Of course, so are the 2010 CO R top of the line up.
Maes, Buck and Tancredo.: This is the Colorado Republican 2010 all star team? Really?
¡Mein gött in himmel!
Maes is a delusional psychotic with narcissistic tendencies and reoccurring paranoia. Tancredo is running to save the R party by destroying it.
So Buck cannot compete with these two in some ways. But in others, he’s the clear champ.
Buck has changed more claimed positions since the primary than any candidate I’ve ever seen. Until recently I thought he would at least to stick to tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, and never raise taxes. But we now know even that was only temporary.
I have no idea what the guy believes except that he should be a US Senator, he should not have been disciplined for blowing the prosecution’s case when he was an AUSA, and that he has real no shit, bullshit on his boots.
I was not a George W Bush fan. But at least he never waffled. He was who he was almost all the time. Likewise, I was not a huge Bill Clinton fan. But he was who he was.
Obama is governing as he ran, a left leaning moderate. Bennet is a running as who he is – his answers are too long, he has not even attempted the kolaraaduh accent, and his hair cuts and open collars are questionable. But it’s 100% Bennet.
Who is Ken Buck? What are his most firmly held policy positions? Does he really want to privatize Social Security? Medicare? VA heath care?
Will he sponsor a Constitutional amendment to prohibit abortion?
Will he sponsor a Constitutional amendment to impose term limits?
Does he really want to repeal the 17th Amendment?
Does he propose to fix the deficit by cutting spending or raising taxes or both?
Which spending? Which taxes?
Does he support a progressive income tax? a regressive consumption tax? The FAIR tax? The flat tax? Elimination of all federal tax deductions?
Does he really want to eliminate federal guaranteed student loans? Or just go back to privatized gains and socialized losses?
Which part of health care reform does he want to repeal? The Medicare fix that added ten (10) years to Medicare’s actuarial solvency? The requirement to insure kids with pre-existing conditions? The insurance exchange? Or is it just the death panels and 16,500 new IRS agents?
Does he stlll agree with Tancredo that President Obama is the greatest risk to the USA?
Speaking of Tom Tancredo, he once advocated for the elimination of all publicly funded education (as has John Andrews). Does Buck agree?
Is there a single significant policy position, stated in the positive, (i.e, what Buck is for, not as something he’s against) that has not changed from the primary to the general election? Bonus for finding one hat won’t change again after Nov 3.
Does he really believe we’ll believe it’s all nuance and gotcha politics and not just him pandering to whomever he thinks is in the room and whatever he thinks they want to hear?
Of course, it may be the most brilliant political strategery executed in recent memory. Tell the camera man that the teapartiers are idiots who need to shut up, tell the teapartiers that they are right. Everyone hears what they want to hear, and ignores the dissonant statements. It’s even better than dog whistle politics in that it relies on the fact that when faced with conflicting information voters rely on emotion, allowing themselves to forget that their favorite R “conservative” raised taxes, or fought a war of foreign intervention and nation building.
Either way, dishonest pandering or brilliant political tactic, Ken Buck’s 2010 campaign is offensive.
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“Obama is governing as he ran, a left leaning moderate.” That’s the biggest whopper I’ve heard in a long time. Obama campaigned as a conservative (remember “tax cuts for 95% of Americans”?), but has governed as a hard core Marxist.
It was in the (horrors!) stimulus bill.
I know you didn’t notice since you don’t actually pay any income taxes, you just get a big check, but even you got a little more through the various credits such as “making work pay.”
A onetime check from the government is hardly a tax cut. It’s actually known as “welfare”.
get a tax cut, it’s “welfare” because the dollar amounts are so trivial. But when the rich get tax cuts, well, those are the real deal. Even when they create no jobs, generate no economic growth and we have to borrow from China to finance them.
Oh, waitaminute!
This is one of those opposite day things, right? 180Вє
A tax cut is a tax cut. Everybody should get them. They do create jobs and they do generate economic growth.
Exactly what should be the budget of the federal gov’t?
And how should we pay for it?
You are apparently certain that taxes are too high.
You also have claimed the deficit and the debt are negative.
What spending should be cut?
How about farm subsidies? In 2008, the federal gov’t gave farmers approx $24billion of ag subsides. And approx 3.5 billion came to farmers in Colorado. 08 was a good year for farms. Why did the taxpayers have to spend $24b ?
Where do we cut spending to make the tax cuts you vlaim will help not balloon the debt?
I know, it’s “math” and math class is tough but ask for help if you need it.
I’m accustomed to Buck supporters radically changing their positions once a week, but once an hour is TOO FAST!
Because they were temporary?
I wasn’t talking about everyone getting a check from the government, just you (because you actually are getting welfare payments because your income is so low). Most people still pay money to the government in taxes.
But 95% of people paid less in taxes last year and this year, both due to the “making work pay” credit and the reduced paycheck deductions.
Normally “paying less in taxes” is the same as “getting a tax cut.”
Is English not your first language?
But if I’m eligible maybe I should check into it. I could donate it all to conservative candidates. The making work pay thing was not a cut, it was a check from the government. Even if you didn’t pay any taxes you got the money. So no, they’re not the same. I don’t know what language you speak.
And all tax cuts are magic job creators?
Seems like it’s all extra dough in people’s pockets and less in Uncle Sam’s.
Either way, it all runs up the deficit because that’s how budgets work. I guess you’re okay with that now. Way to abandon your principles.
Tax cuts should be used to create jobs, not extend welfare.
“Making work pay” was a tax deduction for normal people. For people like yourself who collect government subsidies, it may have looked like a check, but that’s because you aren’t productive enough to pay taxes.
But yes, you should get yourself on welfare. Clearly you’re not actually doing any work for your government checks, and at least then they might ask you to clean the side of the highway or something.
Liar. You still haven’t answered what you pretend to do for a living. I do real work. And seeing as how the U.S. keeps slipping in math and the sciences, I would say my job is fairly important.
and it’s not real work. It’s a favor that the government does for people who are neither ready to get a real job nor willing to struggle while earning a degree. I don’t generally have a problem with it since most of your peers appreciate the favor (as did I). But nobody thinks it’s important work.
Tax cut = cut in taxes = pay less in taxes = tax cut. It’s really easy.
In fact, I think somebody posted a video on just how valuable teachers are earlier today. So shut it.
Tax cut = economic growth = hiring = jobs (+ more tax revenue ). Yes, it is quite easy. Too bad Obama can’t find his way out of a sack.
Some people appreciated it. Try introducing yourself to one of them someday. They’re fascinating people.
Laughing maniacally about it doesn’t make it false.
But because it is false, I laugh maniacally.
All objective observers agree with Democrats.
Republicans are still lying about it.
I really hope you treasure these moments.
I think you left out…for the richest 2% of Americans (the rest will pay whatever their base income tax rate is, per my understanding).
So you think that working Americans, vs. those that just make money off money (much of it earned the ‘honest way’ via inheritance) should pay a higher rate than trust-funders? How egalitarian of you.
Your paranoia about next year is irrelevant to that. Anything else is you lying.
coming, I mean, since the rates on the richest were lowered below the Reagan rate (not to mention the rate under that evil
anticommunist, General Dwight D Eisenhower) the economy just up and wentbustboom! At least the richest are richer and the income gap between poor and richest is the largest ever! Yeah, Bush ‘Daddy called it VooDoo’ 2!Full employment. Then Dems won the house, and things went downhill from there. Bush would have prevented the recession by regulating Fannie and Freddie.
Look out your window (Mommy’s basement has one, right?) and describe the color of the sky for me.
FYI, the sky is burnt orange with roiling thunderclouds, foreshadowing the events of November.
I mean, to pretend you’ve won something.
Your ignorance is stunning and impossible to ‘argue.’ Sure, tossing some flameballs at the crap you post can be mildly entertaining, but no one–I imagine–thinks that any argument, any fact, any information, any scientific documentation, any peer-reviewed article, indeed any iota of evidence would ever budge you from your deeply held beliefs.
Here’s my comment again. Let’s see if you have anything useful to say this time.
Those tax cuts remain in place. Keeping them will suddenly and magically create jobs now, how exactly? As Pappy said, it’s Voodoo economics. Trickle down didn’t work then, it doesn’t work now. Tax breaks for the richest makes them richer as the middle class gets squeezed. Keep American jobs in the U.S.? Not if you’re the Party of Hell No! Increase lending for small businesses? Not if you’re the Party of Hell No! Help the heroic 9/11 first responders with their medical bills brought about by their efforts to help and do their jobs–you know after the Bush EPA administrator said it was all safe (although they had ample data to suggest otherwise)? Not if you are the Party of Hell No!
But let’s keep a trillion dollar war (or two) ‘off budget’ (That’s something the Party of Hell No can get behind–fiscal honesty? Hell No!).
Can you provide some historical examples of how trickle down works so very well?
Otherwise just more spitting up of tired GOP schtik. I get that you believe it, along with Biblical creation, the ‘falsehood’ of climate change (perhaps you meant AGW?), and I get to the uninformed it might sound plausible. So I can surmise why you embrace it so wholeheartedly.
Yes, I’m glad you asked. I can provide a great historical example. Ronald Reagan cut taxes and saved us from the Carter years.
Like God ‘making’ women out of the rib of man.
That would be Ronald Reagan Conservative Action Figure President, correct, rather than the actual historical figure?
And I mean that with all sincerity. Teaching is a real job, being a teaching assistant–sure its important–is a perc of being a grad student.
Hell, even I was a TA. And I don’t have the inflated opinion of my academic credentials that you seem to possess.
The most valuable part of my education has come from the real world–not the ‘ivory tower’ of academia. Starting my own company, earning my living at real jobs for a few decades. I’m not some fresh faced ideologue who just fell off the turnip truck, or who has been but a ‘student’ (and not a very curious one by appearance) my entire adult life.
Is teaching a worthy cause or not? Seeing as how teacher’s unions are a big constituency of yours, I’d say you guys generally think they are important. I didn’t just run a lab or something. We have course coordinators but for all practical purposes other than writing exams I have taught for 4 years.
I do agree with you that real world education is very valuable, which is why I get so upset with the theoreticians who think Keynesian economics works and climate change is real. However, I do still think being a professor (or one in training) is a real job. We need the theory, even if it must be modified to be applicable to the real world.
How about ‘theoreticians’ that engage in the Devil’s work? You know, biology?
but overall, yes. No, we are not all going to die in a ball of fire (unless Jesus comes back and the earth is destroyed that way). The earth is recovering from it’s sun-spot caused fever.
Which is your favorite Buck-flip?
Tax cuts?
How does it feel to be betrayed by that two-timing, tax-raising, Pro-choice Buckeroo?
Pay as you go and then the new 30 billion dollar TARP type bill.
On most issues Bennet is afraid to take positions for fear of pissing off one benefactor or another so he just doesn’t take postions.
I hear Bennet is going to borrow Romanoff’s old van so he can find himself a backbone.
Every time Bennet votes, he takes a position. Your guy never has.
Buck should borrow the van- unless
hissome 527 will buy it for his use. Except to make your metaphor work, Buck would have to drive it in reverse all over the place and I;m pretty sure that’s against the law.Stop threadjacking please. When you post the same thing over and over all over the blog it’s just spam.
You should create a new one
or you could just give up all pretense and attempt to hide and just login as bigfatliarnofactwilson.
Nobody would recognize me under those names.
Your (lack of) writing style would peg you.
no facts, up is down, ideological one liners followed by childish taunts and pouts.
And strawmen.
but then, I actually read what you write. I can understand why you wish people didn’t do that to you.
When grading my students, I sometimes have to look hard to find their mistakes. With bjwilson83 it’s always really easy.
at least you will always have that…
Please don’t attempt to out me again.
I don’t think you’re setting a good example for your students. Hey, you brought up grading your students papers.
And I have emailed Pols to ask you to be banned for harassment and attempted outing.
You call me blowjob all the time and Pols never banned you. How exactly did I out you? I did not post personal information. I asked a question if you were a teacher based on your statement that you grade students. I have no inside knowledge of what your job is. Quit being such a hypocrite.
You didn’t ask a question. You asserted that I teach kindergarten kids mathematics. That’s outing, by the standards you want to apply to everyone else on the blog (or at least the people who disagree with you about something).
There was a user who posted personal information about Laughing Boy’s job a while back who (rightly) got banned for it. This is pretty similar to me.
Enjoy these last few comments you get to make.
based on your statement to the effect of 11 > 10. If you asserted I was an astronaut, it would not be outing. In fact, if you said I was a grad student, it would not be outing. Many people have referenced that and I have had no problem with it.
you egotistical little man. We are not subject to your whims.
You violated the terms of use you helped create. Clearly and explicitly. Distracting attention from it, claiming it was all a joke and in good fun, claiming everybody does it, none of that changes the basic facts. You attempted to out me to score a political point.
You’re just having a hissy fit. You brought your job up in the first place in an attempt to score political points; don’t try to blame me for that.
then used it to ban a long-time polster when that person noted what had been posted by that particular irksome individual?
Oh yeah, I recall, some little man-child with a vulgar name.
Pols duly noted this in a comment explaining why the comment was worthy of banning.
You tried to guess it because you think it’s insulting if I teach kindergarten students.
You have lied about me, you have libeled me, you have defamed me, and you have tried to out me.
Enjoy your last day on the blog.
See you tomorrow.
I have no idea what your real name is.
and you are now libeling me.
Are you telling me your screen name has some other meaning now? If I knew how to search comments I would find it. You told me it was an abbreviated form of sexypen15.
You’re lying.
Very good. [Pinches bjwilson83’s soon-to-be-banned cheeks]
BJ is attempting to out SXP. He should have his account suspended.
I though wilson said outing is bad. Is this another one of his 180Вє deals?
He says it’s bad, but he means it’s good. No wonder he likes Buck so much.
Though it appears he has given up on Amaesin Dan altogether.
Sxp mentioned “his students” in a post, and claims to be better at math than me. Outing is when you use a person’s real name. I have no idea who sxp is.
That’s not how CoPols TOU defines it.
It’s not how you defined it before.
It’s just how you define it now…. Ohhhh, see – it is another one of those 180Вє deals. dangit.
but what I have just said in the immediately preceding post.
If you remember anything I’ve ever said about myself before the current post and repeat it, you are outing me.
Your rules, shithead. Deal with it.
Read what you just wrote.
Nothing. This is something you are repeating in order to endanger my job for political gain.
You have crossed the line you drew. Now you will be banned.
The math thing was tongue in cheek because you pretend to be better at math than me. I guess I hit to close to home. I had no knowledge of what your job was. If anybody’s job has been endangered, it has been mine. Nobody knows who you are.
Libertad 2.0 is attempting to impersonate Libby. He should have his account suspended.
and li’l Tadpole said he liked it. Or have you become the uber-tattle tale now BJ?
One day you might grow up.
then I am at the very least going to point out that he shouldn’t be here in the first place.
But one day you might grow up.
I get it; you don’t want anyone to know about your dark deeds.
to many 6-year-olds. Apologies kids.
I hope Pols’ promised updated rules include something about suspending the accounts of those who repeated ask for others to be outed. A “boy who cried wolf” kind of rule.
BJ Wilson is a whiny little bitch. He should have his account suspended.