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September 19, 2019 09:16 AM UTC

WARNING: Armed Gun Nuts Likely Outside Beto Town Hall

  • by: Colorado Pols

As we reported earlier this week, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, who has emerged as a strong advocate for gun control on the campaign trail after a deadly shooting in O’Rourke’s hometown of El Paso earlier this summer, will hold a town hall meeting tonight in Aurora. The event is being held inside the Aurora Municipal Center on East Alameda beginning at 5PM. If you’d like to attend you can RSVP here.

We are obliged to inform you, however, that protesters from the state’s hard-right gun rights group Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) are expected to be out in force near the event:

And by out in force, unfortunately, we mean literally out in force:

Even many locals may not realize this since so many public rallies are in the City and County of Denver, but in Colorado open carrying of firearms is generally allowed outside the boundaries of Colorado’s largest city. O’Rourke’s increasingly blunt campaign promises to remove AR-15 and AK-47 type assault weapons from civilian ownership through a mandatory buyback are exactly what Dudley Brown and his “no compromise” gun rights supporters say they fear most, and there is a scenario in which a substantial number of RMGO supporters descend on this town hall openly carrying assault weapons that make them visually indistinguishable from a mass shooter arriving to kill people.

Our purpose here is not to frighten anyone away from tonight’s event. But if you’re going, you do need to be aware of what you may find outside. We of course hope that everyone present, armed and not, conducts themselves “respectfully and responsibly.” But even in the absence of something terrible, and we hope we see in tomorrow’s news that nothing terrible happened, openly carrying assault weapons in a town with Aurora’s history, to intimidate people after this summer of deadly mass shootings across the nation, is a sickening affront all by itself.

Politically, we can only hope it will backfire like most of RMGO’s self-immolating ideas.


28 thoughts on “WARNING: Armed Gun Nuts Likely Outside Beto Town Hall

    1. Agreed.  It's one thing to parade around in a DNA-stained dress, quite another when you elevate it to this level (particularly if you're a federal employee and your spouse is a federal appointee). 

      1. Additionally, the dullard in question is so ignorant of the rules of punctuation that his eructation is incoherent.   I doubt this is moddy, who never stooped that low, but the computer signature should reveal it.

        1. I think you're giving our little basement dweller too much credit.  The toll of spending the entirety of his tax savings on the failed recall efforts is showing. 

          If it wasn’t him he should be along shortly….

          1. You mean, like his devolution after his party's ass-kicking last year?

            Honestly, I laughed at the stupidity.  But glad, whoever it was is gone.

            Also, even the handle was slanderous.

                1. He was an annoying twit early on but he got A LOT worse after last November's election.

                  He's changed his name three times since then:  ColoradoOverreach, Podesta'sEmails, and more recently, the StainedBlueDress.

                  And his mouth has become much more vulgar than it ever was.

    2. We've done so.

      Anyone is welcome to create an account and participate in discussions here, and we only minimally enforce standards of decorum. But we are obliged to remove potentially libelous content and reserve the right to intervene in cases of irredeemable slurs.

        1. Now I know why our little degenerate is so mad.  Hearing people say they want more done in response to the epidemic of gun violence threatens his only real sense of manhood:


          It was no accident that Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, who has separated himself from his rivals with blunt talk on gun control, chose Aurora as a campaign stop Thursday night. So, it may have been no surprise that by the rally’s end, political rhetoric had given way to something closer to a therapy session for people traumatized by gun violence.

          One woman nearly sobbed as she spoke. Opponents of gun reform cite their constitutional rights, she said, “but we have a right to send kids to school, … to have a life without fear.”


        1. He'll stick his head in there before he flushes it, and flush while it's still in there and blame us for giving him a swirly.  Because he's a perpetual victim.

        2. I love that you think I am every conservative who ever comments on this stupid website. I am not any of them, and you people are dumber than a box of rocks.

          I dont have time to argue with you anymore but I still read to see the daily craziness of the Colorado left. You never disappoint. See you never! Or maybe all the time! You'll never know for sure….

          1. Well, they say the same fascist talking points free from any critical thinking you do, even saying them the same way.  If this site is so stupid, why post here?

            Also, if you had been gone all that time, what were you doing?  Drowning your sorrows, and you came back after you stopped crying like a baby?

            Also, I’m wondering if you managed to get Dudley to give you your money back.

            Also, are all these posts coming from a taxpayer-funded computer provided for your job?  Our tax-dollars at work.

  1. I love that you think I am every conservative who ever comments on this stupid website. I am not any of them, and you people are dumber than a box of rocks.

    I dont have time to argue with you anymore but I still read to see the daily craziness of the Colorado left. You never disappoint. See you never! Or maybe all the time! You'll never know for sure….

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