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March 06, 2012 04:40 PM UTC

Super Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“In a serious struggle there is no worse cruelty than to be magnanimous at an inopportune time.”

–Leon Trotsky


44 thoughts on “Super Tuesday Open Thread

  1. Well apart from stating the obvious I’m trying to make a point abouut pinhead Frothy screwing th pooch on the VA ballot (so it’s all Romney or Paul in that state) and missing the cut on a number of Ohio districts (so Romney pretty much gts those delegates w/o too much work).

    How can you think yourself Presidential when you can’t even bother to fill out the paperwork? Frothy & Newtron never did think they’d get this far and after today we’ll see one of them hang it up for 2012.

      1. Writing books is work. Being a “historian” for bankers? Well, to paraphrase the old Dire Straits song, “Money for nothin’ and the chicks for free.”

        As for Santorum, I understand that Komen has a couple of openings in their management team.

      2. Frothy, this could be the beginning of a beautiful monumental friendship . . . how does “The More Lovers, Less Rubbers — Traditional Family Values Tour” sound?

  2. not so super if you plan to run as a GOP candidate there:

    A resolution by the Laurens County Republican Party is raising eyebrows – and questions – about what it means to be a Republican in South Carolina.

    At issue is a “purity” pledge – quickly rejected as illegal by the state GOP – that the Upstate county’s party approved Feb. 28, requiring those who file to run in the June 12 Republican primary to promise they did not have premarital sex, will be faithful to their spouses and will not watch porn while also fighting to protect gun rights.

    It’s not even good enough to promise not to have premarital sex in the future?  You have to promise you never did? Guess they want The pool of potential candidates to be the size of a very, very, very small puddle. No wonder even this wacky red state’s state GOP is saying, not so fast.

    1. “will not watch porn while also fighting to protect gun rights”

      Guess it’s important that their 2nd Amendment bloggers have both hands on the keyboards while they’re typing;}

      1. bible belt states like SC have both a higher rate of unwed teen pregnancy and a higher rate of divorce than Godless, librul northern blue states. If you’re searching for a candidate who was both chaste before marriage and 100% faithful to a one and only spouse after, the bible belt is hardly the best place to begin the sure to be lengthy and exhausting search. Never mind about the edge in problems  self loathing family values Rs seem to have with hidden same gender sexual orientation. I’m guessing their not exactly below the national average as consumers of porn either.

            1. Brewed a pot at midnight last night.

              Caffeine has no effect on me. I just like the taste. I frequently grab a latte before bed and fall right asleep from the warm milk.

              Of course, I have some of the most nonsensical biorhythms you’ll ever see. The ONLY hours I’m naturally attuned to be asleep during are… early mornings. Like 7-11 AM.  

      1. being a godfearing evangelical if no one’s gonna forgive your sins?  Even, Newt [hucccckt pffffffft], was able to obtain some modern day “indulgences” from the one true church.

        No forgiveness?  That’s gonna take a bite out of lots of the religious rackets.  Better rethink that plan.  

    1. Speaking of ownership, I’m sure his wife has been really helpful in finally connecting with people who work for paychecks and pay a higher tax percentage than the Romneys do by proclaiming that, interestingly enough, she doesn’t consider herself wealthy.  So I guess it doesn’t count.  Not self-identified wealthy.  Just  plain 99%er folks. She may have multiple luxury SUVs for the multiple luxury homes but they don’t make her feel wealthy.  


    Under Miklosi’s bill a Jewish owned restaurant would have to serve a motorcycle gang member wearing a swastika.  Discrimination based on Gender, Race, Creed, Religion or National Origin is wrong.  Keeping someone out of a bar because they are wearing gang attire is not wrong.  

    This bill  mocks the very real discrimination many have felt over the years in our State.  

  4. Today, March 6, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will visit with Perez and other Central American leaders – and, fittingly, they’ll meet in Honduras, now home to the world’s highest homicide rate: 86 murders per 100,000 residents last year, 17 times that of the U.S. and five times more than even Mexico’s. There are a number of reasons for this Mesoamerican nightmare, including Central America’s hopelessly corrupt and medieval police and judicial systems, which the region’s oligarchies (who are content to simply line their mansions with razor wire and security guards) refuse to modernize. But as far as presidents like Perez are concerned, the root cause is the U.S.’s insatiable demand for pot, coke, meth and heroin – we spend more on illegal drugs in America than we do on higher education – and increasingly they’re coming to the conclusion that a good way to keep los narcos from earning their “stratospheric profits,” which they use to buy the guns that wreak the mayhem, is to legalize some of the drugs.

    The U.S. has responded by reiterating its “opposition to decriminalization or legalization of illicit drugs,” as one White House official said last week. But there is a broadening global consensus that the conventional, 40-year-old “war on drugs” has failed, which means Biden (who in Mexico on Monday said “there is no possibility” the White House will back legalization) would do well to listen to Perez and company today in Tegucigalpa and not be a gringo scold when they bring up the legalization issue. Because the fact is, to a certain if not large extent they’re right: as countless drug-war observers like myself have argued in recent years, it makes sense to legalize at least more benign narcotics like marijuana, a drug that accounts for as much as half of the $30 billion the Mexican narco-cartels rake in each year.

    Tim Padgett, TIME magazine:

    Read more: http://globalspin.blogs.time.c

  5. I live in Capital Hill.  Neither Obama, my state Sen (Pat Steadman) or Rep. (Lois Court) has an opponent and there is no reason to go to the state since there are no state offices this year.  So, other than just celebrating the freedom to go to a caucus (denied to those of us who worked for the Denver Post)  I don’t see any reason not to stay home and watch results on the R gong show.

    1. Because we want a strong showing of support for the President and for local candidates. Republicans will look warily at locals who can get their voters out to caucus even when there’s nothing to decide, just to show support. I’d encourage you to go to support Sen. Steadman’s overall reputation as a popular, beloved guy, as we’re in the middle of another civil union fight.

        1. And Jay-Z’s original song could be interpreted as a clever criticism of the overuse of the word “bitch” in popular culture in the first place, since he uses it to refer first to a complaint, then to a dog, then to (not being) a coward; only the chorus (indirectly) references “bitch” as a word for a human woman. Jay is pretty thoughtful, and he’s said that after being married and starting a family he came to regret the references to women in some of his early hits.

          Rush, on the other hand, hasn’t ever had even a thoughtfulness “scare,” much less an actual thought or regret. He must be holding an aspirin tightly between the two hemispheres of his brain.  

            1. Just that he’s a good comparison — sexist music that self-examines to some degree, vs. sexist rhetoric from someone who is incapable of self-examination to any degree.

              This is my favorite actual-factual, up-front criticism of sexism in hip-hop, unsurprisingly coming from the female artist most openly aware of her own status as a marketable product in the industry:

        2. Bailing advertisers growing since non-apology apology:

          On Tuesday, the tally of lost advertisers jumped to nearly two dozen, with AOL and Allstate among the major brands giving Rush the kiss-off. Local advertisers are starting to bail on el Rushbo as well, including Hadeed Carpet and Thompson Creek Windows in Washington, D.C. And Massachusetts’s WBEC became the second station to cancel his show, joining Hawaii’s KPUA, which dropped the program on Monday.

          The horses are spooked. David Limbaugh, Rush’s brother, tweeted that “this jihad against Rush is a distraction,” and followed that up with a column accusing the talker’s critics of “a calculated, organized Saul Alinsky-type (my emphasis as a special gift to ArapG) community-organizing campaign to pressure and intimidate his advertisers into discontinuing their sponsorship of his show.” But this impulse to play the victim can’t distract from the damage that’s been done.  

              1. constitution worshipping right is about the first amendment.  They seem to have no clue that it refers to the government’s role in controlling speech.  It doesn’t mean an employer can’t decide he doesn’t want to keep an employee who drives away business by insulting and offending the customers.  

    2. Networking with other voters often leads to making important contacts, energizing each other, and building support for platform issues. If that doesn’t work, go because it’s fun — and people want to see you.

    3. and showing support for the team (the party will be reporting attendance numbers), there’s also the party platform (which will be ignored at the national level since we have an incumbent President at the head of the party, but still goes in to effect at the local and state levels).

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