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(R) Somebody



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(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Brian Mason




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(R) Somebody



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(D) Joe Neguse*

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(D) Somebody



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(D) Somebody



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(D) Somebody



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(R) Somebody



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(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



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October 18, 2010 03:46 PM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Repartee is something we think of twenty-four hours too late.”

–Mark Twain


157 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. Hickenlooper, is he having a Cloakly-like campaign run to Nov 2nd?

    Obama-Pelosi destructive policy making still looms large for the US.

    IIRC Salazar didn’t vote for cap and trade …. otherwise they all voted right down the line with the Obama-Pelosi.

    1. …because I’m still not understanding how a Senator, who votes in the SENATE, can vote for the Speaker of the HOUSE.

      Another long night playing America’s Army with Beej?  

        1. 12 million jobs held by illegal aliens while millions of citizens and legal immigrants are jobless.

          12 million illegal aliens holding down wages in America.

          Vote for Dignity, Vote Tancredo

          1. The FOP is a hardy organization and Bennet supporters will no doubt be embolded.

            However over 107,000 unemployed Coloradans and their families have not benefited by the Colorado Democrat caucus 95-100% alignment with Obama-Pelosi.

            Granted John S. went against Obama-Pelosi on Cap and Trade, but there are few other major issues (if any) that where they have taken centrist approaches.

            Point two, just where has the Denver Post been on the leadership of Ken Buck in gay hates crimes such as Zapata?

            GREELEY – A man convicted Wednesday of using a fire extinguisher to crush the skull of a transgender Greeley woman was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole just over an hour after a jury returned guilty verdicts on all four counts charged, including first-degree murder and hate-crime charges. Weld District Judge Marcelo Kopcow imposed the mandatory life sentence on Allen Andrade, 32, for murdering Angie Zapata, 18, last summer in Greeley.

            1. I mean, how do you go from an organization that represents law enforcement saying they don’t trust the Weld County DA to talking about lost jobs to immigration to how the legal system convicts murders?

              I’ll respond in the same coherent fashion – both Tank and Buck have NO veterans issues either on their websites or in public comments(well, other than Buck wanting to privatize the VA.)  in a state that veterans represent 12% of the population, and that vote 71% of the time, it seems pretty out-of-touch and well, STOOPID!

              1. They’re all at the top of the thread, so they help Libertad get more attention.

                Seriously, he does this all the time in just about every open thread.

  2. “Repartee is something we think of twenty-four hours too late.”

    –Mark Twain

    Yesterday’s slugfest over the Bennet-Buck Meet the Press Debate had at last count 397 comments/arguments.    

    Question:  What’s the record on CPols for a given thread?

    1. may have won w/ his evolution nonsense.

      Since the chaff outweighs the wheat over there, my thoughts here, ignoring the ignorance displayed by thinking that homosexuals choose their orientation (h/t BlueCat).

      “Buyer’s Remorse” may not be a huge issue, but “man up” and at least admit you could have chosen your words better.  Bennet using his three daughters was a good dig which appeals to all parents.

      What do you want to achieve personally?  Buck wants to be a good golfer, Bennet wants his daughters to be succesful.  Selfish v. interested in others.

      Gregory was hard on both of them.  Most of the debate was him pressing them on their negatives.  I didn’t hear a ton of platform questions.


        1. narcissicism

          I never read that diary. I saw it was yours and the topic and knew you would be denying scientific facts all day to “boost the ratings”

  3. with 109 posts yesterday, God must be pissed.

    Maybe today he’ll do the same and his earthly supervisor will give him a reprimand.

    Gotta earn the government paycheck, Wilson!  

    Fucking hypocrite.

      1. …since there were over 100 comments of his that I could have made logical responses to, and didn’t, I think this wedgie was pretty minimal.

        1. …the poster in question has never made a single intelligent, relevant, or interesting post. Not one! Why does anyone (including me) even bother to acknowledge his presence?

          Whatever. The day is sufficiently gloomy to spend it elsewhere. TA RA.

          1. Once every, oh, 50 posts or so, bjwilson will actually make a relevant post – even if you happen to disagree with them. The problem is that he seems drawn like a moth to flaming: he loves to post these silly “oh yeah?” type posts that are just a pain to have to wade through.

            To add insult to injury, when someone actually makes the mistake of trying to discuss a matter with him in an intelligent manner, bjwilson typically either ignores the thoughtful response or replies with another bit of senseless online shrapnel.

            He reminds me a bit of one of those people walking along the street barking at people: sometimes they actually have intelligent things to say, but heaven help yourself if you try to engage one in a conversation!

            So I do wish there were a way to either “ignore” posters – even if it could just be turned on for one thread or one day, and then automatically expire – or perhaps put a limit on how many posts one person can make per day or per thread.

            1. But after thinking about it, would that end up squelching any intelligent back and forth debate/conversation?

              I guess it would depend on what the limit is. Beej is definitely guilty of posting 99 shitty nothing remarks for every 1 thoughtful remark. The new user, No2Dems, has posted the same remark hundreds of times. I’m convinced it’s a performance art piece and not to be taken seriously.

              The limited comments (either per thread or per day) is an idea I would support as a trial.


                      It wasn’t a vacation, numbnuts.

                        Actually, anytime you’re gone, sl, it was a vacation — for us;-)

                    2. and when I do I can pretty much count on finding you and spx151 in the lower precincts.

                      Cheers! SL

                    3. Seriously, good to have you back and in the fray.  BTW, you misunderstood the post where I said you were a minor-league ass.  I was just joking on your self-description and actually complimenting you on the self-deprecating humor.   You read it as a slam, but I meant it as a bonhomie remark.

                       Pax Vobiscum

                    4. I am outthere – got to get my daily 6 miles in…..still recovering from yesterday’s bizarre kayak/medical event I think!

                      (You’re always welcome to contact me off-Pols if I totally read you wrong, V.)


                    5. the main problem with blogging is the lack of a verbal cue to clue satire.  Sometimes, I resort to 😉 but it doesn’t always work.

          2. but then not be able to resist responding to my comments. Personally, I don’t care either way. If you don’t respond, then I get to make my point without any opposition.

    1. and figured that’s what happened, so I skipped the thread. Nothing to see there, folks. Thanks for confirming it. Now I can drop Pols for the day and go pick the rest of my grapes.

    1. Perlmutter Campaign Endorsed by Veterans of Foreign Wars

      Ed Perlmutter’s tireless work for our nation’s veterans was recognized today by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) Political Action Committee. Today the VFW endorsed Ed Perlmutter’s campaign for Congress in the 7th Congressional District. Perlmutter has a long and consistent record demonstrating strong support for Veterans, national security and defense, and military personnel issues.

      You can find the whole list here:


      The VFW PAC provides the 2.1 million members of the VFW, its auxiliaries and their families with an opportunity to collectively support candidates for federal office who support our nation’s Veterans and America’s security.

      Funny how an organization that’s made up exclusively of veterans that have fought overseas endorses the Democrat who hasn’t served over the Shamer Navy Guy. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Ed has taken care of vets from day one (his first action in the House was on a VA epilepsy clinic) instead of some dweeb who doesn’t have a clue about these issues…

          1. the sorts of truly grievous wounds they wouldn’t have survived in an earlier war. They’ll need lifelong rehabilitative care, and that doesn’t come cheap.

        1. …but, do tell, there Shill-man. Are you just reflecting your inner bastard? If people are too stupid not to join the military, fuck them when they come back and expect support from the same country they just fought and bled for? Or are you just as clueless as the Senate candidate you shill for?

          While you and the rest of your ilk were busy covering for the sonabitch Buck and his stupid comments, this was on 60 Minutes:


          Homeless Veterans: Stand Down

          Some veterans returning from Iraq or Afghanistan into the recession are finding themselves homeless. Scott Pelley reports on an annual encampment in San Diego where veterans can find hope, help and services.


          (transcript: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories

          Understand this – TWO MILLION Men and women have served in Iraq and AFPAK. They’ve served an average of 3 tours to one or the other. Over the last nine years, 800,000 troops have been “redeployed,” sent back to combat at least once. When they come back, they’re ending up on the street homeless at the fastest rate in history, usually in less than a year. Right now, there’s 9000 homeless post 9/11 vets on the streets, and almost all of them are suffering from PTSD or TBI. And they’re part of the 250,000 veterans that are homeless in this country – that means that one out of three homeless people have fought for this country.

          But the scariest thing is this – only about 200,000 of that 2 million have gotten out. There’s a tsunami of veterans about to hit this country, and WE’RE NOT READY TO TAKE CARE OF THEM.

          So, if Ed Perlmutter is good at “spending money we don’t have on people who might later endorse him” good for him. He’s still a human being, and a patriot for recognizing that when we send people to war, we’re supposed to take care of them later.

          1. Perlmutter for having is priorities right.

            I’m a little surprised to see Shill-man take the position he did. I know he’s a knee-jerk reactor, but to put penny pinching above the health of veterans is disgusting.

            1. You know, like our stupid ex-prez inserting foot into mouth.

              Anyway, bad joke, just wanted to acknowledge your sacrifices.  Thanks.

              Say, are there ANY pro-war ‘Pubs on Pols that have served in the military?  Especially in a war zone?  (No, BJ, your math cubical doesn’t count.)

                1. putting aside all the evidence I shoved up your ass on a previous thread, let me go for the obvious question:

                  When did you serve in the military, and make this startling observation?

                  playing America’s Army on the CSU servers does NOT count.

                    1. But don’t change the subject, Chickenhawk.

                      You’ve NEVER served, so how could you ever know how the Military votes?

                      I showed you clear and compelling evidence that you’re full of shit, and all you did was re-post it on another thread.

                      BTW Beej, I’m probably going to brief the Student Vet group up at “MYSTERY COLLEGE” about PTSD and TBI. I can’t wait to pass on your comments about all the “more important work” you do up there.

                      I’m sure they’ll want to meet you in person, and pass on their commentary first-hand…

                    2. the absentee military votes are counted; Dems could care less. Hey, if you want them to have more shoddy equipment, don’t blame that on me.

                    3. …but never mind. Making shit up seems to still be your normal method here.

                      See you in a few weeks, Beej…

            2. to put penny pinching above the health of veterans is disgusting.

              To put  penny pinching above the health of any American citizen who needs and deserves a hand up is disgusting.

        2. Like Ryan Frazier’s charter school?

          A charter school that Republican Ryan Frazier co-founded and helps oversee received more than $100,000 from what he calls the “failed” stimulus program.

          As “Buyer’s Remorse” and “Homosexuality is like alcoholism” make Ken Buck’s chances fade it must be Ryan Frazier’s jizz you’re wiping from your chin today.

          1. I spent 6 years in the infantry, and had two ass-clenching days that I thought were the end of me. One was the full-war alert in Germany right before the Wall fell, the other was the two weeks I spent ready to deploy with Ranger Bat on a (thankfully) cancelled suicide mission around Basra.

            I spend the next two years at Fort Hood, at III Corps HQ S2/G3 Tac Ops working on (SOMETHING) regarding Operation Desert Storm. I then changed to AFRTS supporting broadcasting missions to Croatia, Bosnia, Somalia, and Rwanda.

            I never faced combat, but I saw some horrific shit with the Public Affairs missions we ran (esp Bosnia and Rwanda). I also had the same nightmare for the year running up to Desert Storm – I was working on a battlefield map, and every time I re-drew the graphics for units, I could hear screams and explosions, smell outgoing rounds and blood, and feel the tanks and helicopters moving toward contact.

            So, since the Army gave me a very good career after I left (Post-production) I feel I owe the guys from this war (and any other) anything I can do for them. So that’s Vets Court (meeting with AG Suthers on Weds), state TBI committee and I mentor three OIF vets who need someone to talk to that they trust.

            Not nearly as important as Beej, but we all gotta try….


              1. I’m not a hero by any stretch compared to the Greatest Generation 2.0 – OIF/OEF vets deserve their own holiday for the number of times they’ve deployed in two bad wars.

                Instead of thanking me, remember this – the night of the 2008 election, my buddy (An armor CPT with 5 tours in Iraq) called to ask what the voter turnout was. When I gave him the prelim numbers (including est for voting by mail,) he replied with this quote:

                “About damn time people did their duty.”

                1. I’ve been in volunteer civilian service myself in the Balkans, Caucasus, Kenya and twice in Iraq. Was just reaching out to say thanks to someone who worked the military side of the effort.  🙂

                  Take care,


                    1. b/c I spent all day saturday leading a workshop on the problems in civilian-military integration in multilateral peacekeeping missions and counterinsurgency campaigns. a topic i actually know a wee bit about….

                      admittedly, if the worshop had been held in clearwater instead of key west i might not’ve been so willing to do it. 😉

                    2. back in the Vietnam unpleasantness, I considered a “stateside swap” from my premier assignment (West Point) to Key West.  It fell through, but I always hankered to visit there.

        3. When you TeaPublicans whine you want your country back, which country is it? Huh? It’s certainly not America. Americans not only bring their men and women back from the battlefield, they take care of them — in gratitude — as only partial payment for the sacrifices they’ve made in blood, in lives, in years taken from their loved ones, in lost opportunities at home.

          You are so out of touch with what it means to be a true American, I truly wonder: which fucking country are you from?  

      1. when the endorsing organization is disbanded?

        via Blackfive:

           I have reviewed the Political Action Committee (PAC) Board of Directors’ response

           to our request to rescind this year’ s Congressional endorsements. I disagree with their


           It is now evident to most of the VFW leadership, both National and especially the

           departments, that the VFW has been subjected to extreme negative publicity throughout

           the nation, and the recent endorsement decisions have, in fact, harmed the VFW’ s

           reputation and future ability to fulfill our mission.

           I cannot let this erosion of public support for our great organization continue. The

           apparent lack of the committee to address these concerns will lead to a proposal by me,

           as Commander-in-Chief, to amend the by-laws at the 112th National Convention for

           the purpose of dissolving the PAC. Meanwhile, under the authority granted to me as

           Commander-in-Chief in section 619 of the VFW National By-Laws and under section

           620 of the Manual of Procedure, I am withdrawing all PAC appointments effective

           October 15, 2010.

           Accordingly, I’ m asking the council for a vote of ” no confidence” in the VFW PAC as

           indicated on the enclosed ballot.

           To:  National Council of Administration

           From:  Richard L. Eubank, Commander-in-Chief

           Date:  October 14, 2010

        Some blowback is happening here I think.

        1. do you understand the challenges for the VFW?

          b) As a life member, I gotta tell you I always thought the PAC was too lax about explaining to the membership the who/what/where and why of the endorsements and political positions.  

          For just one glaring example, the necessary correction that has come to be known casually as “concurrent receipt.”

          When the membership hears it explained as an issue, sans partisan spin, they overwhelmingly agree on a position that VFW should take.  But in the real world, that means VFW wlll endorse a candidate from one party or the other. And sometimes that is partisan. Enter the “no confidence.”

          don’t get any  of that blowback on you.

  4. In the NY Times this weekend, a disturbing article about hundreds of members of the Awakening Councils rejoining the insurgency and the multiple factors involved.

    The Awakening members’ switch in loyalties poses a new threat to Iraq’s tenuous social and political balance during the country’s ongoing political crisis and as the United States military prepares to withdraw next year.


    1. It never ceases to amaze me how our (America’s) short attention span always gets us in trouble. Working to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan breeds Osama Bin Laden and 9/11.

      Bribing our way to loyalty in Iraq breeds these tenuous allies int he Awakening Councils.

      Knocking off Saddam Hussein and the Taliban breeds a resurgent (and soon to be nuclear) Iran.

      You’d think after a while we’d get the hang of this hegemon thing, wouldn’t you?

      1. the good old days when we used to run Latin America.  🙂

        and now that we’ve indebted ourselves to the Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Koreans and the Gulf oil sheikhdoms, we’re no longer in a position to afford hegemony.

        Sarah Palin says she wants a ‘muscular American military’ – and we only spend $700 billion annually for the Pentagon – but we’re a spent empire anymore.

    2. would help if the iraqis could finally settle on a national gov’t that included sunnis in a meaningful way.

      unlike belgium, which hasn’t had a government for about the same period of time as iraq now (8+ months), it actually matters in iraq.

      although…..one COULD make the case that a resurgent AQIM might serve as a helpful counterbalance to Iranian meddling in Iraq’s internal affairs.

      1. The election has been up in the air since March, the Sunnis feel disenfranchised and the Shites don’t look too pushed to include them in the process.

        Interesting thought about Iran–I hadn’t thought about that. Something is going to fill the inevitable void. I just wonder which group or entity it will end up being. Seems like all options suck here.  

        1. but clearly it will continue to be ‘a rocky Iraqi’ road to a fully functioning democratic polity. (And that may never happen, may just revert back to the strongman model.)

          That said, show me another sovereign Arab democracy……no other models in the ‘hood.

          1. that ultimately Iraq will be a democracy, either. I don’t see that happening for a variety of reasons, including the example you mentioned. I’m probably more pessimistic about the direction they are headed but not surprised. Seems to me that it’s almost a foregone conclusion, except for the Northern Kurds and their region. And that’s a whole other kettle of fish.  

            1. is not exactly a paragon of democracy either, despite some of the outward trappings: it’s basically run by two clans. Still, compared to the rest of Iraq, it is FAR AND AWAY better.

              But the Kurds are playing a dangerous game: betting that a weak central government in Baghdad will allow them to be able to confiscate national oil wealth for local revenue for the Kurds.

              It’s working so far. But if the central state collapses and Iraq implodes, the Kurds won’t be able to stay out of the Sunni-Shiite conflict down south.

            2. Turkey finally put its military under constitutional and judicial constraints. And they’re making nice with the Armenians, finally. Of course, that Kurdish “kettle of fish” is boiling over for them, too, and their Iranian border is, except for the mountains, pretty porous.

              Turkey has been playing an important role for the US with both Iran and Israel, too.

              Not saying Iraq will embrace democracy any time soon, but they have a role model in the vicinity.

        1. the clothing optional bar rooftop on Duval.

          And then went kayaking in the backcountry at Big Pine Key on the way home yesterday and got caught up in an emergency medical event.

          Some couple was in a tandem kayak near us and damned if a barracuda (a big one!) didn’t jump up on the kayak and bite the woman on her chest, then bounce back into the water. Really bizarre!

          I used to be an EMT decades ago, so ‘Ginger’ and I were first responders. The ‘cuda fractured several of the woman’s ribs, leading to a collapsed lung. Thanks to the Monroe County sheriff’s office, we got her airlifted to Miami. I understand she’s in stable condition this morning.

          Very, very WEIRD!

          Other than that, an uneventful off-season couple days in Key West! Hardly anyone there.

          Thanks for askin’. 🙂

          1. A family fishing offshore, a barracuda went airborne, really damaged a 14 year old girl. IIRC, CG airlifted her to the hospital.

            Sounds like the clothing optional flashing was more interesting than The Green Flash.

          2. As long as you weren’t the woman in the other kayak, of course.

            I’d heard of barracudas doing stuff like that, but thanks for the confirmation. Don’t think I’ll go skinny dipping there.

  5. Jobs for Americans vs. Tax Cuts for Billionaires

    The $700B the Republicans propose as tax cuts for billionaires should be used instead to hire four million Americans at an average salary of $45,000 per person for four years, or five million Americans at an average salary of $35,000 per person for four years.

    In just four months Harry Hopkins hired four million Americans for the Works Progress Administration (WPA). And, he did not have the internet.

      1. Are you making (taxable income) $250k plus, H-man?  If not, WTF are you complaining about?  If so, is it by a few thousand dollars such that you’ll see an increase in your tax bill of perhaps 1% total?  Or are you one of those lucky enough to be off by a factor of 4 or more?

        1. I was on my weekly phone call with my parents back in Jersey.  It must have been around April 15 because I was complaining about how much I paid in taxes that year.

          My dad said, “You must have made good money.”

          I got the message.

    1. and if it’s such a good idea (it may be), why not also phase out the Bush middle class tax cuts over the next 18-24 months?

      And thereby realize another $3trillion in savings over the next decade (according to CBO)?  And increase your New WPA workforce by 4.5 times?

      1. If people really wanted a job (most unemployed people do), you could have them doing construction work. Not all construction jobs involve heavy lifting. Some just involve holding a “yield/stop” sign to direct traffic.

        And why should the tax cuts for the rich be necessarily tied to tax cuts for everyone else? That’s what Republicans think, yes, but that’s only because it’s literally the only way of selling tax cuts for the rich to the public. (This is why Republicans refuse to hold a separate vote on them. They’re really unpopular!)

        David is exactly right. It’s a great idea with the potential to be really popular, and it solves several problems at once. If it turns out to be really successful, it could be expanded.

        Why are you arguing against it with your loaded Debbie Downer questions?

          1. Sing it, beej! Seriously, those Reagan-era tax rates, not to mention the Eisenhower-era tax rates, sure put this country into a tailspin. How could they have been such tools of the international Marxist conspiracy?

      1. My last post indicated that Pelrmutter seemed to be pulling away from his flaky opponent.

        However, Perlmutter seemed more aggressive Saturday than during previous debates.

        Is this race actually tight or is Perlmutter cruising to a nine or ten point win?

  6. It must be used with discretion, of course – but literally hundreds of posts from one frenzied spammer – almost all of them idiotic comments suggesting a childish temper tantrum – seems a bit much.

    I would love to have a feature so that I can just ignore posts by bjwilson.

  7. Too many Republicans think “voter fraud” is somehow a synonym for “black people getting to vote too,” as in Illinois.

    Actual voter fraud (h/t Daily Kos) is when you buy multiple homes in multiple states and try to vote in each of them.

    In an escalating residency controversy between West Virginia’s Senate contenders, the wife of Republican businessman John Raese is being purged from the state’s voter rolls because she is also registered to vote in Florida.

    John Raese is running against Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin to fill the seat of the late Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D).

    Roll Call confirmed Friday that Elizabeth Raese is registered to vote in both states but has not voted in West Virginia since 1998. But in an interview this week with Time magazine, she indicated that she would be — and has been — voting in West Virginia.

    “We are West Virginians,” Elizabeth Raese said, according to Time reporter Jay Newton-Small. “We live here, we vote here, people know that. We also have a home in Colorado, but we’re not residents there either.”

    I wonder if the Raeses have tried to influence Colorado elections as well.

    1. I gotta ask, why wouldn’t WV have purged her in the last 12 years?

      Still, criminal offense.

      Who was that other recent R. politician double registered?  A woman, IIRC.

    2. One Republican spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a house, and probably still only votes in one state. Democrats buy votes by the handful with ACORN, etc. for probably a few bucks each.

    1. I didn’t even click the link because I just assumed it was you trying to be a smartass again.

      Did you know everyone just assumes you’re incapable of saying anything that’s not the party line? Did you realize you have that reputation?

    1. It was clearly meant to be incendiary. Obama as Gay, Muslim and Latino? In Grand Junction, that’s like yelling “fire” in a crowded crackerbox. Lived there.

        1. I think I posted that same news to the open thread on Friday.

          The funnest part of the Billboard thing was the comments at the bottom of the Sentinel articles, although they’re gotten much more tame since the “pay for content” model has disenfranchised the freeloader teabaggers.

          1. I can’t read all the posts here, my health would suffer (physically, emotionally and spiritually). If I missed YOUR post, it certainly would have been one of my favorites, and more than worthy of my humble self.

    2. Whoever paid for it apparently didn’t like the reaction. He/she/it still hid behind the “artist,” who complained about getting hateful comments.

      Couldn’t stand the heat.

      1. As you well know, it wasn’t the opponents or the artist so much as the businesswoman whose property the billboard was on.  She was tired of customers not getting in and her trucks not getting out because people were pulling off the highway to take pictures.

        Only in Mesa County.

  8. The twitter account is westwingreport but it has nothing to do with the White House.  It is a non-partisan reporter.

    As with all twitter accounts, the tweet at the top is the most recent.


    October 18, 2010

    1. Payroll expansion, continued: Bush I: 2.3%, Bush II: 2.3%, Ford: 2.3%. Source: Bureau of Labor Stats (published 2009 in Wall St. Journal) 6 minutes ago via web

    2. Payroll expansion: Clinton 21.1%, LBJ: 20.8%, Truman: 20.1%, Reagan: 17.6%, Nixon: 13.6%, Carter: 13.1%, Eisenhower: 7.0%, JFK: 6.7% 8 minutes ago via web

    3. Labor Dept. stats going back to 1945 show payroll expansion highest under 1) Clinton 2) LBJ, 3) Truman. Worst: 1) Ford. 2 & 3 both Bushes 9 minutes ago via web

    4. From Truman in 1945 through the present, in terms of percentage of payroll expansion, some Presidents have done much better than others 12 minutes ago via web

    5. WWR is doing some research on private sector job creation during last 11 presidential administrations – fascinating results.

    1. First, who are we to decide to eliminate the small pox?

      B, I don’t need no stinkin vaccine  – I don’t have measles.

      ВЎAnd Polio!? Pffft   no one has polio.

      And who the hell is TED, anyway. Freakin commie, no doubt.

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