“We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future.”
–John F. Kennedy
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: allyncooper
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Rep. Ken Buck is having a Veterans Town Hall this coming Friday, Jan. 12 at 3 pm at 100 3rd St in Castle Rock.
One of Ken Buck's opponents is a combat veteran, Chase Kohne, and all his Democratic opponents are more pro-veteran in policy than he is.
Buck is the son of wealthy New York lawyers and has no military experience. He is more of a "chicken-hawk"- very pro-interventionist, war-mongering, anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant, like his chickenhawk mentor, Dick Cheney.
Ken Buck has also been a big advocate of privatizing the VA in the past. The veteran's administration is, after all, the largest and most successful government healthcare program. If it can be privatized, it would undercut any efforts to expand public health care.
Veterans have long criticized Ken Buck for his doubletalk on privatizing VA health services. On one hand, he'll tell a Tea Party crowd that the VA is a "horrible system" that "could be better run" privately.
Buck also opposed finishing Aurora's new VA hospital.
His VA votes have been in line with Mike Coffman's – to undermine job security for VA employees, making it easier to fire them on a whim. These will make it more difficult to staff the VA with qualified people – a big challenge for opening the new VA hospital on time.
But Ken Buck also wants to privatize social security. "Here's your coupon, grampa, now you go shop for your health care. Good luck!" Since disabled and elderly veterans often also survive on social security payments, this would make their lives insecure and subject to the vagaries of the stock market. Privatizing social security is another issue Buck wobbles on, depending upon his audience.
The VA has the highest customer satisfaction (from consumers) of any health care program. It has a unique culture which respects and supports veterans and their families. Yes, the waits are too long. Yes, it is underfunded. But privatizing it isn't the answer.
It will be interesting to see which Buckaroo shows up to talk on Friday – the "I'm with ya – thanks for your service!" Buck, or the "Gubmint is bad! Go Tea Party!" Buck.
Buck is hoping that he can recast himself as a more veteran-friendly guy – he has co-sponsored a bill to fund hyperbaric treatment for PTSD and TBI at VA hospitals. This seems like an effective treatment – but so are judicious doses of cannabis, and cannabis treatment has the advantage of being more available (in certain states) and not having to wait for scarce appointments.
Veterans in general love their V.A. They don't like the wait for appointments. I hope that vocal vets and seniors will show up in droves to challenge Buck's policies on privatizing the VA and social security.
Uh-oh. You mentioned the ‘c’ word. Our little Nutlid will be making an appearance just as soon as he’s done counting his new-found wealth from his tax cut and babble something something about black people and genetics.
"TOO BUSY COUNTING MY MONEY!!!! Btw, did you know you can count negative numbers? Didn't know that until I STARTED COUNTING MY MONEY!!!!"
Democrats: Let the people choose!*
*from among the one candidate we think should run.
Congressional candidate Levi Tillemann says top House Democrat Steny Hoyer urged him to end primary campaign
Win or lose in November…….this is more proof that the Dems need fresh faces in their leadership. No more Pelosi or Hoyer.
At least he's not your convicted ex-sheriff…
Joe Arpaio, controversial sheriff pardoned by Trump, enters Arizona Senate race
As our resident stupid sage would say: we have a hero running for Senate in Arizona!!!! The local cop who took on the big bad Federal Government!!! States Rights baby!!!!
Except with regard to cannabis.
I wish Arpaio every success in the primary.
If he reaches the general election, I'm fairly certain he'd be toast. He had a hard time winning as an incumbent in his last couple of Sheriff's race, and then lost. Statewide, I think he'll have even a more difficult time.
No surprise here — Bannon bites the dust:
It’s just like that Greek tragedy . . .
. . . he flew too close to the sun . . .
. . . and his jowls melted.
One down, hundreds to go (VSG is the new term for the Buffoon-in-Chief):
And speaking of the Worst and the Dumbest, look no further than Rick "I can't remember what agency I work for" Perry, whose plan to use taxpayer money to prop up failing coal and nuke providers, got shot down by a Trump (and Koch Bros.) dominated panel:
Please note thatBannon was fired from Brightfart today .
Gloat, gloat,
Gloat like a goat!
North Carolina's merrygander is unconsitutional.
Judges order North Carolina congressional districts redrawn quickly
So much for the "One Racist, One Vote" tradition
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
Lebsock releases manifesto day before start of Colorado legislative session
Seems to have exceedingly poor judgment about how his statements and actions look to the public – and his fellow House members.
I know, understatement of the year.