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December 26, 2017 07:03 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.”

–Woody Allen


16 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. QOTD: . . . 

    . . . If there really is a Santa Claus, why is TwoScoops still here?  #FakeSanta #NoSanta #OrangeGrinch #MommyLied #AllIWanted4XMasIsARealPOTUS #WTFSanta? #BahHumbug

    1. Perhaps because the real Saint Nicholas was a Greek man with a broken nose, dark of complexion, who not only had no interest in stimulating the Christmas economy by promising presents, but who secretly gave dowry money, food, and gifts to the children of the poor.

      Trumpians probably would have called him a bleeding-heart snowflake.

      From "Real face of St. Nicholas", reconstructed by forensic anthropologists.

      He was the patron saint of charity, celebrated in Europe on December 6.

      To get rid of Twoscoops, we'll have to do it the old-fashioned way; with the force of law and public opinion, with calls and marching and protest and organizing.

      I like to think Saint Nick would approve.

        1. I have plenty of Unitarian heroes (Emerson, various Alcotts, sundry Adamses,  Vonnegut, Clara Barton, Thomas Jefferson, etc). Nicolas is free to argue for the Trinity.

          If Nicolas actally slapped Arius for a theological disagreement, but still managed to become the patron saint of children, it shows the power of applied mythology and dedicated marketing over time.

  2. Has anyone seen Moderatus lately?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but he hasn't been around since the tax bill passed last week. Do you think it was all too much excitement for him?

  3. #StupidDemocraticPoliticalTrick: Joy Reid, subbing for Rachel Maddow, just highlighted Michael Bennet's sad refusal to commit to voting against a budget bill that did not have stand alone DACA provision.

  4. Grim prognosis on the Trump tax cuts.  Basically the 1% will be fine — short term boost, but they’ll have enough to weather the long term slowdown due to the gop bill taking away substantial discretionary spending money from the rest of us


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