(This is just…odd – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Jane Norton shakes it up by dumping campaign manager Norm Cummings and hiring… Senate Minority Leader Josh Penry with three weeks in the legislative session to go?
Colorado Senate Majority Leader Josh Penry is now campaign manager for GOP U.S. Senate candidate Jane Norton. He replaces Norm Cummings, the campaign announced today. The move reported by the Denver Post “The Spot” blog minutes ago is both startling and unsurprising.
Penry is a popular figure among conservative grassroots voters here and he seems at very least to be disaffected with the state senate. He ran for governor last year before stepping aside in November for six-term Congressman Scott McInnis, for whom Penry worked for years as a staffer. Penry has been touring the state on and off with McInnis ever since and also waging what sometimes seems a campaign for McInnis from the senate floor, taking stabs at McInnis rival Gov. Bill Ritter, then Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, when his name was floated as a possible Democratic candidate for governor, and now Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, who announced his candidacy in January.
Penry told the Post that he didn’t plan to resign from the Senate. He’ll be working both jobs. It’s not clear exactly what his credentials are to run a U.S. Senate campaign.
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And I can’t believe its actually true. Sounds like a cover-up for firing your campaign manager. Usually that’s not a part time job…
will now be the Jane for Senate offices…
Nothing like milking those taxpayer dollars.
he will be a GOP hero, and the Tea Partiers will forgive him when he makes a future run for office. Voters have amazingly short memories.
Her polling is fine, she’s raising money (not as much as Bennet), and the Dems are in the middle of a deliciously self-destructive idiotic primary.
What’s not to like?
We’re looking at a pretty small sample here.
Real People couldn’t give a shit less about it.
Besides, Romanoff doesn’t have the money to run negative ads and Bennet isn’t running negative ads.
AR needs to go really negative very soon if he wants a chance at winning.
I am having a huge effect with my benevolent advice for Colorado Dems.
I also think Bennet ought to do some campaign commercials in leg warmers. That would be great for his campaign. Leg warmers and a hardhat.
I think Jane should dress up as a Burrito and bird dog all the Buck events…Buck loves him some burritos…
I’ll make sure the secret Star Chamber Committee gets that idea.
Look how symbiotic we’re being! Sir Robin must be so proud of us.
I mean for a Republican that’s wrong all the time…
“…like Carville and Matalin…
…Lenny and Squiggy…
…LB and Twitty…are gettin’ jiggy…On Pols!”
should do in blasting ‘tax and spend’ Jane.
I could swear her opponent is picking up endorsements faster than you can say ‘hand picked establishment candidate.’
Did Jane just fire her campaign director?
You can’t make this stuff up.
She raises alot of money, spends alot of money and goes down in the polls.
Then she fires her senior people as if they are to blame for her lack of leadership and a coherent message.
First she is a fiscal conservative, but has a problem with her history as to referenddum C.
Then, she is the only person who can raise money.
Then, when someone spends money on behalf of Buck, that money is tainted as opposed to her $350K in PAC money.
Then she says she represents Colorado values.
Quitting on the assembly is a Colorado value?
Waffling between inconsistent messages is a Colorado value?
Blaming others for your failures is a Colorado value?
Now she hires a guy who drops out of the governor’s race who has never ran a statewide campaign and is in the middle of a legislative session.
This is nuts.
how short are our memories H-man, don’tchaknow Penry ran for governor himself once!? that’s a statewide race, right!?
Running for statewide office and running a statewide campaign are two entirely different things. Penry has never ran a statewide campaign though he has run for statewide office.
That’s what H-man was saying would be my guess.
I, too, could file some paperwork, bail out when it became apparent I would lose (immediately in my case), and say I ran for statewide office. This even though I never even got close to the caucuses, much less the primary or general election.
My point is that you haven’t really run for statewide office if you bail before the first test. It’s like saying you took calculus in college when you dropped the class before the first mid-term.
Dan Maes will be looking for work in August — maybe the Norton campaign can replace Penry with Maes two or three shake-ups from now.
I think it is.
I could have sworn I said, never run a statewide campaign.
I see you set up your account yesterday; usually, trolls are smart enough to post a few comments before they spew the talking points. If at first you don’t succeed…
I have followed Coloradopols for about 6 months. I think David does the best job interviewing candidates in Colorado of any of the “media”. I have just started posting but I can assure you the views are mine and not anyone else’s.
I do support Ken Buck.
I also now think that Penry is functionally a spokesman and campaign manager is just a title to play to an ego.
I thought it was a worthy comment and it’s good to have conservatives commenting here.
And maybe…you can point it out to us if Libertad ever makes a point.
Just kidding, tadpole.
I have a feeling that things will be interesting for the next few months.
The problem with Penry is he does not feel constrained at all by the truth.
His MO is to just make stuff up.
That is now going to be attributable to Norton. When you lie down with a dog you wake up with fleas, comes to mind.
Welcome aboard.
In a few months, we might be tempted to take you seriously.
Provided you behave, that is.