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July 26, 2020 09:31 AM UTC

Marty Coniglio "Free Speeched" Out of 9NEWS

  • by: Colorado Pols
Marty Coniglio.

As the Denver Post’s Sam Tabachnik reports:

Meteorologist Marty Coniglio, a staple of Denver TV weather for three decades, left 9News Friday, a day after he compared, on social media, federal troops in U.S. cities to Nazis…

Mark Cornetta, the station’s president and general manager, said in an email that “Marty is no longer employed by 9News.” He declined to comment on the circumstances surrounding his exit.

Thursday morning, Coniglio tweeted “Federal police in cities … now where have I seen that before?” with a picture of Nazi soldiers posing in front of a Swastika banner.

This made Rep. Ken Buck, chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, feel decidedly un-First Amendment-y about veteran 9NEWS meterologist Marty Coniglio:

We’ll have to wait until Coniglio is at liberty to discuss what happened to know for sure, but it looks like Ken Buck won this war of words. And the rest of us are left to sort out what this means. No doubt there will be well-reasoned arguments that a TV meteorologist’s job is not to make the most incendiary comparison available to modern politics, lest a portion of the station’s audience be offended out of turn. And it’s true that free speech does not automatically confer a right to a platform to distribute your speech, though in this case Coniglio was Tweeting from his personal account.

The counterargument to all of this is that everyone, regardless of their social or vocational station, needs to be urgently making the comparison Marty Coniglio made right now–and to punish anyone for doing so in this moment of national peril is to take the wrong side of history in that moment.

9NEWS has made their choice, and now 9NEWS’ viewers will have to make theirs.


22 thoughts on “Marty Coniglio “Free Speeched” Out of 9NEWS

  1. I have thought that Marty is/was the best meteorologist on 9News. For me, a take-away here is that one must use some amount of common sense in choosing words and exercising one’s right of free speech. 

    Common sense?? Nazis killed 6 million Jews. We thankfully have yet to see Trump’s imperial storm troopers killing anyone. Another example: the proverbial “you can’t yell out ‘fire!’ in a crowded theater.”

    Another free speech example occurred on a 9News interview a week ago during the “clash” of BLM protestors and counter-protestors supporting the police. A young democratic socialist protestor was interviewed and told the reporter, on camera, that their purpose there was to silence the pro-cops supporters. I didn’t like that.

    I make an exception, when the motorcycle dudes run their bikes loud at military funerals to drown out the Westboro Baptist Church picketers. But the Westboro nut jobs have other ways to exercise their constitutional rights.

    Denial of free speech; whether it is the MAGA goons in Teller County beating up protestors a few days ago; or the far left WOKE cancel culture trying to silence those who aren’t with them 110%……neither extreme is good for constitutional rights.

  2. We thankfully have yet to see Trump’s imperial storm troopers killing anyone

    Are you waiting for that to happen before you stop denying where this is headed? Where and how and when do you think this madness ends?

    1. Duke: suggest you re-read my post. I'm not denying anything. I don't support what Trump is doing. But I'm not going to speculate "where, how, and when."

  3. but it looks like Ken Buck won this war of words.

    By falsely representing that the Great Fat Fool's brownshirts constitute "the brave men and women of our law enforcement community"? I respectfully disagree. I suspect that more than a few police officers, the actual "brave men and women of our law enforcement community," would disagree as well.

    As for the rest, as long as wage slavery and employment at will remain pillars of the American economy — IOW, as long as the U.S. exists — all of us who are employed risk becoming unemployed by making public comments such as Coniglio's. Here's wishing Marty the best in all his future endeavors.

    1. Spot on, Genghis.  Real cops have expressed to me the fear that nonuniformed goons kidnapping citizens into unmarked cars may even lead to " blue on blue" violence as real cops try to prevent the kidnappings.

      Since some armed fascist goons, like boogaloo boyz, have shown up at these rallies, the fear is a real one.

      1. "Ken Buck won this war of words……."

        What is it; like about 100 days until November 3? If things go the way we all hope they go; well, Moderatus and Powerful Pear will disagree; Trump will be gone. Also some of his enablers in the US Senate will be gone.

        Here at home, the 3rd District congressional seat will be gone thanks to the pistol packing, Boogaloo loving, QAnon supporter, now trying to keep the seat in R hands. And maybe there will be more losses in the state legislature.

        We'll see how Ken Buck feels about all that, if it comes to pass.

        1. "And maybe there will be more losses in the state legislature."

          Neville is probably hoping that some of the RINOs who won primaries will lose the general election so he can continue to lead a smaller and slimmer but more ideologically-cohesive caucus in January.

        2. The 3rd District can go either way, CHB, sad as it is to day. Boebert is out there working the media, social media and pushing all the right buttons to activate Republicans. Mitsch Bush is invisible.

          Scott Tipton was no superstar but he was not an embarrassment. That could change.

          The Dems need to up their game.

          1. @gertie97: I saw the other Pols thread about Mitsch-Bush’s poor performance on a video interview, or such. Worst thing for her candidacy is to look old next to a 33 year old, regardless of how looney-tune the younger candidate is. Mitsch-Bush needs a makeover.

            Hopefully, some of you progressives who post here have contacts on her campaign staff.

            Disclosure: I had some limited contacts with Mitsch-Bush a few years ago down at the Capitol. I was impressed.

            1. Sexism plays a big role here, of course. A man of the same age as Mitsch-Bush might be able to pull off distinguished and wise next to the cute Boeberthead. Of course, Diane M B is both distinguished and wise, and probably has all the Dems votes in CD3. It’s a Congressional campaign, not a MILF match.  But we still tend to judge any woman by her appearance first,  and that video doesn’t do DMB any favors.

              A touch of makeup, better lighting and background, smiling more, more animation, some coaching and practice will stand DMB in good stead. 

              1. Yes, it would kw. That and camping in Pueblo for the duration. I do hope somebody on her staff is listening. It's a seat within reach, but she has to move.

                1. One thing is clear. Bqerbert will use whatever she has in her ammo box. Diane is no dummy and I suspect her advisors don’t overlook such things.

                  The main problem is the quality and professionalism of the video. That needs a’fixing, straightaway.

      1. Marty has ducked around multiple Denver stations, and I'm not certain any of the others are likely to jump for him, even if his contract's non-compete clause became void. 

        He'd mused out loud about not renewing a contract last year … so he may have had as much fun as he'd like, and will shuffle off to be a consultant / forensic meteorologist / adjunct professor ….

  4. The photo Marty chose is probably a bit of a stretch … I'm not certain the current forces deployed to Portland could organize themselves so well to be uniformed and posed for a picture. 

    I'm curious, and hope some enterprising journalist will get confidential interviews to find out what some of those deployed think about the need to gas / shoot at / club and grab protesters.  Especially those protesters who are uniformed former soldiers, identified moms and dads, disrobed young women, and the other citizens in the streets. 

  5. Anybody read US Attorney Jason Dunn's article in the Denver Post from July 24? 

    Titled "The less-sensational story behind the federal agents in Portland and Operation Legend". 

    Paints a different picture than mainstream media. Fact-checking is really needed. Personally I consider it to be the GOPSTAPO at work.

    1. Jason Dunn is full of shit.  There's a reason a federal district judge entered a restraining order the day before that Op-Ed came out.  Jason's rose-colored glasses reveal a possible ambition to be a federal judge.  He's been plotting his career that way for years.  Apparently, he's now been swilling more kool-aid.  But I'm sure he'll have Brownstein's backing nonetheless.

  6. Marty is good, he took a step that is needed to shake things up.  I am a friend of his and know he cares much for America.  Will he work in Denver again?  Of course not, the Denver media market is tight.  Will he work in media again?  Maybe he can join MSNBC?

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