UPDATE #2:: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, via Politico:
“Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be ‘constitutional’ does not make it so.”
Um, yes, actually, it does. That’s kind of how it works.
UPDATE: Politico, keep it real:
In a closed door House GOP meeting Thursday, Indiana congressman and gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence likened the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the Democratic health care law to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to several sources present.
He immediately apologized…
The conservative response to Obamacare being upheld by the Supreme Court has been, in a word, hysterical. There’s a great example of this on Breitbart.com, in a post titled “Obama Does Not Say ‘TAX’ Once in Response to SCOTUS Ruling.”
Here are some other words that President Obama did not use in response to the SCOTUS ruling:
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…it would have been if he had used “rhinoceros.”
Here’s my reaction:
I got an E-mail from his campaign that said:
Which leads me to ask the question, can we afford the on-the-job learning that will make Romney understand that there is a huge difference between being CEO of a corporation and being President of the United States? A CEO can change company policy with the stroke of a pen, provided he either owns the company or has the support of the board of directors. A President is only one branch of the government, and no pen stroke is able to undo a law passed by the legislature and blessed by the Supreme Court as being constitutional.
Good luck with that.
What a laughable position to say he is going to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on his first day in office.
It took a super majority to get affordable health care legislation through during 18 months of negotiating and hundreds of town hall meetings and it is going to take a super majority to repeal it. That means 60 Republican seats in the senate, a Republican House and a Republican president.
Not going to happen.
Romney is a fool to think he can wave a magic wand on day 1 and make it disappear. It does show how out of touch the guy is with reality.
Affordable health care is now the law of the land just like Social Security. Kudos to the president for sticking with this issue and getting it done.
He is just a liar.
Not just low information voters, STUPID voters. As in, don’t know squat about our government and how it works. Or doesn’t.
People who say they’re moving to Canada now.
system, they’ll return as supporters of the same kind of thing here. If they prefer the private insurance they already have, what’s the point?
This is going to give Dems, from Obama on down, a much needed do over in explaining the Affordable Health Care Act (polls well under its proper name) and all the things in it that poll well. They’ve been doing a really lousy job but now they can use this opportunity to counter every R attack.
Already, Illinois Dems are holding a press conference explaining how, if Rs really do manage to repeal the act on day one, hundreds of thousands of young people up to 26 in Illinois are going to be thrown off their parents coverage, people with preexisting conditions will have no hope of getting coverage. That’s a lot of people in their fifties who are a long way from Medicare or Medicaid eligibility but with plenty of “conditions”.
There are good answers to every conceivable attack. The government is going to make your decisions, not you and your doctor? Do you and your doctor make decisions or do insurance company bureaucrats who will return to looking for ways to cut you, cap and you deny you altogether under the system Rs want to keep? These reforms mean that can’t happen. It’s a tax? Do you have insurance already? Then it’s not on tax on you, only on those who can afford it but who want to avoid “personal responsibility” (aren’t Rs all for that?) and get your tax dollars to pay for their care when they have a stroke.
There is even a chance, no guarantee, that Dems won’t blow this do over. Once people get used to the first step, the next step, real universal health care can be that much closer if Dems manage to hang on now and do really well in 2014. Going over my limit is just too much fun today.
I’ll be setting up a road side stand on the Montana border to stop and collect from each of these highly informed citizens 😉
Remember when that was directed at us for opposing the Viet Nam war?
Or The Onion?
…someplace without single payer health care…
or Afghanistan
You’ve got to wonder why that is. Very suspicious.
who deny coverage for pre-existing conditions who are the real death panels would have voluntarily reformed on their own. Nah. They had to be brought into to line through regulation to dismantle their death panels.
A law passed by a majority in the democratically elected House, a supermajority in the democratically elected Senate, signed by the democratically elected president, and affirmed by five justices appointed with the approval of the Senate by three separate presidents representing both major parties, subject to any repeal a future set of elected legislators may choose to take? Tyranny indeed.
From a fascinating thread: http://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblo…
That was used by many in the GOP to claim that the bill was opposed by some Americans and so, was illegal.
And, today Senator Rand Paul says, “Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be ‘constitutional’ does not make it so.”
Well, make that five people on the Supreme Court, and yes that does make it constitutional.
Republicans are idiots.
Remember this guy?
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s…
“Impeach Earl Warren.” I remember those billboards on the highways, brought to you by the John Birch Society.
Think Dixiecrats and all those huffing and puffing that the gummint can’t make me serve no niggers in my restuhrahnt!
Fifty years later, it’s mostly all ho hum, what was that all about?
Just because his job as a drywall installer won’t allow him to afford both health insurance AND that new hovercraft in his driveway.
You’ll be ruled unconstitutional, just like Obamacare was according to FOX News before they found time to actually publish those inconvenient facty-thingies.
2024 will be the first time I’m old enough 🙁 Such a long wait!
from MittRomney.com website.
I smell a flip-flop coming….
http://www.mittromney.com/issu… retrieved June 28 2012
What he meant was Scalia, Thomas, and Alito.
He was probably just being respectful of the Chief Justice, because …you know…. they are in the same party and and …well. he is Chief Justice. But now that we know he is a commie, probably Swiss or Swedish or something, he no longer deserves the respect.
My preference is that Mitt continue nominating SCOTUS justices and federal judges in his wildest dreams. The ones where all the difficult people are converted and finally realize he really is better than the rest of us. And then we all get our own planet, or universe or whatever. Dream on, Governor Romney.
One of the Denver Post commenters today said that the Supreme Court justices who voted to hold the Affordable Care Act constitutional should be arrested for treason.
The irony is priceless. But scary.
Next they’ll be seeking to arrest Romney for inspiring Obamacare with Romneycare in Massachusetts. And the circle will be closed.
Them “let ’em die” people are sure having a smelly hissy fit today.
Oh, wait a minute.
There be a fire over there, the other smoke smell, the one that smells more like brimstone is the one I mean.
The catholic bishops are after the Obama administration. I do not know how effective they will be. It is important to take note of this. here is the link:
For the American Catholic bishops to unanimously endorse a statement describing the HHS sterilization-contraception-abortifacient regulation as “an unjust and illegal mandate” is significant because the bishops have also recently restated the Catholic teaching that “unjust laws” cannot be obeyed.
let me list the laws that the bishops did not find “unjust and illegal.”
Jim Crow,
Lynch laws,
And all Nazi laws attacking and ultimately killing the
Jewish population.
And on a related note: The first catholic priest to be found guilty of child endangerment because he did not reveal to new parishes that the priests he was transferring had molested children. Here is the link:
First, it’s mostly the boys. As far as we know. So “children” is overly broad.
And it’s also the women. Except they most likely have buyer’s remorse – if that’s why you left them out, well, ok.
Potato, potahto – wtfe.
American Catholics do not form a single bloc of voters. Most of them already have well formed opinions about contraception, and it is a ZERO FACTOR in how they’ll perceive whether Obamacare is good or bad.
You may well be right, I hope so.
The part about “cooperating with unjust laws” concerns me. I don’t know where they are going with that…..back in the day, nuns who worked in the public sector had to resign jobs if their particular bishop felt that they were involved with dispensing birth control information or in supervisory position in state public agencies where abortion or birth control were ever referred. They certainly could extend that to all catholics…who would then be under tremendous pressure….Public elected officials have been denied the sacraments, publicly. I just don’t know.
I think this is designed to divert attention from the criminal conviction in Phila. However, the MSM has simply ignored the conviction.
Of constitutional concern to me is the lawsuit by various catholic entities moving forward challenging the birth control mandate in AHCA…however, it should not reach the Supreme Court before the election. Five of the nine current justices are practicing catholics…..what kind of pressure would they be under by the bishops? Could they act independently? The letter went out before today’s decision….
REmember I lived and worked in Latin America for a number of years and was raised in that church. They scare the holy shit out of me.
and watch as half of them leave, taking their tithe money with them.
Bishops are expected to make a lot of noise because that’s the way they get ahead in their careers. Remember when one threatened to defrock any priest who gave John Kerry communion? Did John Kerry have trouble receiving communion? No. Was anyone defrocked? No.
My dad belongs to some society of leftist Catholics who publicly push for female priests, an end to the ban on contraception, and various other issues that are at complete loggerhead with the Vatican. Some bishop in Nebraska threatened to excommunicate anyone in his diocese who was a member. Did it happen? No.
One thing to keep in mind is that priests have a certain amount of discretion over how much of these edicts are actually heard in sermons. There are still a lot of liberal priests around, and they can play office politics with the bishops because of the priest shortage. As long as they’re discreet, bishops aren’t often going to push the issue.
For all the bluff and bluster coming from the Pope and his princes, they value having liberal Catholics in the pews (and pulpits) of their churches, if only for money and appearance. They know their influence in America is limited. (This is a generalization – I’m sure some more impoverished parishes are more dominated by the Church than others.)
Now, in Latin America that’s a different story. The Church has HUGE sway there because they are far and away the dominant religion in those countries. (Although their sway is waning in the face of evangelical Protestant missions, but not all that quickly.)
My concern is their political influence…especially in a close election. The internal dynamics of the practicing catholic congregation is really not any of my business. I do think you probably have a handle on it.
Finally, remember Ohio and the power of the church when came out against gay marriage and the democrats in 2004. Was John Kerry elected? No.
All kinds of homophobic churches came out there. The Catholics were just one more, and in their case their members were split (as opposed to, say, the Mormons, Southern Baptists, or Pentecostals).
Besides, that’s election GOTV, not civil disobedience. True, they could be influential in getting folks to vote Republican – if they’re socially conservative Catholics. That’s a valid concern. But if some general rebellion against the health care act arises, you can bet that the Catholics who participate won’t be doing so because the Pope gave them the okay, at least not primarily.
Which one is that?
Is that like the “death tax?”
Stockholm Syndrome?
Here is the quote from the website that I give the link for…
I certainly cannot explain it nor do I justify it, it was my intent to call attention to it.
Obamacare still unconstitutional.
It’s a wonder the man was able to make it through medical school, let alone be allowed to prescribe drugs.
But when the five people saying something are US Supreme Court Justices, well, it means whatever they say is the law of the land.
your link didn’t work for me
Wonder how I messed up the hyperlink like that. Thanks for providing the right one.
Thomas Jefferson
He really sounds bizarre, not like himself.
He’s just deleriously happy.
And back to how she was before she joined CoPols – cynically superior.
The GOtP have one choice now* – total, unequivocal elimination of ACA. And this is a LOSING proposition – except for death panels. I think we can all agree those should be repealed. ANd free on-demand abortions for non citizens. And Americorps reeducation camps. Otherwise, ACA is popular- pre-existing conditions, personal responsibility, kids can stay on parents policy to 26, and the puppy health and wellness component.
*gas prices are down, Iraq war is over, OBL is dead, American auto industry is alive, taxes have not gone up, President was born in Hawaii, USN Seals killed Somali pirates, he never tortured his dog on the roof of his car at highway speeds, his grandfather was not a polygamist, etc, etc
He’s just a very silly person.
I can vouch for MADCO’s good health.
Daniel Epps wrote a thoughtful response for The Atlantic:
I heard a commentator on NPR remark: “The politicians were playing poker, but the chief justice was playing chess.”
Sink or swim, The Affordable Healthcare Act is the Democrats’ baby. One has to wonder if that thing around their neck is a gold medal or a millstone.
Will the fact that Obamacare has been ruled constitutional make it more popular with voters? It didn’t help that the four liberal justices joined Chief Justice John Roberts in calling it a tax.
The public opinion polls, over the next few weeks should shed some light on that.
Here’s a couple polls to help you establish a baseline:
If those calling for the repeal of the law is over 50% in October, as it has been for much of the past two years, then Obama is in trouble.
Obamacare may have won in the court, but the voters still don’t like it. Not a good recipe to win re-election at any level.
$100 Romney doesn’t win.
Except that they didn’t. You should read the ruling.
Who cares about reality?
Breitbart inc. and the VRWC have declared that the SCOTUS has declared the mandate a tax.
So shall it be. Truth be damned.
I made a mistake when I wrote the four liberal justices joined with Chief Justice John Roberts in calling it a tax. It was just Roberts who did.
But DaftPunk is correct. It isn’t just conservative pundits who are reporting it is a tax, so is the mainstream media. That is what the public is going to remember.
I mentioned the vast right wing conspiracy, not the mainstream media.
You republicans are good at lying, and getting ignorant fools to repeat your lies. Putting words in my mouth is devious and deceitful. Please don’t do it again.
You say that line is being put out by conservatives. I agreed and added that the mainstream media is reporting that way as well, which they are. I even heard it being reported that way on the ABC Evening News and NPR. Thus, this is the truth that the public will remember come this fall.
I love your broad brush swipe at all Republicans. It really shows a lack of perspective on your part. The GOP is not a monolithic group any more than the Democratic Party is.
Spare me your hysterical indignation and paranoia. No one put words in your mouth and there was no intent to be devious and deceitful on my part.
made it sound like my words.
And your party is based on lies: “Tax cuts help create jobs.” Where the fuck are they? Where are the honest Republicans? Where are the republicans calling out their party-mates for lying?
Sitting on the sidelines because most businesses, especially small businesses, are still uncertain how the Affordable Care Act… which turned out to be a tax after all, just like the solicitor general argued on behalf of the Obama administration last March… is going to impact them. Businesses, particularly the small businesses, are worried about being considered “wealthy” and having to pay even more taxes.
Lying? Hmmm.. Charles “Tax Dodger” Rangel, Maxine “It was a coincidence my family benefited from those government deals” Waters, Eric “I had nothing to do with Fast ‘N Furious” Holder, Barack “This isn’t going to be a tax” Obama, John “I don’t know where all that money went” Corzine, Rod Blagojevich, John Edwards… the list goes on and on in 2012.
Lies as a campaign strategy is clearly what I was talking about.
If you’re an idiot, you didn’t know what I was talking about. If you’re pretending to be an idiot you thought I meant Democratic politicians have a monopoly on honesty.
Was PPACA around at the end of the Bush administration? How much job creation did his tax cuts effect?
the $831 billion on the Obama stimulus package of 2009 created. Weren’t those “shovel ready” jobs?
Then, there was the $527 million dollar loan guarantee to Solyndra, who laid off all its employees and filed bankruptcy. It was quickly followed by Abound Solar, in Colorado, who also laid off all its employees and filed for bankruptcy, after getting a $400 million loan guarantee from the federal government. So much for creating jobs there!
While it did take a taxpayer bailout to save General Motors and Chrysler, why is it Ford survived very nicely without one? So there was a way to do it without the federal government risking our money, after all? There is something very wrong about the government picking winners and loser in the private sector.
Meanwhile, the U.S. credit is still below the AAA rating it had under Bush (either one) and Bill Clinton. The country is suffered 40 months with an unemployment rate of 8% or higher, and the president — by executive order — just opened the door for another 800K illegal immigrants to compete against U.S. citizens (in the latter’s own country) for a limited number of jobs. That last act alone qualifies for “in his heart, he’s just not an American.”
Just what country are U.S. citizens supposed to go to to get the first shot at jobs, placement in college, and find spots in a shrinking military?
qualifies you as a jackass. What are you…some kind of white supremacist? How do you get to say what qualifies as “American”…?
Is that you congressman Tancredo?”
those who have to resort to cussing someone out, or calling them names, do so because they really don’t have any rational argument to offer. I learned that from over 20 years of dealing with middle school students. Dukeco1 has proved the point once again.
Do you honestly think that a majority of Americans believe any illegal should get the same standing as a U.S. citizen or legal resident, for a job within the United States? If you do, then you really are outside of mainstream thinking.
The last sentence of my previous post bears repeating… and it is one no one bothered to answer: Just what country are U.S. citizens supposed to go to to get the first shot at jobs, placement in college, and find spots in a shrinking military?
Calling you “jackass” does not disqualify Dukeco’s statement, no more than calling your argument “bullshit.”
For one, your–let’s see–P.O.S. ‘argument’ dodges the point D-co was raising, about your ‘qualifications’ to determine who is, or is not, an ‘American in their heart.’
That’s not a determination open to TeaParty referendum. I find it repulsive that you think it is–truly unAmerican.
Dukeco was being polite. The proper response is FU.
Yes, I do think allowing 800K illegal immigrants work permits — merely by executive order — so they can compete for American jobs within the U.S. is unAmerican. So does just about every other U.S. citizen who is unemployed or underemployed.
If this was so “right for America,” why was it not done in 2009? In fact, why wasn’t comprehensive immigration reform done during the first two years of the Obama presidency? Both houses of Congress were controlled by the Democrats then. They could have done whatever they wanted. I guess Hispanics weren’t important then.
Latinos are not stupid. A lot of them see this for the political grandstanding it is. As one Latina stated on NPR, “Three years ago, Obama promised us a diamond ring and now he thinks he can get away with with giving us cubic zirconia?”
Imagine how thrilled young blacks, in particular, are to have this instant class of job seekers competing against them now?
Let’s not play games with who is “qualified” to question the president’s patriotism. Most Americans expect their president to put U.S. citizens first within the boundaries of the USA. I do not know of any other U.S. president who has not.
Just wait until the country realizes that this group of work permitted, non-deportees does not have to pay the ACA tax because they are illegal immigrants. Dems are managing this about as well as they did messaging Obamacare for two years.
how they are ‘instant.’ Let me spell it out for you since I have no need to be polite. FUCK YOU. You have no right to decide who is or is not an ‘American.’ Your garbage is certainly not. Know Nothing bullshit. Its also offensive that you purport to speak for ‘just about every other U.S. citizen who is unemployed or underemployed.’ Know-nothing arrogant jackass.
Only when asked if they approve or disapprove of “Obamacare,” are the results negative.
I would wager that many people saying they don’t like Obamacare have already benefited from it, or a family member has.
Like segregation, you will be on the losing side of history.
Question: “What’s the difference between a liberal and a conservative?” Answer: Fifty, sometimes a hundred years.
Nowhere does the word “Obamacare” show up.
So much for that argument.
…..and what single word will pop into his/her Fox “News” addled brain?
I do stand corrected on that exact word not being used.
I don’t think just “Fox News” viewers were surveyed. But it would be interesting, if there had been a sixth question asking: What is your main source of news?
Believe it or not, mine is NPR… and I am a proud card carrying member of KCFR. I really like the way they go into depth on stories like nobody else does.
their opposition to affordable health care RR.
Most polls show that 10-15% of the people who don’t like the ACA legislation are against it because it didn’t go far enough. The people who actually don’t want affordable health care in our country are a minority.
The president would have been in a lot worse position today if the Supreme Court had exercised judicial activism and struck it down. This decision might fire up the anti-everything crowd but it will also fire those who want to move forward and deal with our other pressing issues. The president stuck his neck out to help those in need and it is going to be noticed.
but the poll asked whether people thought the AHA should be repealed. 54% of the respondents indicated they did. I doubt those who thought the law didn’t go far enough would say they wanted it repealed.
It would be interesting to see a poll that specifically asked those who want it repealed why they felt that way.
As far as “firing up the base” is concerned, the anti-groups usually are able to more easily get their supporters out than the pro-groups in many elections, i.e. school bond issues.
Some AHA supporters may become complacent since they know the Supreme Court has ruled the law to be constitutional. Everyone here is a confirmed political junkie — and we know better — but the vast majority of our voting brethren are not. I’ve never considered the American voter to be dumb, but I never ceased to be amazed at how lazy many are and how ill-informed they choose to be before they cast their ballot. But their votes count as much as yours or mine do.