Colorado Pols was down for several hours today because the power outages on the East Coast affected our servers. Things may be a bit buggy this weekend as a result.
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BY: coloradosane
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Stay Classy, Rep. Matt Soper (Jimmy Carter Eulogy Edition)
BY: Air Slash
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
BY: Air Slash
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Phil Weiser First To Throw Hat In 2026 Gubernatorial Ring
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Excellent service and support.
I have been a customer for over a decade.
Is they are using AWS (Amazon). Isn’t the official policy of the dead Guvs that Amazon is evil for avoiding collecting sales tax?
All is right with the world again!
SXP – you complete us!
Need more facts.
The upcoming leap second is crashing Debian systems (this is not a joke).
Today’s coverage in the Denver Post of the Koch Brother’s sponsored rally contained the sad story of Jon Caldara’s children — for which I have only the deepest sympathies:
But then he goes on to make the most egregiously false accusation I’ve ever heard:
How do you figure this law will do that, Jon?
Because of the unlimited lifetime coverage?
Because you can’t be denied coverage?
Because you can now choose among a variety of plans?
Because the insurance companies now must spend at least 80% on care vs. bigger bonuses for their execs?
Because you still have the same doctors available to care for your child?
Assuming you have coverage, then nothing changes. If you’ve lost your coverage because of your child’s pre-exisiting condition, or you have hit your plan’s limits of coverage, how will this law not benefit your family?
And of course, the GOP’s position makes absolutely no sense from a business standpoint:
Jon, if you must make a political point out of your personal family tragedy, at least don’t do so to further yet another falsehood masquerading as a GOP talking point.
“Because you still have the same doctors available to care for your child?”
My family physician, who is also the city’s #1 specialist in a particular pediatric disorder, will quit due to the “quality” requirements in Obamacare, which effectively outlaws private practices, and requires sharing of medical records.
Your religious belief are muddling your thinking.
As one of the few who has actually read the bill, I can assure you that there is nothing in the bill that should worry any doctor – unless the doctor is a quack or a charlatan. The, he may be one of those people – see pictures below of the Hands Off My Heathcare demonstration – who believes that the licensing of doctors is socialism.
If you are accurately reporting his position, the medical profession and society in general would be better without him.
How on earth would outlawing private practice and requiring sharing of records have anything to do with religious beliefs?
I stand by my earlier statement. My doctor plans to keep practicing for a few more decades. I suspect millions of other doctors will too.
One ticked off doctor in Somalia Springs does not a socialist takeover make.
I haven’t read the bill. Not gonna, either.
But there are “quality” requirements that effectively mandate group practices; no more stand-alone practices.
Call me whatever names you like, doesn’t change what’s in the law.
Your Doc, if he’s in a stand-alone practice, may retire before 2015, or go into some other line of work. He may also join a group practice and continue in the healing arts.
Dave Thi’s religious beliefs include his faith that the Obamacare law is all good.
Keep the faith, baby.
I have responded to all who deserve a response.
Nor as an agnostic do I have religious beliefs. Belief means accepting without proof a statement and I try to avoid doing that.
You mean like these:
My doctor (who is terrific, btw) is in his early ’40’s, and finally in the last year automated his practice.
The last thing I want to do when entering a doctor’s office is to be handed a clipboard where I have to fill out my history for the Nth time, and then have some clerk mistype it into a computer.
Sorry your doctor doesn’t want to keep up with best practices and provide better, safer medicine. He probably should retire. Mine isn’t, thank goodness.
My family doc was offered something like $40,000 to allow the federal government to convert all his patient records to electronic files.
As part of the deal, he had to allow some bureaucrat at HHS access to those records.
My Doc declined. Many of his peers accepted.
6 months from now, Harry, I’ll be able to buy a copy of your medical records online, complete with your personal identifying information.
I can’t imagine why I would want to, but it will be available.
Do you understand the aroma of bullshit?
WHO is paying $40,000? And WHY? Whoa….to get YOUR oh so valuable medical records?
I have three experiences, directly and indirectly with computerized medical records. In the VA, any vet can show up at any VA hospital and poof! there are all his records so that doctors might proceed with best care.
Ditto Kaiser Permanente within state boundaries.
The local clinic that my mother and father have gone for some years spent a boodle on the computerized record system. Any given specialist can pull up all the records, find out what drugs are being prescribed.
What’s the problem?
Again, I don’t want to see yours, either.
…..or not, but that someone is paying $40K to look at them. Not bloody likely.
And the biggest reasons for medical privacy, besides those embarrassing penicillin shots, has been so that health insurance companies can either deny coverage or “justify” high premiums.
Now, not so much. If at all.
Given what is available via credit checks, I’m not particularly concerned with what you might want with my medical information. HIPPA regs are still in place you know (more of a PITA than anything as far as I see).
Mostly, as with ID theft, I wouldn’t want you getting treatments or prescriptions by impersonating me.
But, there are safeguards for that sort of thing, as well as criminal penalties that can be pursued.
But as Scott McNealy put it about a decade ago, “Privacy is dead, get over it”. Since the insurance companies, who would be most interested in my pre-existing conditions no longer have an incentive to use that to cancel our policies or deny coverage, if my medical history is not 100% secure, so what?
“ELEPHANT: The 12 Things I Learned When I Ran For Office” will be released this February!
It is a memoir about my run for HD56 back in 2008 (and yes, I mention ColoradoPols). Hopefully there’s a book signing at the Tattered Cover or something (then again, they only invite ‘good’ authors… lol).
Anyways – my bday week is off to a good start – hope you’re all having a great holiday week!
Have you written it yet? Can you give us any teasers?
Yes, the entire manuscript is done and I’m just putting some finishing touches on it now.
Every chapter is a different lesson learned, all culminating into the end of the election. I’ll have to ask the publisher about “teasers” but I think I could probably put something online 🙂
when we should start calling Tattered Cover to demand they book a promising new author all our friends want to meet.
And to ColPols…several hours? I couldn’t get on from early Saturday to last check before bed time. Of course that means no comments for the 30th. Can’t wait to see how low I rank this past quarter on the frequent comment scale!
And your autographed copy is FREE!
That’s a great accomplishment. If I come, will you sign the bright pink recyclable grocery bag you gave out in that campaign?
Especially if you still have a PINK HASAN RECYCLABLE BAG!!!!
I’m down to just a few ones left 🙁
Mine is too flashy for the grocery store, so it usually ends up as a nice swimming pool towel and snacks bag.
Glad to see you back around Pols…
even when you are wrong. 🙂
I’m always willing to be wrong with flattery like that!
Thank you brother 🙂
I’m still trying to get a couple more of your bumper stickers. The Cutlass Ciera I plastered mine on went to the Bako with my younger son.
And a yard sign would be fantastic. I’ll pay postage.
Wow – we made so few yard signs and they’re all gone – but stickers? I’ll have to check 😉 we may have those…
You got the book deal, right?
What if you then get someone else to research,
plagiarizeand other wise put words on a page for you, will your publisher be cool with that?…Ralphie charges too much.
“Loser: the complete history of the brief and unfortunate political career of Muhammad Ali Hasan”.
Anyone who does that should be commended for trying, not belittled if they didn’t win.
And as for you, Ralphie…
Brief? Indeed.
Unfortunate? Hardly.
Not many people can run for office, lose, and still get a book published about it.
You should name your next book…” Indomitable”.
Sparring with Ralphie is not for the faint of heart. 🙂
…I love everyone!
(even Ralphie)
Love and peace to you, Duke!
Incredible dancing
What…no new material?
Is this one new? Beautiful ballad (Romanian male vocalist).
The Flagstaff Fire – Our Home did not burn down
Most of Today’s Car Companies Will be Gone in 20 Years
A Guy and his Bear go to see Ted – with photos!
Amber Waves of Green
I hope everyone here signed up through the IARPA forecasting ad.
or maybe we don’t all see the same ads ?
Ads on COPols are provided by Google AdChoices, which targets you with different ads based on your Google search terms/results, so if ads for the CIA pop up, it’s likely that you have entered “CIA” in the search bar a lot in the past few weeks. Which is also why I get Diablo 3 ads whenever I come to Pols…
that I speak Spanish. So on YouTube I keep getting Volunteer for Obama ads – en Español.
There are ads on Colorado Pols?
I had no idea.
Mobile Is Where The Growth Is
Saw an interview with the new CEO of the same recently. After almost always hooking their OS star to Symbian variants, with a bit of LInux, they are now totally Windows Mobile. One of their claims is that with more Windows PC’s than any other OS, and all of the gaming consoles, they are part of the biggest OS infrastructure out there.
Who knows, maybe the pendulum will swing back a bit.
Full disclosure: I’m a user of Nokia Communicators since 2000. My sole foray into a touch screen Android sent me back to the E90. No opinion about Windows mobile, although open minded reviews seem to be positive.
The new Windows Mobile is really good. And Microsoft will clearly keep pumping money into mobile until they get the largest market share. I don’t think Nokia had a better option than to hitch a ride with Microsoft.
I see you’re keeping up the snark, David!
But don’t discount them. When the XBox first shipped most thought Microsoft had no chance against the established players.
Not even in U.S. history, mind you, but all history ever! WWII, no worries. Slavery? Didn’t affect the good folk that are the real Americans, I suppose, like Mr. Wingnut The Peter.
How can conservatives say this over-the-top BS and still have ANY credibility at all, anywhere (other than Glenn Beck et al)?
A Republican will be able to refute it with a talking point that is a thousand, million, billion times more powerful!
is the most absurd statement that has ever been uttered in all of human history, and likely before, all the way back to the Big Bang.
Oh, wait, I just made all that up. Its easy to write great soundbites when no longer bound by the constraints of fact or reality.
From the guy that spelled out what the GOP would and has been focused on, singularly, since 2009–playing partisan politics at the expense of governing and the American people.
There was that whole Iraq war resolution under false pretenses…the PATRIOT Act…deregulation leading to the S&L bailout, the bank bailout, and the economy tanking…but, of course, the latest outrage is by far the ‘worse.’
PS-NPR, McConnell only dreams he is the Senate Majority Leader.
If all of our fine readers will recall, the Repubs ran in 2010 on a “JOBS” platform…as in they felt their #1 job was to bring down the unemployment rate.
The mummified Senate Majority leader has “clarified”that position:…
And here’s hoping it stays that way.
The Orangeman lies:
Say what? Now, I am one that supports true universal healthcare and a public option. But how is requiring citizens to enter a private market ‘government takeover’? I assume that the Speaker is not really so stupid as to believe this, which leaves only one other option: that he is a bald-face liar.
Why the hell isn’t the media challenging this crap? Why even bother to pretend we have a ‘Fourth Estate’ any longer?
Not directly related, but relevant, good video by Gasland’s Josh Fox:
From Scott Tipton’s Weekly Update:
I get that asking Rep. Tipton to explain and support his comment assumes that he himself understands it, as opposed to being able to mouth the words on the paper. But it would be nice to see any proof or even evidence that ACA has caused prices to go up or hurt job creation in Colorado.
For me, and I have no idea if it is related, my premium has decreased in the last year, by about $60 month. In addition my one ‘pre-existing condition’ that BCBS refused to cover, is now covered. So my insurance is cheaper and the coverage is more complete.
Based on this, probably the type of anecdotal ‘evidence’ that Rep. Tipton is likely to bring up should he actually be challenged by the transcribers who have replaced reporters in this nation, we can conclude from my story that Obamacare results in better coverage at a lesser price.