We keep telling Republicans flocking to the standard of American Constitutional Party candidate Tom Tancredo that they are going to dearly regret it, but they’re evidently too busy running away from Dan Maes to care. Meanwhile, the Pueblo Chieftain’s Patrick Malone reports:
Speaking to a crowd of about 500 at the Denver Sheraton Downtown during the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry debate, Tancredo said the audience generally blames him when its meal arrives cold or late.
“When we came in, we lost half the waitstaff and the kitchen staff,” Tancredo said.
He was alluding to his reputation as a hardliner on illegal immigration and seizing on the generalization that illegal immigrants tend to hold jobs as cooks and waiters or waitresses. The audience greeted the joke with a chorus of groans…
Ah yes, the groans. Tancredo is no stranger to them. Business owners in the audience groan–but also the fastest-growing bloc of voters in America (Latinos), people who think ethno-economic stereotypes are gross on general principles, and most other well-adjusted people. Tancredo is a walking, talking embarrassment, and a very small part of us (not, obviously, the part concerned with Colorado’s reputation or future) would kind of enjoy blogging his absurdities, and the generations he would set back relations between Latinos and the GOP, for a few official years.
Fortunately for everybody, he’s doing a great job reminding people why that’s not going to happen.
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indicates that you’re getting worried it might indeed happen.
We’re pretty sure Tom Tancredo doesn’t truly think that Tom Tancredo can win the governor’s race.
He was on Rosen just this morning talking about exactly what percentages he needs to win from each party and unaffiliateds. He seemed to think he could hit the numbers.
hitting the numbers in Powerball.
He has to spend money on TV ads now. Real ones, not the ones where he forgets to take his clothes off before he takes a shower.
I honestly think there’s a pattern developing here.
Shot paid for and run in a timely fashion in adherence to a time line as to when they should run?
in other words bj Adds run on a certain date in a certain order…
Tancredo thought he would “Hit the numbers” to be president too.
the narcissism of Tancredo knows no bounds
as well as Would Tancredo sound worried or voice ANY concern on the radio? NO.
have you read about the Cell bias being LARGER this year than in 2008?
(R)assmussin is exclusively Land line…
sorry to burst your (flopped over right) Balloon… just sayn’
Why is it that you, BJ, and other Republicans seems to have such a fascination with blow-hard chickenhawks who never had the balls to actually serve their nation but love to drape themselves in the trappings of national defense? In my book, such hypocrisy is equal to cowardice.
I know most of you rationalize your inability to actually stand for something beyond mere rhetoric with some half-hearted excuses about being a better asset working elsewhere, but it’s still quite pathetic.
Nice try genius, you registered today.
The camel’s back is only so strong, BJ.
….but I’ve been reading your single-minded rhetoric for the past few months.
I finally got fed up with the same inane drivel.
You finally got so fed up that you had to cowardly create a 2nd screen name because you didn’t want your usual one to get tarnished.
Beej, after you posted your comment I went to the list of logged in users.
Wong and V’ger were both logged in at the same time.
If you had done that, you could have avoided looking like a dumbass.
And if you really believe that Wong is V’ger, that was your second attempt to out him or her. Eventually that shit is going to catch up with you.
Plus, who’s to day someone can’t have two computers running at the same time? And, I never said it was V-ger.
And apparently, you really are pretty pissed that Tancredo is winning.
Remarkably similar to V-ger though.
There’s plenty of veterans out there who intensely dislike chickenhawks and those who support them. Especially younger chickenhawks like yourself, who are a disservice to the nation as a whole.
I know Rasmussen is terrible. That is why 538.com calls it reliable. Rasmussen was the first to notice that Martha Coaxley and Libby Dole were going down.
I win if hick wins, you win of tank or maes wins. You’re so confident, want to double it?
You might want to take a look at the new poll first though. Tee hee hee.
I doubt you’re going to pay me anyway when I win, based on your character and what you’ve said about me in the past. Maybe we could add an apology diary on Pols instead of another $100.
I, in contrast, meet my obligations. That’s why I have a letter from the President of the United States thanking me for my service.
You will demand payment if you win, you will find some reason not to pay when (not if) you lose. It’s called Beejonomics.
So, is the bet now $200?
Lol, like that gives you any credibility. I, unlike you, am an honorable person and would pay.
The president of the United States who signed my honorable discharge was Richard M. Nixon.
Who signed yours — oh, you don’t have an honorable discharge. You didn’t serve. It was much more important for you to blog.
So much better for your credibility. Genius.
The United States Constitution mandates that the President of the United States is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
When a member of the Armed Forces receives an honorable discharge, the President traditionally sends him a letter appreciating his service. It is undoubtedly signed by the auto-pen, but is heart felt nontheless.
I didn’t vote for Nixon, but he was my president and I served my president and my nation with honor to the best of my abilities in a trying time for our nation. Our stand against Communism eventually ended with the fall of the Soviet Union and victory in the Cold War. And my President and Commander in Chief recognized that.
You have never served anything other than your own selfish wants. You avoided the military, you stayed out of the Peace Corps.
I doubt that you even joined a service club, like Kiwanis or Civitan.
Of course, there is one world leader who you undoubtedly admire and undoubtedly he would have sent you an appreciative letter.
Unfortunately for you, however, Hitler died in 1945.
If you could just keep your tongue in check a bit more, I could be more respectful. But despite your years of service, that doesn’t give you the right to demand I take your insults without fighting back. I have not “avoided” the military; my life’s calling was in another area. There is no draft that says every single young person has to serve in the military. Although I probably would have considered it if I were a bit beefier. Comparing me to Hitler is just despicable and unbecoming your supposed “honorable” discharge. If I could choose a world leader to send me a letter it would be Reagan. The best I’ve gotten so far is a signature from Palin.
I have those of the President of the United States.
Also from John McCain, by the way, a fellow veteran of that war.
So, tell me, cite one thing you did that was “service” to your country.
Not to your own monstrous ego, your personal ambitions, your political hopes.
Your country.
You know, the United States of America.
Great endorsements… more like the kiss of death. I worked at a national laboratory for a summer.
That’s something.
As to McCain, he was a prisoner of war and tortured for many years by the communists.
I’ve met him a few times and mentioned we were veterans of the same war, though I added — accurately — “I didn’t do one percent of what you did.”
We talked for a while and when he left, he said to ME — “Thank you for your service.”
I was almost too choked up to answer, and finally got out “And thank you for yours, Sir.”
I don’t expect you to understand, why being included in the brotherhood of arms with heros like John McCain meant so much to me.
But of course, I don’t expect you to share my admiration of McCain — though Sarah Palin does. After all, he was only tortured for his country.
Whereas, after all, you worked at a national laboratory for a summer.
And were you singing the same tune about John McCain in 2008? I suspect you slimed his name as much as you could then.
that particular conversation was in 2008.
That’s what I just said.
Another nugget of wisdom from the “honorable” V-ger.
True to the narcissist’s code, you never admit you made a blunder. I recounted my meeting with John McCain, leaving the date out. You shot back that I was singing a different song in 2008.
You then claimed you had said that in the first place!
That is why I know you have no personal honor. You lie instinctively, because you refuse to admit your blunders. I need to stop wasting time on a narcissist.
Go spew your hate somewhere else.
When The Beej is on CO Pols, he’s typing with one hand.
attached to Mr. Hard Body.;-)
I asked if you were singing the same tune about McCain in 2008. You “corrected” me by saying that discussion was in 2008, which is the year I just gave. Lay off the crack.
it’s pretty funny that you would call yourself an honorable person.
V-ger more honorable & likely to pay up than Beej ever could (probably lie to his Grammy 2 score any cash).
You find somebody we can both trust to hold the money in an escrow account and I’ll throw in another $50.
I am honest, with my own money too.
I will make sure the winner is paid.
I doubt you can be happy that your site has been hijacked by a right-wing moron. Just look at the above dialogue, it is truly a waste of time. And, not for the first time.
Please, please do something to get rid of this idiot.
Voyager where are you (in general) to get this bet organized.
thunder mountain Harley at the Loveland Greeley exit is the best place to meet up or the Hooters there in the parking lot.
But we should organize a Pols meet up in your neck of the woods sometime.
bj then i guess you will be having problems paying off your loss.
Then just whom would be “honorable”
I am available to hold the wager.
you are the least likely person I could trust. It’s got to be someone we know and trust in real life. Unfortunately, I doubt our circles of friends coincide much.
Lets meet at City O City. I’ll take bof of youz guyz monies.
I don’t feel good about taking money from a fool. And anyone who would bet on Maes, as you originally did (though I threw Tancredo into the bargain, making my bet Hick against the field) is a fool. Anyone who would double down on Tancredo is also a fool.
I’ll send you an address so you can pay your bet to a charity. I just like to call your bluster by demanding that you put your money where your mouth is.
In the incredibly unlikely event that Tancredo wins, you can either give me an address to mail it to you, or do like I did and designate a charity. Or meet me face to face, without a goon squad of Buck goons to work me over.
so make sure his cash doesn’t go to the League of Dumb Friends or to his basement dwelling Farmville meet-ups
The beej has lots of dumb friends. I will try to explain to him that I DIDN’T mean Ken Buck;-)
but my underlying premise was that Republicans would eventually settle on one candidate. Just as they have. I’m paying you directly; you can give it to a charity if you want. I’m not meeting you face to face without some serious protection or guarantee that you won’t assault me.
I would call you a pansy but that’s frowned on.
It’s my age. And bjwilson’s IQ.
and he used a gay slur. Ban hammer!
And carefully guard his secret.
And I didn’t use a gay slur on you. As a matter of fact, I specifically said I wasn’t going to call you that.
So go piss up a different rope.
I was able to figure out who he was pretty easily. You just did use the “gay slur”, dummy.
You’re a he-man. I’m a lily-livered coward, a “pansy” to use your favorite anti-gay slur. All I ask is that you stand face to face with me and repeat those claims.
How about it, He-man?
Or is the sound of the Chicken Hawk heard again in the land?
You want to meet face to face, we do it where someone can arrest you for assault if you attack me.
I’m not stupid.
as the beej did, might lead people to question this statement of his”
Never said that. You didn’t specify which President.
Only beej would be dumb enough to think that a guy who he knows is on Medicare would have served in the military in the Obama administration. Anyone else would have figured that out.
Didn’t Obama just cut Medicare?
Obama and Congress just eliminated the “Medicare Advantage” giveaway to the insurance companies.
Just another casualty of believing your own talking points.
There may be a reduction in the rate of increase. Even a Tea Bagger should be smart enough to know that a reduction in the rate of increase is not a cut anywhere except in Washington, D.C. Even Ken Buck is smart enough to know that. Ask him sometime: “Mr. Buck, is a reduction in the rate of increase for Medicare a cut?”
He will probably answer “Yes, if it embarrasses Michael Bennet. No, under all other circumstances.”
That’s who you remind me of, BJ.
It’s easy to bluster on the internet, but in a face to face meeting the usual civil decorum’s tend to assert themselves. I hardly think that both sides need an armed guard to settle a gentlemanly bet.
Did you really type that? Put your pants back on Mensa.
Just in case the math has escaped you……
Do they groan? Or did they snicker?
IF there were any internal groans, it was because self-proclaimed “businessmen” bemoan the lack of cheap labor, undocumented and therefore unorganized. Of course, FACTS show a net emigration of Central Americans since and during the recession as jobs have disappeared.
Let us not pretend there ever has been, will be, or ever could be a relationship between Latinos & African-Americans and the Republican party. The “Republican Party” in this state has been seized by whites making themselves out as Teahadists who are frightened that their status as the dominant, majority tribe is about to disappear, frightened that their automatic assumption of positions in government is no longer automatic, as witnessed most spectacularly by the election of Barack Obama. As in the past, in 2010 the Teahadist Republicans can’t break 90–either on the golf course or on their IQ tests. TA RA RA included.
It doesn’t matter in the least that Colorado Republicans–from candidates to the ordinary saps at the country club–do not have a sophisticated understanding of economics–or any other subject (if there is one). They are voting from another part of the anatomy. While people (including me from time to time) may say this election is about jobs, it’s really about something different: tribal paranoia. Proof: Tom Tancredo.
that he would use the Governor’s office to continue his immigration antics as he did for ten years in the U.S. Congress. He is incapable of governing. It’s just one big nut show.
1) Native born Hispanics are angry at the illegals because they compete for jobs and the anger toward the illegals bounces onto any Hispanic. Therefore, Tancredo is picking up Hispanic support.
2) The talk about citizenship and needing “papers” to vote, etc. etc. will have the impact of depressing the Hispanic vote, IMHO.
Disclaimer: I am a democrat. I do not respond to bj’s posting.
And will again.
So what, are you saying we should take jobs away from natural born Hispanics and give them to illegals? No wonder they don’t like the Democrat Party.
Democratic party. as well as those Latino’s that the *border crossed. are not as ardent republican as you might think bj.
they like everyone else do not like nor need added competition for Jobs.
people Like Tancredo do not realize that Spanish surnames do not exclusively reside in Mexico.
* some Latinos cross the border… For some the border crossed them. (after the Spanish American war 100 years ago.)
it should be you wiping your hands after all that diarrhea spewing from your fingertips.
I was gonna post “dwyer wipes ass with asswipe BJ” but I was holding off until someone else posted.
at healthy levels so I feed it like, once a day. 🙂
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You’ll be banned.
Another thread highjacked by inanity, threatened outing (or fake fear of outing), pitiful victimhood and plain horseshit.