U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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September 19, 2019 03:35 PM UTC

Yes, Everyone Believes This is Possible

  • by: Colorado Pols

Media outlets have been scrambling to uncover more details about an alleged whistleblower complaint that might involve President Trump making some questionable promises to a foreign leader. Earlier today, Trump made a poor attempt to brush off the story:

“…is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader…”

Hmmm…let’s go to the polls:

Are You Dumb Enough to Believe that President Trump Would Say Something Inappropriate to a Foreign Leader?


3 thoughts on “Yes, Everyone Believes This is Possible

  1. So, are we talking just the leader’s of the “shithole countries” . . . 

    . . . or Australia, Mexico, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, China, Russia, Norwegia, Icecubia, Alabahamia, Puerto Rico, and the 184 others?

  2. Can we choose "All of the above"? The question is: is the offense simple extortion (bribery) – which is explicitly called out as impeachable – or is it something worse but legally more complicated like offering aid to a country in exchange for something another foreign country (e.g. Russia) might want?

  3. As the New York Times Editorial Board puts it:

    The No. 1 task of America’s intelligence and law-enforcement communities is to identify and deal with threats to national security. The problem, as explained by Jack Goldsmith, who led the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel under President George W. Bush, is that Mr. Trump’s behavior has repeatedly revealed “the extent to which our constitutional system assumes and relies on a president with a modicum of national fidelity, and decent judgment and reasonableness.”

    In other words, the system isn’t designed to deal with a situation in which a hazard may come from the president himself.

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