Last week Michael Bennet debuted a montage-syle ad taking snippets of Buck comments, largely out of context, to try to paint Buck as an extremist. Did anyone from the Bennet camp ever actually listen to the tape of Buck’s alleged eliminate the Department of Education gaffe? I don’t think so.
It did not take American Crossroads long to introduce Bennet’s latest gem “trillions in debt and nothing to show for it” which he recently shared, shedding light on the result of his job performance, in Greeley last week.
Two themes emerge. Bennet does not dare talk about the issues or his job performance. Instead he tries to demonize his opponent. Good luck at making that stick. If you have to make up stuff which can easily be shown to be not true, Buck comes off better, Bennet comes off worse. (see, Romanoff Birthday invite story).
Buck, or more precisely those acting in his interest, plan on tying Bennet to Obama’s agenda and the economy.
Does anyone think that Bennet’s strategy is a winning strategy?
Apparantly Ken Salazar, who was out helping Michael Bennet this weekend,does not think it has so far. He has been comisserating with Bennet about how he started off as an underdog in his race too, according to the Post.
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showing the way the stimulus package worked (it did). Must be tough, strong. Needs to nail it and nail Buck for not knowing anything about economics. Spending during a recession stimulates the economy.
Must…………. get………… off …………… Pols.
I fear that he is being handled by people and they think making Buck look bad is a ticket to success. It is not.
He might be a great guy, personally. I don’t know. I’m just one of thousands of Bennet supporters.
Maybe to dems but he is losing the moderates. They need to hear a reason to vote for him. I haven’t heard any.
Bennet has admitted we got nothing for the stimulus. Even your own Democrat leaders know the stimulus was an absolute failure.
you are Buck’s appointed internet Hit-man, and you’ve identified me as a Bennet target to discredit. No need. I am a peon supporter. You have bigger fish to fry, my “friend”.
Your initial diary with the concentration camp reference pissed me off, the rest followed as a result.
I converted to Judaism 25 years ago. Raised three kids through confirmation and bar-mitzvahs, and proud of it. I wouldn’t use those words.
If that is the way you took my post, I apologize for the unintended consequences. I don’t use the words “concentration camp” loosely, H.
If you did not mean it that way, appology accepted.
Why do I get emails from you about the campaign?
I don’t see you in my email address book, BJ. What’s your address?
I saw your HuffPo article, that was what tipped me off:…
How does writing blog diaries indicate I am more than just a supporter? Anyone can write a diary. I am not paid by the campaign — just a volunteer with my own personal opinions.
From your website:
“Our board members are veteran grassroots organizers with decades of experience organizing in political campaigns, non-profits and in diverse communities.”
“Executive Director and On-line Specialist: Nancy Cronk
Nancy is a veteran political activist in Colorado, and a 2010 Fellow at the Center for Progressive Leadership. She previously worked as a Field Manager for doing voter registration and voter turn-out, and as a Community Organizer with “Colorado Change That Works”. She has been involved in local county politics in several different roles, and serves on her local Fire Protection District Board. Nancy has volunteered on numerous political campaigns throughout her adult life.”
And one of your staffers is an SEIU guy? Man, the roots run deep.
There is a storm brewing out there. Bloomberg is indicating today that a 10 Senate seat pick up is on the way.
The way things are alligned, if the Republicans pick up 5, Colorado turns red.
I have been thinking 7 but things keep going our way.
Bennet -toast;
Markey – done;
Perlmutter – turning to toast;
Salazar – behind.
If we could only get the governor’s race straightened out it’d be a clean sweep.
Volunteer polical activists. I’m sure there are some on your side, too, BJ.
Hardly just an average volunteer.
But, why am I telling YOU this? lol
1. I need to make an edit.
2. Thanks for the plug. Do you want my resume, too?
What level of debt is ok with you? Seriously, what’s the magic number that we have to get down to? Obviously it’s not $0, because you didn’t care when we increased spending and decreased revenues last decade. Do you just want it back to 2008 levels? Is $10 trillion ok? And once you have a number, why’d you come up with that number?
If congress decided to pass the deficit reduction bill and immediately begin to enforce it on spending, would that make you happy?
In the absence of being at war etc, I think that is what we should strive for. What do you think?
Actually, let’s pretend that they were able to create a budget surplus, therefore reducing debt. Do you not assume, based on their political philosophy and as demonstrated in the early Bush years, that republicans will argue that additional revenue should go back to the people instead and enact tax cuts? How then would we ever get our debt back to $0?
We can all agree our economy is still at a tipping point. We aren’t seeing normal levels of growth, but we’re no longer seeing things stagnate. We do, however, expect congress to create policy that will drive the economy back in the “right” direction. What I don’t understand is how we go about doing so on two contradictory republican talking points – cut taxes, reduce our debt. I understand the simple answer is to cut spending, but as you admit, two wars would make it very difficult to get down to a surplus.
It clearly is a process and not an overnight thing. There wil be needed pain to share. First thing is to get to a point where the bleading stops, so to speak. Then, hopefully we can get the economy growning somewhat and the expansion will hopefully provide the ability to make installment payments on the debt.
I would be happy if we could keep taxes where they are, or will be by January, and get a budget passed with no growth. I would like a revised tax plan, eliminating most credits and deductions. I am not a fan of social engineering. I would eliminate, for example, the mortgage interest deduction. We have renters subsidize home owners and then subsidize the renters because there is no affordable housing. The system is contradictory and crazy.
Just some of my ideas.
I admit that historically republicans have show the same backbone as the Dems to control spending. I am hopeful, however, that there are several new folk going back to the Senate that will look at things differently. An act of faith, admittedly.
Hopefully we get the same situation in 2011.
No, beej, it was the bond market and Clinton’s economic team that brought about a balanced budget. And as soon as Republicans were back in full control, they set about turning surpluses into massive deficits. The facts are at odds with your faith-based version of history, but they’re still the facts.
It was Newt Gingrich and the Republican Revolution of 1994.
But you’re wrong about that.
But I guess liberals don’t use those. Emotion all the way! (Or in the case of Obama, “blind hero worship”.)
It’s been documented multiple places. Go get yourself a copy of that Greenspan fellow’s book and read up. Even he claimed that it was Clinton’s policies that led to the growth and surplus of the late 90s.
Interesting ad. I’m not much good at judging effectiveness, I thought the ‘Wolves’ ad in 2004 was rather blatant but it seemed to be convincing for many people. I found the graphics and pictures distracting and hard to follow but the spinning monkey might stick. I’m still not sure what the $2.5B per day is from, it’s an impressive number, though. Maybe I’m one of the few, but it doesn’t say, “I’m Ken Buck and I endorse this ad,” which, after watching that spiel too many times I’ve come to expect.
Like I said, I’m not good at judging these ads, I thought the hit on Buck was so-so, not nearly so damning as some here seemed to think.
I do think Bennet needs to put out an ad stating his agenda for the next six years if elected. I think Buck’s is clear, not positive, but clear. Bennet hasn’t really set out his goals and needs to do it before too many ads like this one run.
Buck doesn’t endorse the ad. To do so would get into legal issues that they seek to avoid.
I tried to look it up but couldn’t understand what the subject was. Anyone know? That’s a reference to the issue the ad wants Bennet to vote no on – right at the end.
from Library of Congress:
To exempt certain amounts subject to other information reporting from the information reporting provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and for other purposes.