U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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October 20, 2011 03:45 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Fear has its use but cowardice has none.”

–Mohandas Gandhi


58 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

    1. Seriously – Gadhafi was a good guy, then he was the bad guy, blew up Pan Am 103, then he was the….bad guy and we tried to blow him up, then….he was a good guy. Then he was who?  and now he’s the bad guy again.


      Next thing, the President will get busted making illegal weapons deals with Ortega Gadhafi, and somementally unstable  Lt Colonel will get convicted of contempt of Congress which will launch his talk radio career.  

      1. Pres after Pres like to dance with the Devil but go home with God and it just and even when it comes to light nothing changes.

        Sounds like they got Mo-Mo in a hidey hole without any of his Amazonian guards to help him.  Hopefully we can next see something like Truth and Reconciliation Commissions come about in Egypt & Libya & Algeria … so the populus can move forward with healing.  

  1. ArapaGOP has been challenged to find “Democrats who are embarrassing.” He laughed as though it would be easy. We’ll see if it is.

    He’s also been asked, on numerous occasions, questions about Gessler’s allegations of voter fraud in Denver. We ask him specifically because he’s gone to great lengths to defend and explain Gessler’s actions, up to and including the usual unsubstantiated cries of Democratic foul play. Therefore, he is obligated to explain why Gessler’s claims of voter fraud in Denver are to be taken seriously, with the specific burden on ArapaGOP to SHOW us something to substantiate it. His personal faith in Scott won’t cut it.

  2. My first duty station was NAS Bermuda.  As a Watch Officer, we gave morning reports to the CO, XO and visiting dignitaries and general officers.  In 1987, the Libyan “Line of Death” provided all the morning jokes with the fighter pilots and battle groups.  I had to convey their reports to the high-ranking staff.  It was always a challenge to do it with a straight face.  Every morning we had a new joke that involved the words or placement of the Line of Death.

    In the 1985 Action in the Gulf of Sidra, the United States Navy deployed aircraft carrier groups in the disputed Gulf of Sidra in the Mediterranean Sea. Libya claimed that the entire Gulf was their territory, at 32В° 30′ N, with an exclusive 62 nautical miles (115 km) fishing zone.[2] Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi asserted this in 1973 and dubbed it The Line of Death. The United States claimed its rights to conduct naval operations in international waters, a standard of 12-nautical-mile (22 km) territorial limit from a country’s shore.


    1. from my Mediterranean cruise in 85/86.  I remember a memo that went around from one of the fighter jocks who, using the AOB (Air Order of Battle) lists of the Libyan Air Force, figured that if “Khadafi Duck” sent up every fighter in his inventory there wouldn’t be a single pilot in a Tomcat or a Hornet who wouldn’t make ace.

      He was great press in the 80’s and the top Hollywood boogeyman from that period, but he was pretty much a joke military wise.

  3. with Ali Hasan, a nice piece in Westword.  While in the print version his being a former GOPer is mentioned at the top, there is no mention that he is now a Dem but, nonetheless, good introduction to our Ali and update on what he’s been up to since leaving Colorado:


    PS to newbies: Ali is a public figure who uses his own name here.

          1. Not sure I’ll be able to get down there in person next week, but I could do certified mail with signature requested. If I need to I’ll go there on lunch or something.

            1. I think we are much too confident that emails arrive and arrive in seconds after they are sent. I received one at 4:49 PM on Tuesday that was sent at 9:16 AM on Tuesday. Would have made a difference if I had received it anytime until noon.

            2. I think we are much too confident that emails arrive and arrive in seconds after they are sent. I received one at 4:49 PM on Tuesday that was sent at 9:16 AM on Tuesday. Would have made a difference if I had received it anytime until noon.

    1. Now I think it’s serious literature and healthy relationships that frighten them. Or possibly body hair. Or being trapped in a room for three days without a Paramore CD and body glitter.

        1. I hate Twilight with a passion. I have a beloved coworker who is hardcore “Team Edward.” I get to hear a lot about it whether I want to or not.

          No vampires for me though, I invented my own creepy supernatural thingies.

                    1. It’s the light conveying whether the system is on or off. Illuminated means on.

                      See how complicated this is? See why the technical writers fled in horror at the project?

                    2. There are buttons? Holleeesheet. I’ve been looking at tyhis all wrong.  LIghts?! Colored lights?!  omg – I need more practice.

                    3. You mean as in communicate with words?  Women could do that?  omg.  Those nuns didn’t teach me anything useful, except how not to be left handed. Seriously – who needs that kind of sinister thing?

                    4. Guess which finger on that hand is pointed at my screen… 😉

                      PS. Left-handed Leos do it better. “It” being getting elected President. Like Barack Obama.

                    5. I guess you don’t want anyone to wear a skirt shorter than fingertip length around you?

                    6. Of course the nuns made up that thing about skirt length.  Why wouldn’t they make that up?

      1. And seeing as how most of PBS is a snore-a-thon, that’s saying something. Michael Sandoval (nice guy) from People Press Collective was the other guest and the entire show was the two of us walking Caldera through the world of blogging. I don’t think we ever disagreed.

        Caldera couldn’t wrap his head around the concept that Pols is owned by an unknown and that 99% of the contributors are anonymous. He also had trouble with credibility being earned from posts rather than having a known entity dedicated to fact checking, trained journalists, etc. (ie the Denver Post). He even has a hard time giving credibility to something that is not printed and in his hands.

        So he’s definitely of the school that the way things used to work is super-peachy and that’s what he’s going to use. This may be one of the reasons we liberals have a strong advantage on the web, the people at the top on the conservative side don’t use it and don’t understand it.

        But very little about the impact of blogging on politics in the state (which could have been really interesting). And no liberal (that’s me!)/conservative discussion although I did sneak in a couple of zingers.

  4. Which is more smart things than usual.

    Being gay a “choice,” abortion also a choice says Cain. With bonus “doesn’t wash off” comment about his race.

    Dear Mr. Cain: My best friend in high school cried on my shoulder many times after another attempt to “wash off” his sexuality failed. Eventually he faced that it wasn’t a choice and he is now a happy adult in a steady relationship with another young man, who likewise suffered immensely trying to live up to his parents’ expectation that he “choose” to be heterosexual. Calling sexuality a choice equates to supporting bullying, self-harm, and suicide in the gay teens who feel like failures because they can’t choose to be what homophobes like you would prefer they be.

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