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August 12, 2022 11:17 PM UTC

Weekend Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake.”

–Meister Eckhart


79 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. I cannot believe that this site exists!

    I guess this site is sponsored by communist soros!

    I am in disbelief  that you democrats are just waiting to be slaughtered by the left!

    Trump Won! Why does this country still have "dominion (democrats) voting systems?" If the majority ruled we would not be in this mess!

    No one voted for the criminal cartel to invaded America! What is wrong with you people? Do you really think your communist ideas are going to work?

    I feel sad for all of you and your horrible and evil plans to destroy a once thriving society!

    No good will come of it!

      1. Drunk posting from Kool-Aid.  Love the terrible spelling along with the oh so outraged idea that political discourse in Colorado includes Democrats.  Such a cute caricature.

    1. I cannot believe that this site exists!

      and yet, you wrote a comment … do you often find yourself writing on nonexistent sites?

      I guess this site is sponsored by communist soros!

      guess away… I’m not certain who or what a communist soros might be.  George Soros (capitalist investor, hedge fund manager, author, philanthropist) has not yet contributed [or sent the readers the rumored “Soros check”].

      I am in disbelief  that you democrats are just waiting to be slaughtered by the left!

      I am in disbelief, too.  The Democrats I know are not just waiting … they are working for the election of government officials who pass legislation and govern.  And the “slaughters” I  know have been perpetrated by authoritarians who believe someone is threatening to take something of theirs away.  Most recent — the Russians who think Ukraine is led by Nazis that are going to take something from Russia.

      Trump Won! Why does this country still have “dominion (democrats) voting systems?” If the majority ruled we would not be in this mess! 

      Trump (and his backers) won the Electoral College once — and lost once, by virtually EXACTLY the same votes.  Trump also won the distinction of being the ONLY person twice impeached by the House.  While President, he also watched as the Senate and House switched to Democratic majorities.

      No one voted for the criminal cartel to invaded America! What is wrong with you people? Do you really think your communist ideas are going to work?

      I’m really not certain what you are writing about … the United States of America hasn’t been invaded by government forces since 1812-1814.  And  what “Communist ideas” ?? I don’t recall seeing any on this site.

      I feel sad for all of you and your horrible and evil plans to destroy a once thriving society!

      First you write on a nonexistent site, eventually you feel sad for people with horrible and evil plans … have you consulted with a professional about your reaction to the nonexistent?

      No good will come of it!

      1. But seriously folks, I have a pretty long list of favorite Bowie songs. Have you ever seen the movie Five Years? Brought many tears to my jaded eyes.

            1. How can she sing in that dress? It’s clear she can’t walk and had to have Tween Thor carry her to the mike. The song itself? Just ok as a pop song.

    1. Yeah, but what Noodledick doesn't understand is that by upping traffic on the site we earn more ad money.  The revenue helps support liberal causes. 

      Haw haw, noodledick.  You lose!

      1. No, David, Responding with truth to Fascism is not a bad thing.  It strengthens the righteous, and supports the site by drawing more ad revenue.

        BTW, do all modern fascists have grammar as bad as this noodledick's?

        Goebbels would be appalled.


        1. They do not actually speak English as we know it, but a dialect known as MAGA speak.

          For example, "Petri dish" is pronounced "peach-tree dish." Or "Gestapo" is pronounced "gazpacho."

          And, of course, the written word is usually spelled phonetically because they know of no other way of spelling most words.


      2. We needed a dumb shit to remind us how civilized we've become discussing politics.  Nothing like full blown stupidity to remind a person that keen intellect is truly needed to keep democracies alive.

  2. Autocratic Republicans, grifters, bigots, misogynists, & morons are trying to take over the United States government.

    The Republican minority in the house and senate are evil people and think that it is a good idea to trash the U.S. Constitution!

    Dominion voting systems has moved its main office to Denver!

    I am a constitutionalist, so vote Democrat!

    In Colorado the republican primary was valid and a bunch of pretend rino’s were elected!

    The legally elected resident of the white house had less than 100 people at it’s inauguration! Then they place little American flags where people would stand as it was a legitimate election!

    Sorry for replying on an existent site!

    Colorado’s fabulous governor Polis and his first gentleman, were elected by getting more votes! Most people vote for democrats or rinos, because they want competent intelligent representation! Granted, many Republicans in Colorado vote for the criminal cartel.

    1. "I am a constitutionalist, so vote Democrat!"

      I am a sentient being who likes science, history, and logic. That's why I vote Democratic!

  3. You know, the Trumpist base will rally behind any asinine excuse for leaving nuclear secrets in the basement. But for the legal system and the majority of people in the country, this is going to be very bad for Trump. As it should be.

    The best I can draw from this is that the ex-President and his entourage are in a state of implosive panic over the events of the last 72 hours. There was certainly no such “standing order” which will become clear in short order. This also isn’t the way classification works. All classification authority stems from the will and authority of the President. So President’s can declassify anything they want – with the exception of certain nuclear secrets even President’s can’t declassify. But the President still has to go through certain procedures. There’s a controlling court case confirming this point from as recently as, I believe, 2019.

    1. Good news — at least one of Trump's lawyers is going to get disbarred (or more) and probably squeal on the rest of the Trump gang to get a lighter sentence!

      Trump Lawyer Told Justice Dept. That Classified Material Had Been Returned

      At least one lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump signed a written statement in June asserting that all material marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and club had been returned to the government, four people with knowledge of the document said.

      The written declaration was made after a visit on June 3 to Mar-a-Lago by Jay I. Bratt, the top counterintelligence official in the Justice Department’s national security division.

      The existence of the signed declaration, which has not previously been reported, is a possible indication that Mr. Trump or his team were not fully forthcoming with federal investigators about the material. And it could help explain why a potential violation of a criminal statute related to obstruction was cited by the department as one basis for seeking the warrant used to carry out the daylong search of the former president’s home on Monday, an extraordinary step that generated political shock waves.

      Gee, ya think?

      1. Ah, old reliable, Maggie Haberman:

        We have has a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico over the last year. We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed. While we should have a larger conversation in the near future about a broader strategy for reengaging the beat press that covers HRC, for this we think we can achieve our objective and do the most shaping by going to Maggie.

        – Joel Benenson

        Says the guy who promoted a fake alien invasion that leads to the cancelation of the presidential election as a method to salvage the Clinton 2016 campaign.



        1. Sniffing gun cleaning solution again, Negev?  Your dull-witted apparent attempt to “attack the messenger” is just sad.

          As I said in an earlier response to one of your pathetic attempts to distract from basic facts:

          I shouldn’t be surprised that you know nothing about and care less about that treasonous behavior by Trump.  Decades of promoting weapons of mass murder to anyone with the money to spend has inured you to the tragedy of the thousands of innocent lives lost in exchange.

          I pity you who lives in a moral dead zone, unable to fathom the consequences of your actions and beliefs.

          Sucks to be you.


          1. Sorry for the delay I was out making bullets….highly recommend the Ammobot Rev 3 …

            What's sad here Dobby is you still cling to the message. How many times have you "finally got him" or had a "possible indication" of a "potential violation" that spins you off in some hyperbolic apoplexy and convinces you it's real…. when it's not…..

            BTW is Jan6 still a thing? What happened to the special witness chick? I thought you had him thenwink

            If you come up with something good I'll stand with you. Otherwise suit up smokin' Joe and beat Trump just like last time…

            If not I will be happy to reserve an AR or two for you….because I am certain you will be shouting tyranny!


  4. Maybe our latest noodledick can look at the FB posts at the bottom of this thread talking about how they can earn a bunch of money working from home.  Sounds legit.  He seems exactly like the type of person they are advertising to.

  5. Rep. Boebertt is NOT going to be happy.

    Reuters: "U.S. to pause oil, gas leasing on 2.2 million acres in Colorado over climate impact"

    The agreement was filed Thursday in Colorado federal court and requires the government to conduct a new environmental analysis of the climate impacts of oil and gas leasing on public lands in southwestern Colorado. The government also agreed to consider how the leases may impact the endangered Gunnison sage- grouse and its habitat….

    The settlement pauses all new leasing in the area known as the North Fork Valley. The green groups, represented by Melissa Hornbein of the Western Environmental Law Center, say the plan puts the local culture revolving around family farms, wineries, recreational opportunities and wildlife at risk.

      1. Linked story says:

        requires the government to conduct a new environmental analysis of the climate impacts of oil and gas leasing on public lands in southwestern Colorado. The government also agreed to consider how the leases may impact the endangered Gunnison sage-grouse and its habitat.

        1. I am curious about the extent of the review. It says environmental analysis…but not capitalized. That could be a new EA  (Environmental Assessment) or a full blown Environmental Impact Statement.

          The fact they included the grouse is awesome.

    1. Boebert doesn’t care about that “fake local culture.” Her “local culture” revolves around “drill, baby, drill.” She’s be on Twitter real soon now.

  6. For you people to get so upset about words, tells me four things!

    You work for this evil website, your minds are set in stone, the person you badmouth must be a really great person and your small brain has to work very hard to distort facts!

    I would wish you good luck with that, but you already know that you have zero luck and if you did it can't help you!


    1. Good luck with that cheap Viagara, Noodledick.  It works as well as everything else Trump peddles.  But the packet of prostitute pee you bought from Steve Bannon is legitimate.  He gets it from his mother.

      Bye bye, Noodledick.

      Remember, we’re laughing at you, not with you.

      Tee hee.

  7. I just love it when the trolls bloom in the high country in late summer during an election cycle. Haven't had this much fun on Pols in quite a while. Sorry Moddy, but you've been out-gamed by the new kid on the bloc.

  8. Ahh, the newspaper of record for MAGA-World has connected the last of the dots…..

    Liz Cheney's husband is a lawyer defending Hunter Biden (

    Liz Cheney, Phillip Perry, and Hunter Biden. Trust the plan!

    Funny, when Bob Bennett of Williams & Connolly was representing Bill Clinton during the Lewinsky blow job fib investigation while also being the brother Bill Bennett, the education secretary of Bush 41, we didn't have the conspiracy nuts losing their shit over that connection.

  9. Maybe we should start calling them bunkers? 

    Trump Org Prosecutors Find New Evidence—in a Basement

    Prosecutors have discovered a tranche of evidence in the basement of a co-conspirator in the Trump Organization tax fraud case, a defense lawyer for indicted chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg revealed in court on Monday, with the attorney also signaling that more shoes are yet to drop in New York’s ongoing investigation.

    1. The story doesn't specify … was it a Florida basement?  Was the evidence found "in plain view" while law enforcement was carrying out a search on a different charge?


      1. Actually, it was the documents outlined in the search warrant so did not have to be in plain view. And yes it was a Florida basement. I hope the mold has not gotten to them yet.

  10. Thank Heaven for Socialist Security! Anniversary comments from Heather Cox-Richardson.

    By the time most of you will read this, it will be August 14, and on this day in 1935, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. While FDR’s New Deal had put in place new measures to regulate business and banking and had provided temporary work relief to combat the Depression, this law permanently changed the nature of the American government.

    The Social Security Act is known for its payments to older Americans, but it did far more than that. It established unemployment insurance; aid to homeless, dependent, and neglected children; funds to promote maternal and child welfare; and public health services. It was a sweeping reworking of the relationship between the government and its citizens, using the power of taxation to pool funds to provide a basic social safety net.

    1. The American people are very supportive of socialism:

      By the time the bill came to a vote in Congress, it was hugely popular. The vote was 371 to 33 in the House and 77 to 6 in the Senate.

      1. One of the greatest (truly) socialist organizations in the United States, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, gets a bite at the apple in the IRA. After almost two decades of fighting every incremental change possible in the transition to “green”, will they step to the plate and bat this time?  Bring real wealth generation to our struggling rural communities? 

        Inflation Reduction Act offers rural electric co-ops potential to expand renewable energy

        Rural electric cooperatives are among the big winners from the Democratic climate funding package

  11. It’s easy to tell when MAGA world feels truly threatened- troll activity on lefty blogs ramps way up, and boring public servants start getting threatened for doing their jobs.

    So between Negev and Stardud we have dozens of posts aimed at distracting, dividing, and demoralizing  in the last 48 hours..,it’s almost like y’all don’t want people discussing the great week Biden is having, or the terrible, no good very bad week your Mango Menace had.

  12. If we still have a pool on “who was the Mar a Lago mole? “, Mary Trump thinks that Jared Kushner did it. It’s in his self interest.

    He’s more aligned with the Saudis than with Putin, and Vanky’s businesses are in China.


    1. That made me think back to 2016 when Christie was Fat Donnie’s choice for VP and Manafort wanted Pence. Jared wasn’t happy as IIRC Christie was who put Jared’s dad in jail. Manafort faked a plane mechanical king enough they had to reverse course and went to Indiana first. The man-child was convinced Pence was the chisen and the rest is history. 

      1. "Christie was Fat Donnie’s choice for VP"

        I never heard that one, Michael. I read somewhere that the choice boiled down to Pence or Gingrich, and Melania pushed for Pence because she thought Donnie said and did enough controversial stuff that they didn't need Gingrich opening a second front in the war on acceptable behavior.

        Pence and "Mother" were considered to be sufficiently boring to mitigate some of the damage Donnie would do.

        I do recall reading that Christie was in the running for chief of staff, but Kushner put the kibosh on that.

    2. Entertainment imitating life but only up to a point ….

      So, as a fan of Succession, I've been impressed how Sarah Snook (Shiv Roy) portrays Vanky while Jeremy Strong (Kendall Roy) does a passable performance of Donald, Jr. 

      But Matthew MacFadyen (Tom Wambsgans) as Jared Kushner …. I don't see it. In the series, he was literally prepared to do time in prison to protect his father-in-law and the family fortune. 

        1. I don't think there is a new season out yet.

          IIRC, Tom engaged in snowballing at his bachelor party with one of the women entertainers.

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