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March 16, 2010 12:23 AM UTC

Oh No He Didn't, Tom Lucero Edition

  • by: Colorado Pols

There are days when we feel genuinely bad for CD-4 also-ran candidate Tom Lucero, like at last week’s congressional debate–as reported by the Longmont Times-Call:

For 90 minutes on Thursday, the four candidates for the 4th Congressional District in the Republican Party varied only slightly in their responses.

Then Referendum C came up…

Tom Lucero, a member of the University of Colorado Board of Regents, said the regents supported the measure. Even with the additional money in the state budget, higher education has seen a 60 percent cut in funding, he said, and it would have been much worse without Referendum C.

Others disagreed.

“Referendum C was wrong,” Dean Madere said. “The answer is, find the money elsewhere.”

Rep. Cory Gardner said he bucked his own party in opposing Referendum C.

“It wasn’t a TABOR timeout; it was a TABOR blowout,” Gardner said…

We’d love to get Cory Gardner and Jane Norton in the same room to debate Referendum C, would be interesting to see who gets more uncomfortable. Beyond that, you have to feel some sympathy for Lucero, who made only the mistake of relating his experience on the issue–dodging a catastrophic budget cut to the University of Colorado. But doing that, as Rush Limbaugh likes to put it, “skewered the sacred cow” for Republican faithful in the room.

The dogpile that followed pretty much couldn’t be helped.


14 thoughts on “Oh No He Didn’t, Tom Lucero Edition

    1. Where do we find the money?

      K-12 we already cut that and spend the least $$ per students than most states.

      Higher Ed? Well we’ve already seen the preemptive blowout form the possibility of raising tuition to cover the cuts already made and HE is going to be zero’d out by next FY

      Medicade (oops mandated so can’t cut there)

      DOC Oh well we saw the R reaction to that..can’t endanger anymore lives by cutting that anymore

      DHS About 85% of that goes to senior, children and the disabled. And if I remember correctly cutting what they have already (one of those cuts being two beds in a R district GJ/penry) was the political equivalent to pushing the elderly down a flight of stairs.

      Judicail Nope because the legislature doesn’t control judges salaries and that department controls their own funding.

      That leaves about 311 million left to cut which contains the entire state legislature and the rest of misc gov. That won’t even come CLOSE to the gap projected for next year!!

      PS Regan did raise taxes during his presidency and that was what proved to be what got the country rolling again. Face it, you need gov to do these things that the private sector has NO interest. And when the private sector tries and fails… who is it that they come running to with their hands held out?

  1. If he has the guts to stand against the Anti-C “Drown Colorado in a bathrub” crowd, he may attract the attention of real Republicans out there.

      1. or your “math” that says you need to have “revenues” that match “expenditures” or that the only way to pay for “roads,” “bridges,” “schools” and “prisons” is with “taxes” and “fees.”

      2. You”re a carpet-chewing, Colorado-hating,

        Grover-Norquist-worshipping, Drown-Government in-a-Bathtub doo-whack-a-doo.

          Plus, you’re a diehard Kansas City Chiefs fan.  

      3. view the opposition as an “enemy.”

        I would even bet shoot us in the back if the opportunity presented itself.

        Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh both advocate hunting Liberal Democrats.

        never mind the GOP actually sides with real enemies to eliminate the United States government at all levels…

        “reduce government small enough to drown it in a bathtub” is the republican call to action.

        Republicans are traitors, nothing more.

        1. can be just as fanatical as right-wingers, Froward, you’re not even close to meeting that goal.  Why not rethink whether that goal is truly worth pursuing?  

  2. New BMW X5

    New Buck & Gardner bumper stickers

    Texas license plate

    Yes folks, that anti-tax, right-wing, GOP supporter has Texas plates to avoid paying Colorado taxes. Way to support the state you live in…

    1. Send goons out to mug old ladies in nursing homes!  Since we’ve laid off all the cops, that looks like an easy choice.  Ahh, the beauty of cuckoo-clock politics.

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