made the same claim as a candidate. Fact is neither party seems to give a shit about truly uplifting the economic condition of blacks and poor people ( the gap between the rich and poor gets ever wider regardless of who is in power). MLK knew civil rights were meaningless without economic justice and advancement. He was in Memphis supporting the garbage workers on strike and was planning the Poor Peoples March on Washington when he was killed.
I’m not saying that Barkey is wrong . . .
. . . I just find it interesting that he’s got so much good advice for Democrats now after so many years of his shilling and cheering for the GOPers?
Barkley likes his role as a maverick. Nothing wrong with that, but see it for what it is. Currently, he's using his fame to advocate for poor people, and to chide Democrats for not giving enough respect.
Tomorrow, he may decide it's better to cheer for the rich. As you say, he has done that before.
Barkley's been a registered Democrat for a dozen years or more.
Here's a Kos blurb on him from 2006:
Barkley also said in 2016 he might vote for Republicans like Jeb Bush or Chris Christie. He took the side of the police and condemned actions of protesters in Ferguson. Like I said, he treasures his rep as a maverick.
Barkley is about getting the spotlight on Barkley. He should not be taken as some deep-thinking critic of the Democratic party.
Degette has advocated for Dreamers – she is a cosponsor of the Bridge Act, a short term fix for DACA deportations. She's also one of the people saying that she will see the government shut down before she votes for a budget bill without a DACA fix.
So I don't think it's entirely true that she is deaf to the needs of immigrants.
As for the women's march, the movement this year was led by women of color. This was a deliberate organizing choice. The hugely successful movement, which brought millions out to protest Trump's inauguration, was not by any means an all-white event. Instead of debating "Who is more oppressed?" or "Which resistance movement must be prioritized?, " people now are talking about "intersectionality."
"Intersectionality" is a fancy word of saying that people have multiple weights pressing down on them, and multiple communities and concerns.
I agree with Barkley and Rao's critiques, though…. subtle, usually unconscious, racism still motivates too many decisions and policies within the Democratic party. We do need to be aware of how policies affect communities of color, whether we're talking about the environment, the workplace, the tax code, or whatever.
Yes, there are miles to go before we sleep.
The break up/wake up needs to be for the
DenverColorado "we're all Democrats now" congresswoman.from her wikipedia page "…returned to Denver (she went to law school in New York) and began a law practice focusing on civil rights and employment litigation."
She sucks. She's got one of the safest districts to ever exist – she could introduce any progressive issue. She just doesn't want to.
She should resign and give some up and comer the seat. Never, ever going to happen.
And Sir Charles can get in line. There is not going to be a wake up call for the Ds until a there is a better voting choice for the black and poor voters he wants to include. What's that- the black and poor voters who
think they deserve representation are going to vote for Coffman (s)?
New parties are the only way. One that makes a commmitment to run a clean nominating contest and adhere to the voters wishes.
Bwahhahahah. The Democratic Party ? not bloody well likely, is it?
The 503 page tax reform bill is being touted as "tax simplification". Can't wait till I can file my taxes by filling out a postcard as promised by Mr. Ryan.
Can I pay with Bitcoin or Ethereum?
Try Trump casino chips
The "tax reform" bill as coming out of conference committee kills the individual health care mandate. Pretty much sticks a fork in Obamacare.
… by making individual and family health insurance unaffordable to millions of middle-class and poor Americans.
And the GOP's answer is? Shut up and die quickly Mofo!
This is their great plan to ensure their re-election in 2018 and 2020?
why do they get to do that in reconciliation?
Will the Senate Parliamentarian object? If not, why not?
'cause it's a tax penalty.
And just wait until he’s on the wrong end of Mueller’s “evidence based” evidence.
Mueller is going to be powerless when he gets fired. My guess is next Friday (12/22).
just about the same time the House and Senate inquiries into the Russian thing end. And her emails become the focus again, only this time with the 'right' FBI cooperation
Seems to be very little interest in the tax bill. Let me simplify it for you. Self-employed like me Winners! W-2 schlubs like you Losers! Ha ha ha.
Thank you for your indifference.
Oh yeah. The child tax credit used to be $1,000 and phased out at $115,000. The GOP just doubled it to $2,000 per child and doesn't phase out till $400,000. Why didn't Dems double the credit and start phase out at $250,000?
Ha, ha, ha. Thank you for your indifference, Losers.
Yes, you told us.
What did you want us to do? write letters to Coffman and Buck?
Deficits don't matter – esp to Coffman or Buck.
And no one believes Medicare, Social Security are really at risk.
Likewise, the right to choose a gender neutral draft because of the War, etc.
Madcow, my friend, we could ask all Dem candidates what their tax plan is. I get deer in the headlights when I ask CD6 candidates and Michael Bennet.
The best GOTV tactic is to give voters a reason to vote for you. A simple middle class tax cut would do the trick.
Democrats didn't liberalize the tax credit because certain Republicans USED to be concerned about the deficit, and did not agree to increase the refund limit.
Democrats saw no reason to provide additional tax credits to households earning over $115,000 — basically twice the national average.
Now, Republicans get the best of both worlds — they double the credit and raise the limit, allowing households with incomes between $115,000 and $400,000 to claim it. The only limit is a phase-out so the maximum refundable amount is $1,400.
The only cost is to the deficit and debt — and as long as they "win," they suddenly have no concern about that. Dick Cheney's realization that deficits don't matter has suddenly taken over the GOP. The only difference is Cheney wanted to spend for DoD — this new GOP doesn't limit their largesse.
Short answer. Because they are powerless to do so.
ATL airport without power. What would you do if 1/3 or more of US power grid went out for weeks or months?
I live off the grid..we are self- contained. Still need back up on gasoline and water. Our refrigerator runs on propane.
We have a leg up should that happen. It would still be a struggle, though.
Trump may have to sign his TaxScam bill by candlelight. Looks like there are about a dozen different scenarios where Buck and his lunatic fringe caucus could force a shutdown. But Ryan is already assuming they are even stupider than the Trump voters when it comes to pulling the wool over their eyes.
Interestingly, and as a sign of how critical swing-state Colorado has become, both our Senators are knee deep in the immigration element of the negotiations:
This definitely ain't over, and of course Trump is likely to tweet his narcissistic fat ass right into the middle of this, torturing McConnell and Ryan yet again.
Could happen with EMP attack by the North Koreans. I'm now in the design process of a 800 +- sq ft. off grid house to be built in a rural area not in Colorado). Then stockpile water, food, and weapons.
New Deduction Expected To Benefit GOP Leaders Was Needed For Votes: Cornyn
I’m absolutely baffled at the Democratic “leadership” in this process and why they didn’t make a concerted, vocalized effort to again demand that Cheetolini release his tax returns before any tax-plan voting commenced???? WTF?? Talk about opportunity lost . . .
Gee, what an amazing coincidence! As Moldy will surely tell us, there was absolutely no quid pro quo involved at all!