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August 24, 2010 05:48 PM UTC

No Shying Violet for Tom Tancredo

  • by: Colorado Pols

The Colorado Statesman’s Leslie Jorgensen breaks the story:

“Pat [Miller] is going to be my running mate!” exclaimed Tancredo on Monday night. “She’s a proven conservative and true pro-lifer.”

“Tom called me on Thursday night. I was organizing a bake sale and he said you need something bigger to do,” recalled Miller. “He asked me to be his running mate.”

“We’ll have the most conservative ticket for state governor in the country,” said Miller…

Miller, who now lives in Erie, was elected to the state House in 1989 from Arvada, and served one term. Her voting record was pro-life, pro-gun, anti-tax and very conservative. She lost a reelection bid to Democrat Jim Pierson in 1992. Two years later, she ran unsuccessfully for the 2nd Congressional District seat against Democrat David Skaggs.

In 1996, Miller challenged Skaggs again – but this time, his campaign painted her as a compatriot of militia movement. It hit a raw nerve after the April 19, 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and others involved in a homegrown, militia-tied network…

After GOP ‘bombinee’ Dan Maes picked a relatively unembarrassing running mate–who nevertheless promptly enraged conservatives after her record began to circulate–Tom Tancredo’s choice of legendary right-wing firebrand Pat Miller is just breathtakingly awesome. We don’t mean that in terms of improved prospects for Tancredo, or Maes for that matter–this choice sets up an ideologically riven Republican base, and further removes any doubt that John Hickenlooper will be elected Governor by a large plurality. But make sure you stock up on the popcorn, because this will be one of the most entertaining elections you have ever seen.

Even if it will get a bit nutty.


25 thoughts on “No Shying Violet for Tom Tancredo

  1. Tancredo Touts as the “most conservative”???

    most “whacked out” is more like it.

    This proves the inmates are trying to run the asylum.  

    1. “I’m a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment and all the Constitutional Amendments,” she declared.

      Are she and Tom Tom going to argue about #14?  

        1. that whole freedom of religion thing, separation of church and state.

          these two feel the persecution of Christians… I am sure of it.

          Morality trumps liberty and freedom with these two.

  2. Oh, sweet Mother of God!  Pat Miller??

    As if there weren’t clear enough choices before.

    Maybe as an economic development tool, the Governor should invited Leno, Letterman, Fallon, Dailey and others to set up temporary studios in Denver through the election.

  3. was doing this for the good of his (now former) party and would drop out were wrong. Those who figured from the beginning it was just Tank looking to burnish his wacko right celebrity star without reference to any moral or political considerations (may as well expect those from a lizard) were right. Dems can now afford to put even more money behind Bennet.  Also can thank Tank for raising awareness of ACP.  The more extra parties just big enough to drain a few percentage points from the GOP, the better for Dems.

    First we Colorado Dems were blessed with the gift of Wadhams, a guy who hasn’t demonstrated a clue for several cycles.  Now the gift of Tank.  It would be tempting to believe these guys were actually cleverly planted long term sleepers working to destroy the GOP from within if not for one huge hole in that theory: The laughability of the idea of Dems pulling something like that off.  

  4. Tancredo, boyles, bay buchanan and pat millar are funny together….and they don’t have to take this show on the road, boyles will be tancredo all four hours a day, five days a week….  You can catch the show on local TV (and national tv?) this noon and probably this evening…

    The repub party is boycotting the boyles show, but he will  be helping the”down ticket.” for example:

    -boyles has tied bennet right around hickenlooper’s neck.

    illegal immigration will be the ISSUE see: sanctuary city.

    I have been trying to claim credit for identifying the influence of “boyles the kingmaker,” and noting that I was  dismissed, royally, by Colorado Pols.  However, everytime I try to copy and paste the exchange, I get a red “error” message something about violating the “string.”

    So the exchange happened on June 29th and I pointed out that boyles had played kingmaker with both maes and buck.  CP said that boyles couldn’t be a kingmaker if he spent the rest of his life flipping “Whoppers.” I think I have been proved right because:

    1) Both Maes and Buck won their primaries.

    2) Tancredo announced he would run on the boyles show…boyles has abandoned Maes for tancredo, but not before a nationally  repeated all out three way with Tancredo, wadhams and boyles.

    3) the boyles show is routinely cites as a breaking news source, on this blog, on national shows (see MSNBC) and on the paper which cannot be named.

    I rest my case.

  5. Clearly, the extremism of some republican candidates will turn off moderate Colorado voters like me.  But why is this only happening in Colorado?  I read that the well-respected Charlie Cook is predicting a republican landslide.  From what I can tell there are a lot of extremists out there on the republican side  – wo why are the republicans only imploding here?  

    1. Wadhams and Tancredo. Also implosion is a little strong. It’s more like it doesn’t look as though Rs will gain much, if anything, here, not a matter of R seats going D.  More tsunami failure than implosion.

  6. Well, again I have some history.  Pat was first elected (to Tancredo’s state house seat) with my help as Chair of the Jeffco Party.  She defeated sitting Jim Pierson the Democrat who had won the seat two years before.  Two years later, after the Republican Convention (where we were both delegates and seated next to each other) I along with a host of the other moderates in the Republican Party helped defeat her.  Jim Pierson again the Democrat.  I have always liked Pat personally and she is honest, forthright and sticks to her principals.  They aren’t mine, but they are hers and she’s not ashamed of them.  She is to this day beloved by the Republican Party.  She is respected.  Frankly, she will help Tancredo push Maes even further into oblivion.  Since Lt. Gov. picks only seem to matter to the party faithful, this is a good move by Tancredo to pull away more conservative votes.

  7. Go, Tancredo, go!  It’s great to see you taking another republic from the frying pan into the ACP fire.  I think more heads on the right are going to be exploding as this news gets out.

    I’m still waiting for ol’ Tom to follow his party’s tenents and stop his Congressional pension & lifetime health benefits; maybe this will become a debate topic when all 3 candidates are have a true 3-ring debate.

      1. sounds close though. I’ve never heard it any other way than shrinking… although I have no idea why the idiom came to mean shy and retiring. No good etymology sources found in the Google either.

  8. Tom Tancredo has never been a member of the American Constitution Party. So he suddenly becomes one, just so he can run for governor when his own party picks someone he doesn’t like.

    The original ACP pick for governor, Big Ben Goss, meekly obliges.

    Pat Miller has never been a member of the American Constitution Party. Tom Tancredo calls her up and she drops her bake sale and joins him as his Lt. Governor candidate. This just a few days after Tancredo had indicated that the existing ACP Lt. Governor candidate, Dayhorse Campbell, was still his running mate.

    Although Tancredo directly opposes key elements of the ACP platform, such as requiring Congressional veterans to forfeit their pensions, he goes on the radio this morning proclaiming that platform is more important than party.

    Forget what’s going on with Tancredo and the GOP: what the heck is up with the ACP? Is it an actual political party with its own platform, or is it just some sort of sad farm team for has-been Republicans?

    I’m curious, Barron X, since you have been a member of the ACP before it became a minor-league GOP: Are the couple of thousand ACP members and the rest of its supporters happy with this turn of events? How do Ben Goss and Dayhorse Campbell feel about being unceremoniously dumped for first Tancredo, and now this Miller character. I’m serious.

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