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June 14, 2012 03:06 PM UTC

Will the Real WSCA Please Stand Up

  • by: Konola

(The super wacko conspiracy that just won’t die – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Until I received a phone call last night asking about the Western Slope Conservative Alliance’s Sheriff’s Forum, I had forgotten all about the meeting. I had planned to attend, but got busy preparing for my surgery, scheduled for later today. Reading about the meeting in this morning’s Sentinel, was entertaining–both Gary Harmon and Rick Wagner wrote about it. Poor Rick Wagner! His deadline was before the meeting, so he had to write about what he assumed happened at the meeting.

It was curious that the story, written by Gary Harmon, made no mention of Western Slope Conservative Alliance. Instead, the crowd was painted as a bunch of gun nuts. The headline is “Sheriffs Try to Calm Gun Crowd.” I felt sorry for the four county sheriffs who were at the event.

According to Harmon:

“They also said they welcomed more information about Agenda 21, a United Nations program that last came up during the gubernatorial campaign when Republican candidate and eventual nominee Dan Maes questioned a bicycle-sharing program in Denver that was fashioned under the program.”

For some reason gun nuts are completely paranoid about Agenda 21, which had its genesis at a meeting in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Environmentalists are gathering in Rio de Janerio this week to celebrate the 20th anniversary of that meeting. The paranoia stems from a fear that the UN will somehow take over the world, and that those damn enviro-terrorists will insist that global warming is caused by humans. Clearly we will all be forced to ride red bicycles when the blue helmets show up in Grand Junction. Only those with guns and supporters of the oil and gas industry will be allowed to drive gas-guzzling SUVs. Clearly nobody can get out to the gun range with only a red bicycle. Oh MY!

I’m sure the sheriff’s were wondering if they had fallen into a psych ward. No wonder the story made no mention of WSCA-they didn’t want their name associated with the craziness coming out of that meeting.

An earlier Harmon story reported:

“Organizer Doug Thompson acknowledged that the conservative alliance runs the risk of being painted as “radical right-wingers” by sponsoring the roundtable.”

Self-Fulfilling Prophesy?

There may be another reason for the lack of mention of WSCA. They may not own their name. According to the Secretary of State’s website, GJResult filed documents on May 25, 2012 giving them ownership of the name Western Slope Conservative Alliance Tea Party. No doubt this stems from the ongoing disagreement between GJResult/Tea Party and WSCA over which organization is the real grass roots Tea Party.

Full disclosure: I signed up for information at the GJResult website, and therefore am officially a member of GJResult. My politics haven’t changed, but I am learning a lot about the values of grass roots Tea Parties vs. Astroturf Tea Parties.

The front page of the Colorado Observer today has more about that feud, including a video of the fisticuffs first reported on this blog. The video is as entertaining as the Sentinel’s stories about gun nuts and Agenda 21. It’s less than a minute in length. Check it out. I laughed out loud when I heard someone saying, “He stuck his tongue out at me.”

These are adults pretending that they can tell people who to vote for in Mesa County, but sounding like a bunch of grade school bullies. My GJResult friends point out that none of the members of GJResult were at either the executive committee meeting that resulted in fisticuffs or at the meeting of gun nuts last night.

Links to all of the stories mentioned in this diary can be found at


4 thoughts on “Will the Real WSCA Please Stand Up

        1. scare the hell out of these nincompoops, because they are a bunch of paranoid “radical right wingers” (too late, Doug) looking for a “revenooer” behind every tree…or should I say, in every government office.

          These are the guys who have stashed supplies and weapons in the woods, waiting for the zombies…

          I attended a political forum in the home of one of their leaders once. Scary…  

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