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October 26, 2010 10:39 PM UTC

9News Pulls Frazier Attack Ad Off the Air

  • by: Colorado Pols

An attack ad by Republican Ryan Frazier that goes after Rep. Ed Perlmutter for “allowing convicted rapists to receive Viagra” — a claim that has repeatedly been found to be untrue — has been pulled by 9News and will no longer run on the station.

According to a press release from Perlmutter’s campaign:

In a rare move, KUSA – Ch. 9 decided to pull the false and misleading ad against Ed Perlmutter which asserted that because he voted for the new health insurance reform law, he supported the ability for convicted rapists to access Viagra.  Adam Schrager from KUSA did the fact check on this ad, declaring it completely FALSE and stated “Perlmutter never voted for it.”  Furthermore, the new health insurance reform law does not contain any provisions in it concerning this assertion.


This is the second attack ad run against Perlmutter that Schrager and Ch. 9 declared false.  The ads, were funded by the shadowy, Republican-operative run American Action Network, which sunk more than $1 million into the false advertising.

“KUSA did the right thing,” said Perlmutter spokeswoman Leslie Oliver.  “These kinds of false and distorted ads are examples of what happens when these outside shadow groups aren’t required to disclose their donors.  This is an abuse of our political system and a disservice to voters who should be able to make a decision about the future of our country based on the truth – not lies.”

According to the Denver Post, one of Frazier’s donors,  Rich Beeson, who is a Republican political operative in Colorado, is connected to the consultants for the AAN, and was involved in the decision to run this ad attacking Perlmutter.

KMGH and the Denver Post have both declared the ad false as well.

As we wrote when Cory Gardner’s false ads were pulled in CD-4 for accusing Rep. Betsy Markey of taking votes that actually belonged to Rep. ED Markey, this kind of press is really damaging to the candidates behind the ads. When a station pulls an ad for being false, it leaves voters to question how much of your other assertions are really true.  


24 thoughts on “9News Pulls Frazier Attack Ad Off the Air

  1. all them markeys look alike when you’re a virginia based smear group.

    The frazier ads, by contrast, are deliberate, calculated, lies.  

    Since early voting is already well advanced, there is no way to undo the damage those lies may have caused.  Maybe the culprits will be fined a few grand next year, and they will laugh all the way to the bank.

      The shame of the Citizens United decision is coming home to roost.

        1. even though I don’t think anyone except those who think Obama is a foreign Muslim fascist communist, not unlike all Dems except for the foreign Muslim part, take this ad seriously.

            1. Loved Markey’s counter punch over the ad featuring the wrong Markey’s vote.  That’s the only way people unlike us here at Colpols will ever know.

              But I wonder whether the ridiculous amount of money being spent in little old Colorado this close to the finish line has gone beyond the saturation point to the point where negative ads become wallpaper. When you can’t open the mailbox or watch TV without the same endless nasty ads, I suspect there comes a time when everybody just a) only believes what supports their preference, b) figures the pols are all just a bunch of lying shmucks or c) is too sick of it all to pay any attention any more.

              Yes, negative ads work but does the benefit continue to grow no matter how many for how long?  I guess, thanks to the Supremes, we’ll find out. Especially here in ground zero Colorado.

      1. when i was watching the news and they were doing the political roundup stuff…shouldn’t they report, in the news program in which the ad was airing, why the ad had been pulled? That would make more sense. Plus, if people thought that their false ads would be covered as news (when people are paying attention and not muting the TV) maybe it would be a bit of deterrence. Instead of, oh well, we still reached x thousands of people in those 5 days the ad played.


    1. But the point wouldn’t have to be made if Frazier himself would man up and issue a public statement to the effect that “I don’t need some outfit I’m not affiliated with to attack Ed Perlmutter for something he DIDN’T do. I regret sleaze like that from supporters of any candidates. There’s plenty enough Ed DID do that I disagree with…”

      Something like that.

      1. A suspicious lack of outrage from our faithful righties on this thread over this 30 second slime job. Seems to be somewhat selective when it comes to denouncing deceitful ads around here.  

      1. “Give me liberty or give me death!”

         He owned slaves.  The liberty he wanted was the liberty to enslave other men, rape their wives, and raise the victims of his rapes as more slaves.”

         Nice guy, Patrick Henry.

  2. Perlmutter should be running a counter ad saying that Frazier is working to get rid of American jobs to China. Doing a truth ad is a good thing. In the middle point out that the Frazier ad was pulled because it was a lie.

    I don’t think too many people even care about how Frazier is the absentee city council member.  But they do care about their jobs. And he has spent a lot of time overseas setting up ways to take peoples jobs and ship them to China.

  3. we won’t spend any time talking about their health care solutions.

    Oh wait. They don’t have any so absent any real ideas bearing false witness is the only thing they have left.

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