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June 10, 2020 02:04 PM UTC

President Trump Already Won Re-Election!

  • by: Colorado Pols
You betray me, sweat glands!

If you had any doubt whatsoever that Dear Leader Trump and his campaign were freaking out about losing to Democrat Joe Biden in November, this story will put your mind at ease. As The Washington Post reports:

President Trump’s reelection campaign is asking CNN for an apology and demanding a retraction of a poll this week that shows presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden with a sizable lead, claiming it was designed “to manufacture an anti-Trump narrative.”

CNN said Wednesday that it stands by the poll, which showed Trump trailing the former vice president, 41 percent to 55 percent, or by 14 points, among registered voters in a November matchup.

In a letter to CNN president Jeff Zucker, representatives of the Trump campaign questioned the methodology and timing of the poll, noting that it was largely conducted before better-than-expected unemployment numbers were released Friday…

…While Trump has complained about polling dating back to the 2016 election, this is the first known time that he or his campaign have threatened legal action to suppress results.

Trump’s poll numbers have been plummeting in recent months, making this argument even dumber than it looks at first glance. The lawyers and PR people at CNN wasted little time in crafting a rebuttal. Here’s what Executive Vice President and General Counsel David Vigilante wrote back in response:

To my knowledge, this is the first time in its 40 year history that CNN had been threatened with legal action because an American politician or campaign did not like CNN’s polling results.

To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media.

As has been reported previously, staffers have already taken the step of showing Trump false polling data so that he doesn’t yell at them so much. It was probably inevitable that they would eventually start telling Trump that everybody else’s polling data is fake.

To recap, President Trump is absolutely, positively, definitely not trailing Joe Biden in national polls by 14 points. As a matter of fact, President Trump already won the November election even though it is still 6 months away.

Take THAT, liberal media!


4 thoughts on “President Trump Already Won Re-Election!

  1. A traditional response to a bad poll is to point to a "good" poll, or to release internal polling which undercuts the results. 

    Arguing about which days were included for a poll designed WITHOUT knowing what the numbers of a government report would be has got to be one of the silliest approaches I've seen.  Doing so without having a poll that included the days desired that indicates the news mattered to the results is lame. 


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