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June 28, 2012 03:40 PM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Fanatics are picturesque, mankind would rather see gestures than listen to reasons.”

–Friedrich Nietzsche


32 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

  1. So today we finally hear from the Supremes. Going out on a limb here, but I think we won’t be disappointed with their verdict. Here’s an extremely uninformed reason: Bitterness.

    The other day Ginsberg mentioned this. A whole lot of bitterness within the court — un-attributed to any one  person — over the decision. Most people don’t call themselves bitter, so I figure it’s the other side. Then Scalia throws a tantrum about the immigration decision, completely out of proportion and concerning an issue which had nothing to do with the case at hand. The health care decision had already been made, just not announced. I think the intemperate old fart had already suffered a defeat in the health care argument before another setback in the immigration case. Hmm, really bitter. If Scalia lost, we won.

    Then again, they just might saw off the limb between me and the tree. We’ll see in about 50 minutes.

    (See Harvard Law Review Vol. CMXXXXXX, pp. 1-666 for further reference.)

  2. I’ve been reading everyone’s comments here, much better and more personal than some talking head from a so-called news program.

    My heart is pained.

    1. We’re no longer under pre-alert and they pulled out the fire and police vehicles last night around 6:00. Nothing happening this morning.

      We could see a couple of spots of flame along the ridge line but no one seemed worried about it.

      1. some hopefully no afternoon lightning to set off Lee Hill, Olde Stage, Magnolia, Betasso or the rest of the tinder box surrounding us wierdos

    1. I was, I am, listening to the Diane Rehm show when this was announced. Before being usurped by the Supremes, she was going have Mexican guests discussing the upcoming election there.

      Mexico, the neighbor Americans love to dismiss as backward and corrupt.  Corrupt, sure.  But at least Mexican citizens (and American visitors) get “free” health care.

      Listening a few minutes now, apparently the decision is by their own terms, complex.  Not along party lines, all pivoting on the question of is the mandate a tax or not?  

    2. Some had predicted he would.

      I also need to amend my previous comment.  It was announced on the show I am listening to that the individual mandate was struck down.  Apparently not, and I just flew over Ralphie’s comment, misunderstanding it.  

      1. “The GOP will now disown Chief Justice Roberts for upholding a law that Mitt Romney indirectly helped develop, including a provision first put forth by the Heritage Foundation. You can’t make this stuff up.”

        Patrick Koucheravy

    3. …because now the Republican’t Party finally has a simple coherent (and fundamentally wrong)issue to run on this November.


      It already picks up on the false meme they established during the last few years about how “bad” the ACA is.

      In the short term, I’m ecstatic. SUCK IT, Repubs!

        1. They’ve opted out of governing, they deserve nothing.

          Not gloating, however. Now the real lift begins: making the darned law work.

        2. Ok- we ould talk about how this is what Romney wanted all along…and the clear choice the GOtP now is to nominate Ron Paul.  And how death panels really were a mistake and we should repeal that part.

          You do it.  I got debts to pay.  And yes, collect from those di^^heads who owe me $50.  You (and I) know who you are.

    1. With condolences.

      We’ve just got to work harder exposing shithead liars — Republicans, wannabe firefighters, wannabe vet heroes — and bring down the hammer in other ways.

    2. And Senant staffer?

      More to the point, does this mean when I lie to my employer and get fired for it, can I claim 1st Amendment protection asue for wrongful termiination?

      I hate this f***ing first Amendment that protects liars and cheaters.

          1. Then you prosecute the crime. But you don’t outlaw speech that in some cases is used in the course of a crime. If you did, then aerobics instructors would be arrested for saying “hands up.”

    3. Especially in today’s online world, it is a relatively easy task to put awarded medals online and allow people who might use a claim of medals to double-check claims quickly so that they can base decisions on reality vs. claim.

  3. http://blogs.westword.com/late

    Sitting in on part of a Denver City Council retreat yesterday, Westword learned that ex-councilman Doug Linkhart, who ran for mayor last year, was hit by a pickup truck while cycling to a Bike To Work Day event with the mayor and current councilpersons

    Linkhart, going straight, had the right of way over the pickup truck, which was turning left.

    “The guy gets out and says it’s my fault. He said, ‘You gotta watch your turns.’ I told him, ‘I’m not turning,'” notes Linkhart, adding that he finally convinced the driver that he was in fact in the wrong…

    “We have a long ways to go to educate cars to look out for bikes,” he says. “They are not looking for bikes. It’s going to take awhile before Denver gets to the point of Portland and other places where bikes [and cars]…share the road peacefully.”  

    1. I pedal some 50 or more miles a week for exercise.  I have flashing LED lights front and rear, I often see drivers suddenly jerk the wheel as my light suddenly registers.  Then there are the others…..

      Even bike lanes are not sacred.  Drivers will cut across them around a curve as if it is their roadway, they wander into the lane as they talk on their phones.  

      Eternal vigilance is not just useful for liberty.

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