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October 28, 2011 08:49 PM UTC

Wait...What? Gypsies?

  • by: Colorado Pols

We get a lot of press releases here at Colorado Pols, but this is the first we can remember that involved gypsies. Naturally, we had to post it. From the Colorado Attorney General’s office:

Attorney General announces indictment of self-proclaimed gypsies suspected of burglarizing the homes of elderly Coloradans

Colorado Attorney General John Suthers announced today that his office has obtained an indictment against Javon Ristick and Erik Burt on suspicion that they stole tens of thousands of dollars in cash and belongings from 10 senior-citizen victims along the Front Range.

According to the 13-count indictment, filed in Jefferson County District Court, Ristick and Burt entered the homes of elderly Coloradans in Arvada, Colorado Springs, Denver, Golden, Lincoln County, Lakewood and Strasburg by acting like neighbors or relatives of the victims and asking to use their bathrooms. Ristick is suspected of distracting the victims through conversation while Burt found and stole cash, jewelry, collector coins and other items.

Arrest warrants have been issued for Ristick and Burt with bail set at $500,000 each.


11 thoughts on “Wait…What? Gypsies?

  1. Can Lon Chaney, Jr. as Larry Talbot be far behind?  When is the next full moon?  Where is my braided garlic necklace?

    What moron in the AG’s office let this one slip by?

  2. “Self-proclaimed gypsies,” eh? Is that the word they used? And if so, what did they mean? And why was it used in an official press release headline? For laughs?

    “Gypsies,” better known as Romany, have long been and and remain victims of repeated, grotesque discrimination in Europe, including and especially by the Nazis (but not only). Would y’all chuckle slyly over the ol’ wood stove if it were “self-proclaimed niggers,” or “self-proclaimed kikes,” or “self-proclaimed retards”?

    Hate to be gypped, no doubt. How about “Jew’d down”? Could go on, but only you can tell me if there’s any point. After all, what’s a gentle slow-Friday-morning laugh among abuncha good ol’ self-proclaimed …. (Nope, better not write it. Some words are banned here, aren’t they?) Polly wanna … saltine … with your peanut butter?

    1. You are not the only person aware of the Porajmos, or devouring, of the Romani at Auschwitz, Belzec and other death camps or sites.  Do not look down on those you think your inferiors due to your overblown sense of intellect.  My post was intended as sarcasm at the utter stupidity of the AG’s office referring to Gypsies – hence the use of the word moron.  In your haste to criticize, your own ignorance and intolerance came through.  Get a clue and lighten up.

      1. The point of this post was poking fun at the AG’s office for the title that had nothing to do with the rest of the release.

        It’s not “Ha, ha, gypsies.” But rather, “Why are you talking about gypsies?”

    2. Than ANY other Polster used in any post in this thread. Or any other I’ve seen since Mark G. got boxed up.

      Are you proud of your tantrum? Next time send the angry letter to the AG’s office…

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