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March 10, 2010 05:05 AM UTC

Gardner misses water vote while campaigning in D.C.

  • by: BobMoore

(How many times can one person make the same stupid mistake in one campaign? Gardner may be trying for a record here. – promoted by Colorado Pols)

State Rep. Cory Gardner, the Republican frontrunner for the 4th Congressional District, missed a vote on a water bill critical to his district Tuesday because he was on a campaign-related trip to Washington, D.C., according to Jessica Fender at the Denver Post.

“Senate Bill 52 nearly died in the House this morning, only to be resurrected at the last minute on a narrow 33-30 vote. It would protect boundaries of a designated groundwater basin that’s home to the Republican River and Gardner’s Eastern Colorado district,” Fender wrote.

Full story here:…

The Yuma lawmaker came close to accusing the Democratic leadership of deliberately bringing up the bill — which he described as “an issue that really does mean life or death on the eastern plains” — while he was absent, a charge denied by House Speaker Terrance Carroll.

Gardner, who was excused from the Legislature Monday and Tuesday, said he was in Washington for campaign-related meetings, but declined to be more specific. His campaign didn’t respond to a question from the Coloradoan Monday on why he was absent from the Legislature.

His absence drew a sharp condemnation from Andy Stone, a spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: “Today Cory Gardner made his priority abundantly clear: advancing his own self interest rather than the interests of his constituents.”

Gardner also was criticized in January when he was absent on Military Appreciation Day at the Capitol because he was in Washington on campaign business.

He is one of four Republicans seeking to challenge Rep. Betsy Markey, D-Colo. The others are Tom Lucero, Diggs Brown and Dean Madere.


21 thoughts on “Gardner misses water vote while campaigning in D.C.

        1. Senate Bill 52 (Brophy-Curry) moved through the Senate 35-0 and through the House committee unamended.

          More importantly why did Markey vote for Cap and Tax?  Why does she hate low cost rural power and the farmers that rely on it to competitively produce Colorado GDP?

          1. have to weep with anguish over the horrors of democratic rule while never once mentioning that he was all in on spending THREE TRILLION DOLLARS on a useless war that drained our treasury and produced little to nothing in the way of results.

            This fool is the ultimate in irony lecturing us about wasted government spending when his gung-ho war was the ultimate unchecked and uncontrolled spending.

            Why don’t you get back to us, fool, when you find those WMD or do you even remember why you were so outraged when progressives said it was a bad idea and you called them traitors?  We now know who was the real traitor to our economy.

              1. by refusing to acknowledge he supported one of the costliest and most unnecessary government projects in the history of the United States and instead chooses to pretend he is clever with his little Internet clips.

                It must suck to be such a hypocrite when it comes to acknowledging Republican incompetence regarding oversight of government programs.

            1. who can’t acknowledge that they supported the massive waste of resources in Iraq and now pretend that they are deficit hawks regarding government.

              If conservatives like Libertad can’t face up to the deep deep fiscal waste 3,000,000,000 that is the result of such incompetent policy then how can we ever believe that their bitching about government spending isn’t anything other than partisan politics and should be ignored like dogs howling at the moon.  There is no merit to their claims when it is obvious that they are only concerned about government spending when it actually helps people.

          2. Chairman of the House Ag Committee, Colin Peterson, fought like hell for every “gimme” the agriculture community demanded [and got].  In the House version ag got a complete pass. It wasn’t a “capped sector” and was given the ability to produce unlimited offsets for the capped sectors under the bill.  And for the “cherry on the cake”, USDA was given the authority to design and regulate the program as opposed to EPA;   the second “cherry on the cake” was that rural REA coal plants ended up with approximately 80% allowances to offset any need to shift away from coal anytime in the foreseeable future.  The House version was a gift to ag…and Markey was absolutely correct to support that version.

            Low cost power to ag?  Hmmm…guess that depends on what you define as “low cost”.  Tri-State G&T [who supplies the REA’s] has seen a 100% increase in their wholesale costs to the REA’s since 1998 under a business-as-usual scenario.  The cost of coal-fired power coming out of their most recent project, Springerville, is reported to be north of eight cents/kWh, and that’s without any carbon mitigation scenarios in place.  I think “low cost” has a warped definition in your dictionary.

            1. At least he is an honest businessman who doesn’t seek to grow his earnings off the backs of the ratepayers …. or …. is he just using the regressive taxation arguement to line his own pocket books.

              He’s either corrupt or lying, which is it?

  1. I find it hard to understand how someone, especially a Republican running for Congress to replace a Dem, feels that the Democratic majority General Assembly calendar must be shuffled around his travel plans.

    Oh wait a minute, he must be watching how hard the White House and Dems in Congress are working hard to make sure every thing R is what is accomodated.

        1. and speaking of those ads, she might as well vote with Pelosi on Healthcare because if she doesn’t Pelosi will holdback financial backing.

          So Betsy look at it this way, the ads against you are already produced, its not like they’ll rework them when you vote for healthcare … and besides if you don’t … national money will rate your race in a different light.

        2. ought to ask for his schedule of meetings in DC. Likely he had one appt for 15 minutes or a mass mtg for an hour but spent the rest of his time looking at apartments, etc.

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