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January 03, 2019 09:50 AM UTC

Adams GOP chair on school fracking setback deal: "COGA capitulated to the environazis"

  • by: Erik Maulbetsch

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Adams County Republican Party Chair Anil Mathai dismissed a unanimous vote by the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission to increase oil & gas well setbacks from schools to 1,000 feet as “[capitulation] to the environazis.”

Representatives from the oil & gas industry and environmental groups both praised the deal. Colorado Public Radio characterized it as “a rare moment of agreement between oil and gas companies and conservation groups.”

Neither side appeared to share Mathai’s view of the agreement, who also attacked “establishment Republicans.”

COGA spokesman Dan Haley told Natural Gas Intelligence that he was “grateful for all who negotiated in good faith, enabling us to reach a successful outcome that will serve this state for years to come.” 

Conservation Colorado’s Sophia Mayott-Guerrero tweeted that the new regulation was “a step in protecting our health and safety by ensuring a further distance between oil and gas wells and our smallest residents.”

Mathai has butted heads with members of his own party in the past. In April of last year the spokesman for former Congressman Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) told a local radio host that “Anil likes to bully people.” In 2016 Mathai took to Facebook to vent about “cowardly traitors known as Republicans.”

Replying to a comment on his Dec. 19 post that criticized Republican politicians, Mathai again questioned his colleagues’ loyalty, stating that “most of the establishment are traitors.”

Adams County incumbent Republican State Senator Kevin Priola

It is difficult to say exactly whom Mathai considers “establishment Republicans. The recent election saw Democrats win all seven county races, and six of seven state legislative races. The lone Republican to win a statehouse race, Representative-elect Rod Bockenfeld (R-Watkins), is a political newcomer.

State Senator Kevin Priola (R-Henderson), the only incumbent Republican legislator in Adams County, did not return a call for comment.

A call to Chairman Mathai was not returned. This story will be updated with any comment from either official.


8 thoughts on “Adams GOP chair on school fracking setback deal: “COGA capitulated to the environazis”

  1. Anil Mathai is living in the wrong county for that sort of conspiracy theory to round up many votes. He ought to move to Lincoln or Elbert County.

    Also, he must have missed the memo about calling people in favor of the environment “Stalinists” or “commies”. After all the Nazis were the good guys according to the GOP.

  2. So, to recap… Adams County GOP is for kids breathing benzene,  methane, and other volatile compounds released in fracking. The Adams County GOP is for cancer, respiratory and liver disease.  Good to know. 

    Numerous peer reviewed studies emphasize a need for greater, not shorter setbacks from wellheads. Underground horizontal drilling can still accomplish goals of extracting gas, although it is more expensive.

    Fracking chemicals linked to respiratory health risks – Center for Environmental Health

    Fracking is dangerous to your health – Here's why: Forbes Magazine, citing investigative reporting by Public Herald, Propublica, and an epidemiological study by Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

    Living near oil and gas facilities may create higher risk of cancer and other diseases – Dr. Lisa Mackenzie, CU School of Public Health

    Is brain damage from fracking a prerequisite to being a member of the Adams County Republican party?


  3. It's the uberleft that should be wailing and gnashing their teeth.  This looks like a time when responsible enviros and OandG folks found a reasonable middle ground.  Colorado Risible will be cursing them.

  4. COGA can read the writing on the wall…

    if they are trying to be better players, I am all for it. Ever the mendacious bullies of the business world, perhaps they sense their bullying days are drawing to a close…and he thinks he can bully them, maybe.

    If it causes heartburn to an asshole like that, it must be a good thing. Sorry to disappoint you with my uber-lefty, LWNJ, opinion.

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