“It takes two to speak truth, one to speak and another to hear.”
–Henry David Thoreau
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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He had a bunch of 1 on 1 time with my mom today 🙂
chance to brag about mom. You’re a good son. Any Jewish mother would be proud.
Does anyone know who the single person not in the room is this year? I know Hillary is in London, is there anyone else not there in case the unthinkable were to occur?
the ever recognizable (haha) HUD Secretary Shawn Donovan wasn’t there…or, at least not on camera. I was definitely playing “name that cabinet secretary,” much to the amusement (embarrassment) of my girlfriend…
Ahhh…the powers of the interweb… 🙂
President Shaun Donovan is leading the fight against the zombie hordes.
I doubt he’s leading any kind of fight against anyone in any universe.
“maybe if we give up 10% of our brains every year for the zombie rainy day fund, they’ll start to like us.”
I feel your scorn.
and you don’t need to be a climate scientist either
Why is that so hard?
Obama doesn’t believe in climate change. How dare he include a clause in that sentence!?
of the Wade Norris purity police.
about the reality of climate change, the point was to show people that green energy/jobs are the future, whether or not you think the earth is round.
There are Romanoff-bashers here?
is to trash both sides of the Bennet-Romanoff feuders.
“So who is the Democratic politician you want to trash?”
“Who have you got?”
“Oh sxp, you’re such a rebel!”
i was pushing back on Wade for being so coy about AR’s supposed strength on AGW and, according to Wade, Bennet’s weakness.
And, just to be clear, the President’s statement was not equivalent to characterizing AGW as possibly being a fad that will go away on it’s own. Maybe he can afford better speech writers, but that would imply money matters.
Great crowd here
Come on down and HOLLA if you’re close!
Roberts looked a bit bothered.
and shaking his head before he remembered he’s supposed to pretend to be impartial?
that the ruling allows elections to be swamped with corporate money, some of it foreign. For that matter, unlike individuals, no corporation is a loyal citizen of any state. Alito rules to overturn a hundred years of controlling corporate spending on elections, then protest that it’s untrue more corporate money will be spent on elections? Huh?
but I guess it doesn’t matter when you are a Supreme Court Justice and above and beyond any and all laws. I think the only reason he got pissy is because he and the rest of the Court aren’t used to getting even honorable mention in a State of the Union address. Usually, they are lucky to get a head nod. In this case, they got dishonorable mention and rightfully so to the Fab Five. May they someday reap what they have sown.
Strictly speaking, Obama phrased what the Court did too broadly.
White House responds:
I think he did a really good job. First off, he did not go in for the soaring rhetoric – which was really good as people want results, not words.
Through most of it he was a bit pissy, but not terribly partisan. It was more we need to accomplish these things and he’s going to make them happen.
Very good list of what to do, proper amount of time on items based on how important they are.
And he closed it up with what was almost a group therapy session for him and the Congress. Brilliant about how he pushed leadership responsibility back on the Republicans in the Senate and then made it clear that he was going to make all of them work for solutions.
We’ll have to see what he does in the next 2 months, but I think this is the right track. That we need to see effective solutions coming out of Washington – and soon.
by which the Republicans behave, then I’m fine with him being more pissy.
And I agree with sufi, yes it’s a very good thing.
What I really liked is he did not lay it out as partisan warfare, he laid it out that he is going to get things done and he’s going to make them step up and do their job – govern.
How exactly does he do this? Obama isn’t the boss of anyone in Congress.
Just as Bush was able to get lots of Democratic votes on issues like Iraq, Obama can get the votes – if he figures out the right ways to exert pressure.
Keep in mind people aren’t mad at the Democrats – they’re mad at Washington. The last thing the Republicans want is for that to get focused on them.
How’s that square with reality?
Use the bully pulpit to shape the debate.
Banking reform is the perfect pitch at this time. He catches the Republicans convinced that saying no to anything he proposes is a winning strategy to regaining power and then he puts them in a corner where if they vote no they will be protecting the banks who are the object of so much anger. Let them twist in the wind figuring out how to say no to banking reform without drawing the anger away from Obama and down on themselves. The types of legislation he brings before Congress could put a lot of pressure on them. If he is the intelligent hard working person that he appears to be then he will use the lessons he learned in his first year and adjust his approaches. I think he can.
But he has more (annoyingly, inexplicably more) than demonstrated that he has tried. Now if he’ll just stop wasting concessions on those everybody knows are sworn to oppose him even if he promises each and every one of them a magic unicorn that poops gold and delivers on that promise, we can get down to the business of passing whatever legislation we can around them with no blame attaching to Obama or the Dems in congress.
The Rs are so clearly pursuing what they perceive to be political advantage over any concept of service to the people, who can blame anyone but them? “The people” sounds so commie anyway. Obama should be able to now say he’s done everything he possibly could to invite bipartisan cooperation and Rs just refuse to respond so let’s move on with what we’ve got.
there is a huge politically important reason why he has to continue to be SEEN AS someone who is doing everything possible to foster bipartisan cooperation: That’s an absolute requisite for most people (on average, more moderate than those who are most vocal) to support anyone at this point.
He can now check “seeming to bend over backwards for bi-partisanship” off his to do list. He’s done more than enough.
he has to continue at least to appear to be bending over backwards for bipartisanship, if he wants to keep, or recover, the broad middle. Maintaining that appearance isn’t something that ever gets checked off.
The time spent on bending over backwards quite that far time needs to be redirected to putting together a narrative that refutes the Republicans lies about the nature of the President’s health care goals( for instance, that it’s a government take over when not even a modest public option is actually in it), selling it as hard to the public as the GOP has been selling their lies for decades, while pointing out that the GOP has made absolutely clear for months that it’s only priority is to see the President fail, not to participate in solving problems for the American people.
The President can still make a gracious show of being open to cooperation but he needn’t pretend to believe in gold pooping unicorns nor ask the American people to either. Months ago the majority of independents were polling in support of Obama on health care reform. Heck, the majority of the whole public was. All the concessions to Republicans, which have gotten Obama not single Republican vote have decreased, not increased, that support.
One thing Americans have never tolerated is weakness in their leaders and when you keep giving away with both hands and getting nothing in return you start to look pretty pathetic. The speech was good, reaction positive. Now he needs to follow up by hitting the reset button on strength and command of the narrative. We can’t keep playing defense to GOP offense. And not just on health care reform but on all fronts.
The White House and the Dems can both market that narrative and maintain the appearance of striving for bipartisan agreement at the same time without any diminution of resources. There was a lot in that speech aimed at both pieces of that puzzle, as it had to be, and has to be the entire follow up.
The Republicans are still less popular than the Dems due to their partisan obstinance. The Dems will win only more disdain by appearing inflexible as well.
How flexible and accommodating the Dems actually should be is a separate question.
But this debate we keep having really, for me, boils down to one thing: Any single conceptualization just doesn’t capture the whole strategic challenge involved. Sure, the American people won’t tolerate weakness, but if that’s the ONLY guiding principle you’re paying attention to, then you’ll get clobbered, because there are a lot of other things that the American people won’t tolerate as well, and you have to juggle them all simultaneously.
There is a reason why Republicans have been able to get their version to be the accepted version ever since Reagan. There is a reason why the common wisdom about everything from the bail out to health care is what Republicans say it is. The public buys because they are just so much better at selling and the Democrats can’t seem to explain anything without sounding much too much like, well, you.
That’s why they have pretty much been in power, defining terms, setting standards, ever since the 80s, whether they have the White House or the majority in congress or not. They continue to have Dems on defense either way… please don’t think we’re too liberal, please think we’re almost as fiscally conservative as Republicans, please think we have family values too, please think we’re just as tough on security, please believe we don’t want big government interfering in your lives either, please don’t think we’re socialists…I could go on.
Democrats have gone from begging the Republican majority to please spare them the nuclear option to begging a Republican minority to please please not filibuster everything. It’s Dems who are already worried about elections so soon after the electorate rose up in disgust against Bushism. That happened because the Obama administration left the field to the Republicans to take control of the narrative, as usual.
Obama was certainly right about Reagan being transformational and the transformation endures. But I’m encouraged. I think that Obama got it during the election, lost track of it what with several heart attack worthy crises falling into his lap at once before he had time to enjoy his first three seconds in office. Now, I think he gets it again even if you don’t.
I think there’s some truth in what you say, I (as, I think, does Obama, judging from the multifaceted nature of his speech) think that it is the view of a multidimensional reality from a single angle. I’m sure there are lots of things I don’t get, but, nevertheless, that’s still how I see this. But we don’t have to convince each other of anything.
I thought Littwin was very good today:
So, we’re still buddies, right? 🙂
Even though I sincerely hope that there aren’t any political advisers out there who think that what Democrats really need to do is to make their messaging more multidimensional, it’s so part of the Steve Harvey charm:)!
Was he told the Republicans – ok you’ve made it clear that nothing comes out of the Senate without your votes – so you also have a responsibility to lead.
as now the republicans must step up with something that works… or they will be revealed as the lackeys they truly are.
if the Dems keep Republican Bills from reaching the floor of the Senate from up and down votes, they will be the obstructionists?
I sort of expected this way, way back when he was “Barack Who?” His whole history of making everyone feel good is not leadership, that’s parenting.
He NEEDS to get angry at the Pubs, to stop acting like they will work with him if he says the right words. They won’t. Never. If I know this, why doesn’t he?
If Obama took a hard populist stand I think many voters will respect it. Americans love a fighter, especially when its us (lil ole me and friends) against them (big nameless, filthy rich corporations and some individuals). Someone needs to inform the ill informed electorate how they’ve been hypnotized by the Great Right Wing Noise Machine, Goebels presiding.
There’s all these women in the audience that wear very colorful professional suits. And the guys are all dressed in the same boring suits. Can’t the men step it up a bit?
There is a lack of originality, imagination and the confidence to go forward with any panache. Herd mentality at it’s extreme.
he can go into a public place and not get smacked across the face every single time. What a piece of shit.
KBDI just ask their ‘guests’ to give the President a letter grade on his speech. What grade would you give him?
It was good…probably not all that memorable…but very good.
Now only if he could figure out a way to do this every week. Anyone else think Tim Geitner looked like he had been drinking all day?
if i was geithner, i’d have been hammered all day…
from CBS insta-poll
That’s a fucking ass kicking.
Like most things, what matters is not opinion borne of the after glow, but the way folks feel this-morning as they get out of bed, drive to work (or not), and contemplate the next few days.
If WH doesn’t keep the momentum going, the Repub spin machine will make all those folks regret rekindling their affair with CHANGE last night.
All eyes should be on Gibbs and key Cabinet members to keep this going. The modern bully pulpit takes an army of wags.
It’s why I wished he could do this once a week.
with GOP hate radio in my ear…
(Laura Ingram)
from the tone of her voice she herself was having a hard time believing the propaganda she was trying to make sense with.
angry to put it lightly…
this gave me the feeling that President Obama hit the nail on the head. over and over driving it home.
Funny but the SOTU speech was straight forward enough to perplex the GOP spin editors…
with GOP hate radio in my ear…
(Laura Ingram)
from the tone of her voice she herself was having a hard time believing the propaganda she was trying to make sense with.
angry to put it lightly…
this gave me the feeling that President Obama hit the nail on the head. over and over driving it home.
Funny but the SOTU speech was straight forward enough to perplex the GOP spin editors…
One of the least trusted news source out of all of them. http://www.politico.com/news/s…
from yesterday.