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June 24, 2019 07:08 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Kim Jong Un said that he would seriously contemplate the serious content”

–Korean Central News Agency


19 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Let us open the week's dialogue with the words of Isaiah: Come, let us reason together.

    So, we ask quietly, reasonably,
    Why does Trump Stink?

    For Great God Almighty, 

    Trump Stinks!

  2. Thanks, Governor Polio!

    Colorado vaccine skeptics heartened by ‘pro-choice’ Jared Polis

    The state ranks last in the nation for childhood vaccinations. But its governor has consistently supported parents' rights to opt out of immunizing their children.

    When Gov. Jared Polis told reporters last week that he’s “pro-choice” on vaccines, “that was music to my ears,” said Philip Silberman.

    Silberman, the leader of the state’s largest group advocating against mandatory vaccination and promoting — against the nearly unanimous consensus of medical professionals — that vaccines are medically risky, said Polis’s open-mindedness on the issue is refreshing to vaccine skeptics used to being dismissed or demonized.

    "Wrong about what? It’s not the decision I made for my kids. I gave my kids their shots, their immunization. I encourage all parents to give kids immunization," Polis said. "We have in our state Christian Scientists, we have people who have objections, and nobody should be forced to do anything with their bodies. I’m pro-choice children suffering and dying from easily-prevented diseases."

    FTFY, governor!

    1. I believe in the right to suicide, but only for rational adults.  A Jehovah's witness refusing a life-saving blood transfusion is suicide.  A 12 year old kid dying of meningitis whose parents refuse to treat her with anything but prayer is murder.

      We're not last in the nation for child vaccinations.

      We're first in the nation for child murder.

  3. Is there some sort of secret ban that prohibits government officials and even Dem candidates from mentioning 1) potential cyberattacks or 2) E Verify?  Foe example, I heard nothing re: cyberattacks during an extensive Leon Podesta interview.  And, Biden’s immigration plan doesn’t appear to mention EVerify.

  4. Kinda makes you question our junior senator's proficiency in math (but I get it that it works when you apply the logic to #DrumpfEconomics)

    Former Shale Gas CEO Says Fracking Revolution Has Been 'A Disaster' For Drillers, Investors

    'Destroyed on Average 80 Percent of the Value of Their Companies'

    “The technological advancements developed by the industry have been the weapon of its own suicide,” Schlotterbeck added, referring to the financial impacts of shale gas drilling on shale gas drillers. “And unfortunately, the industry still has not fully realized how it's killing itself. Since 2015, there's been 172 E&P company bankruptcies involving nearly a hundred billion dollars of debt.”

    “In a little more than a decade, most of these companies just destroyed a very large percentage of their companies' value that they had at the beginning of the shale revolution,” he said. “It's frankly hard to imagine the scope of the value destruction that has occurred. And it continues.”

      1. Because if there's the slightest chance that something will be a benefit to anyone who isn't a white, cis, churchgoin' (a real church, not one of them weird ones) 100% red-blooded real American, it gets voted against.   


    1. Well no. Rural districts don't "grow them dumb".

      But keep them willfully, intentionally ignorant, yes. Yes they do. And cognitive dissonance comes as a BOGO. Thanks for tuning in to Fox, and circulating every dumbass meme the Russkis cook up to keep you confused and angry all the time!

      So we have folks busily circulating petitions to repeal the National Popular Vote so that their minority Republican votes in Colorado could,  somehow in redneck fantasyland, determine which Presidential candidate the majority votes go to. Coloradans said "No" to split electoral votes in 2004.

      So they want their political views counted. They just don't want their physical bodies counted. And, in particular, they don't want the brown bodies of their immigrant neighbors counted.


      1. Speaking of….(shameless shout out for Andrew Romanoff). 

        On my last trip across the eastern plains I drove by at least five small school district who have brand-spanking-new school facilities.  In Wray we've just started a one-year plan to build a new middle school and remodel much of the existing K-4/9-12 facility.  A $35mm endeavor made in large part possible by BEST.  A big shout-out to Andrew (kudos as well to Cary, Peter and Gail) for the vision to bring these first-class facilities to rural Colorado communities, most where the school is literally the heartbeat of the community.

        Yet another example of just how much Democrats hate rural Colorado.  

        1. After spending a belated Father's Day weekend in Wray with the parental unit and full-frontal exposure to Faux News and Newsmaxx for a couple of days I think I can say with a lot of confidence that if this is all rural Colorado is watching the long-term prognosis is grim (and splains a lot of things on the plains).  Did you know that Ukrainians who immigrate here have to pay $1,000 (I assume that's part of the mail-order bride package costs) while those 'brown people' coming in from the south get in for free?  That Pelosi's secret plan is to abort white babies and turn us into a nation of brown people?  That Dimmicrats hate God? That the blacks and hispanics are the silent majority for Trump because they love his economic policies? It was like watching a warped political version of Hee Haw.  

          1. The life of a village atheist is not an easy one, Michael.  I take comfort in the fact that reasonable rural people, though a minority, are by and large an outstandingly civilised folk.

          2. No doubt that $1k/Ukrainian is being split 50/50 with Putin . . . 

            . . . “It’s a yuge, yuge bargain, and, I’m hearing folks everywhere say that it may possibly be one of the greatest deals ever in American history!”

            Watch for next week’s big announcement, on our yugest sale evah . . .

            . . . One small hint: Norwaygians!

      2. How about … 
        any county with less than 5,000 responses, or 51% of the residents which is ever less, gets decertified and merged into a neighboring county.

        At the moment of decert/merge – county supervisors are fired from the decertified county. County staff are initially absorbed in the absorbing county for no less than 90 days. 

        Or the nonresponsive county (ies) can petition to join the nearest non-Colorado state.

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