“Every wave, regardless of how high and forceful it crests, must eventually collapse within itself.”
–Stefan Zweig
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BY: 2Jung2Die
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IN: Pettersen Part of Proxy Voting Push for New Moms
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IN: Legislature Convenes with New Idiocy from House Republicans
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IN: It’s Long Past Time to Ban Body Armor
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IN: Legislature Convenes with New Idiocy from House Republicans
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I do declare! It's getting so powerfully, powerfully hot in here.
Australian ambassador to Washington rejects key claim by Lindsey Graham
I do declare.
Team trump is clearly on a mission now to say there is nothing wrong with asking foreign governments to help with investigations of political opposition and other stuff.
Why, we all do it all the time.
Later, it will be more of the whistleblower (s) being unfair, inferior (immigrant, fat, female, non-white), deep state political operatives, Obama did it, her emails.
They should get their stories straight – Pompeo looked pretty surprised that he had directed Giuliani to do anything, bless his heart.
But Giuliani has memos and texts and recollections.
Publicly now. Today it’s China.
It’s what the constitution calls for, apparently???
Perhaps Franklin could make himself useful as a preacher and do things like feed and clothe the poor? Call out the fallacy of the #prosperitygospel? Seriously, GFY
Franklin Graham: Impeachment could cause US to 'unravel'
Do you think his father would be proud of him?
They both pray to Republican Jesus.
And since there is nothing wrong, Trump is announcing he's thinking about asking China to investigate the Bidens. On a White House driveway, in front of news media microphones and cameras.
VOX: Trump just encouraged 2 countries to interfere in the 2020 election — on camera He’s just doing the impeachable conduct in public. Will he get away with it?
An explanation:
PS. This summer, after Mr. Trump said that he would be open to taking information from a foreign power, Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, posted a statement to Twitter reminding him (indirectly) that it was against the law. She posted it again today and added, with a microphone emoji, “Is this thing on?”
It IS because of lies and the media. The media persists in uncovering and calling out his lies.
I know…maybe he could just have the Justice Dept. look in to it. Maybe a government takeover of Amazon and the NYT and only allowing Fox News and Salem Broadcasting on air. It could work.
We interrupt our regularly-scheduled programing to cut to the Jacob Wohl presser on Lizzie: (Siri, please tell me how to stop cry-laughing that this moron wants us to believe Liz is having a long-term affair with a 24 year old former marine she solicited for sex through a website?)
Thank God(dess) for Q.
There must be some serious *hit coming at Trump today to need a distraction like this.
If true, I'm going to send her money.
Shock the conscious? Wow, that's way worse than shocking the conscience. RWNJs are apparently afraid of science even when it's just part of a word with a different meaning.
Jacob Wohl is a walking advertisement for condoms.
They claim a "long-term relationship" started "several months ago."
No doubt that's long-term by Trump standards. After 51 years of marriage, I don't agree.
By David Dennison standards, months is enough time to create a whole new galaxy.
, to V and Michael.
And right back to Notaskinnycook and Karen
If memory serves, they have more than 32 years together proving that love and loyalty can defeat ignorance and prejudice.
. And if anybody tells you your memory is slipping, tell them to come talk to me, V.
I’m sure this will very soon all be corroborated by several officials of the Azerbaijani government, and the Guaraní tribe, that Giuliani and Barr (Ttump’s dos locos Roy Cohns) have been recently
promising paying offspeaking with . . .I'm guessing today's 2:30 EST bombshell fizzled like the one yesterday?
If you want to be entertained by the goats supporting Drumpf you need to go no further than this Tweeter thread today. The comments are priceless.
Perhaps it is just a typo and he was taking down the "sling."
I'm sure it is pure bullshit but on the other hand, it makes Elizabeth Warren much more colorful than the image of the pedantic schoolmarm she currently exudes.
A 24-year old boy toy! Wow! Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson!
I hope is false and demonstrably so.
If it's true, her candidacy is over. It's not fair, but it's the way it is.
It appears (shockingly) to be yet another Wohl stunt…but it is giving Lizzie some street cred with the young-uns!
Here’s a script for her press conference:
Cameras clicking, hum as Elizabeth Warren steps up to the microphone.
Reporters: ( overlapping) Senator Warren! Senator Warren!
She calls on a Washington Post reporter.
WPR: Senator Warren, You were accused of having a sexual relationship with Jacob Wohl. Do you have a comment?
EW: (pauses, looks over her glasses. Smiles). My comment is that this is an absurd and completely baseless story, made up by a Trump supporter as a distraction from his own Ukraine scandal. Besides….
Reporters gearing up for more questions, talking over each other.
EW: Besides, if I were ever going to betray the trust of my loving Bruce, my husband of 35 years, don’t you think I would have better taste in a partner than Jacob Wohl? This man scarred his own back by incompetently putting up a swing, exhibited it on Instagram, then boasted that he got it from sex play? With me?
EW fixes the crowd with an intense blue stare. Silence from reporters.
EW: Please. Give me credit for better judgment, at least, ladies and gentlemen. Now, I’d like to discuss a policy for increasing the general intelligence of young males, and decrease inanity in general. I have a plan for that.
I don't pay excessive amounts of attention to the sex scandals of politicians, but I'm having a hard time thinking of one involving a female politician that did NOT involve a male politician with her.
Guess we need to start advocating for Equal Rights AND Equal Wrongs among elected politicians.
This isn't Colorado politics, but for anyone following Devin Nunes' Cow on Twitter this is rich:
Nunes files $75M lawsuit over Esquire story about 'secret' Iowa dairy
PS: FU Sonny