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May 14, 2020 06:45 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.”

–Soren Kierkegaard


20 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread


    An excellent piece from Salon  by David Cay Johnston…


    How Bill Barr is advancing Trump’s quest to become "president for life"

       What the corrupt "Injustice Department’s" move to drop the case against Michael Flynn really means


    An extraordinary court filing demonstrated that Trump has one standard of justice for his enemies and an entirely different one for his allies. The court action shows how fully Trump has turned our Justice Department into his personal protection agency. Goodbye equal justice under the law.

    The 108-page filing is rife with falsehoods and tortured interpretations of established facts. Such is a mendacious necessity since Flynn twice confessed to multiple crimes under oath in open court. It argues the lies Flynn told FBI agents were not "material" to the case against him. The trial court judge already has dismissed that as nonsense.

    It also argues that there was no legitimate reason ever existed to investigate Flynn. That is astonishing since Flynn was secretly a well-paid agent of foreign interests while serving as Trump's national security adviser.


    • Will Republican senators, notably lawyers Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Lamar Alexander and Ted Cruz, at long last stand up for the rule of law.? Or will they continue as moral jellyfish – blind, spineless and floating aimlessly in the waves of chaos and corruption flowing from the Trump White House?
    • Will Speaker Nancy Pelosi authorize House investigative hearings into Trump violating his oath to "faithfully execute" the duties of his office and endangering our national security?
    • If Trump persists with his refusal to cooperate with all House investigations, will Pelosi exercise the House's Constitutional power to arrest recalcitrant witnesses? That includes Barr. If appropriate, try them and upon conviction incarcerate them for contempt of Congress and other crimes.


    Flynn and his company were on Putin's payroll and worked for Turkish interests with deep ties to the Kremlin. Flynn was paid at least $680,000, some of which he lied about. At the time he was the president elect's designated national security adviser.

    Judge Sullivan has  told Flynn "arguably you sold out your country." Trump, on Thursday, called Flynn "a hero."

    "All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the national security advisor to the president of the United States," Sullivan told Flynn.  "That undermines everything this flag over here stands for."

    "This is a very serious offense… A high ranking senior official of the government making false statements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation while in the White House, very serious crime."

    Judge Sullivan isn't going to let this happen.

  2. How does it work?

    Is Wisconsin  required to change th ename of the state to Felecia?

    Or is it optional?

    Or is th ename change for the individual residents.? Or just those who actually die from C19 now?

    bye, Wisconsin

  3. One could drown in this irony: 

    Coronavirus drives health insurers back to Obamacare

    Health insurers fled the Affordable Care Act in the early years of the law, fearing that losses from covering too many sick people would eat away at their profits. Now the insurers increasingly view Obamacare as a boon while job-based health coverage faces its biggest threat yet in a crashing economy.

    1. It’s my sense that insurers get some coverages for their losses under Obamacare from the government. 

      Typical corporate behavior — retain all them red-white-and-blue individual-freedom risk-taker profits and other benefits in the good times, while avoiding paying taxes because, well, it’s their money and they earned it; foist all the losses off on society . . .

      . . . greatest healthcare system scam in the world!

  4. Mark Joseph Stern from Slate has a nice comment on AG Weiser's argument for the Supreme Court:

    In light of this [Supreme Court Justices'] skepticism, Noah Purcell, who argued for Washington, and Philip Weiser, who argued for Colorado, had little to do but sound like reasonable defenders of the status quo. They passed with flying colors. … Thankfully, a majority of the justices—perhaps all nine—sounded cautious and sensible enough to reject that result. Chiafalo and Baca are, as Weiser put it, “a dangerous time bomb” that could trigger a “constitutional crisis.” But justices across the ideological spectrum seem to recognize that this particular bomb could blow up in their faces.




  5. Burr stepping down as Senate Intel Chair (he obviously didn’t properly weaponize the Intel Committee in favor of Trump’s interests). Someone’s going under the bus and with Loeffler’s money and her husband’s influence you can be sure it was never going to be the senator from the Peach State. 

    (In case you’ve missed it, Loeffler has been one of the most visible Trumpist senators on TV the past couple weeks).

    FBI serves warrant on senator in investigation of stock sales linked to coronavirus

    Federal agents seized a cellphone belonging to a prominent Republican senator on Wednesday night as part of the Justice Department’s investigation into controversial stock trades he made as the novel coronavirus first struck the U.S., a law enforcement official said.

    Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, turned over his phone to agents after they served a search warrant on the lawmaker at his residence in the Washington area, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a law enforcement action.

    Such a warrant being served on a sitting U.S. senator would require approval from the highest ranks of the Justice Department and is a step that would not be taken lightly. Kerri Kupec, a Justice Department spokeswoman, declined to comment.

  6. It seems as though the voice of boot-strappin’ watermelon farmers has a bone to pick with mail-in-ballots. Who’d have thunk?  The comments are priceless 

    Maybe a refresher course on how the military has voted since the Civil War is in order? 

    How do you know voting by mail works? The U.S. military’s done it since the Civil War.

    It’s now easier in some ways for a Marine in Afghanistan to vote than it is for an American stuck at home during the COVID-19 lockdown. And some lawmakers and advocates want to use the rules that lets that Marine cast a ballot as a model for how all Americans could vote in the November presidential election if the pandemic continues.

  7. “[imitating Ttump] We won! And to celebrate, I’m giving every American a big marble trophy with their name on it and the year they were born.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

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