“Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid.”
–John Wayne
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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You just use so many more words and graphics in your empty posts.
Tethered to Colorado via local incarceration and holding national corruption ties via the sale of former President Obama’s U.S. Senate seat, we have this news out of DC/Chicago….
The wife’s quote is the kicker …. because either she’s a total communist or she’s signaling to Camp Jackson that she wants the Kat-side of a TomKat break-up arrangement.
say you got caught having a wild sexual encounter with a cat, a midget,and a donkey. Now, I’m not saying you had sex with a cat a midget, or a donkey, (either individually or at the same time, I forget which) but if you did I would certainly protect your privacy and your right to do so provided all were consenting.
Repeat – I respect your privacy. You did not have sex with a cat, a midget and a donkey.
Lets all agree to stay classy here.
Did Libertad release his tax returns? Let’s try to stay on point, here.
He dosen’t have to because he is not running for President, nor did he have sex with a cat, a midget and a donkey.
still some question about the cat.
The point here is that Sandi (aka Mrs. Jackson) — a political PR maven and Chicago Ward Boss — made a statement on Congressman Jackson’s condition, it is as follows:
There is clearly no word of support or care for her husband. This statement is focused 100% on her kids and how they’ll be taken care of … this is mama bear looking out for the cubs.
and I am so glad we could clear the air here
as far as I know Libertad did not have sex with a cat, a midget, and a donkey. No, I wasn’t there, and in order to demonstrate he didn’t do it you are asking me to prove a negative. How can I prove something didn’t happen ?
That cat is clearly not angry with Libertad, and if it was, it would be strictly a private affair between the cat and Libertad. Its not like its a crime in certain parts of unincorporated Teller County.
Why won’t this just go away ? Can we talk about Obamacare or something again ?
as the winner of the entire internet this week.
something about Lib having sex with a cat, a midget and a donkey. Yeah. It was on the internet. Checked with AP. Lib has not denied the allegations.
Should be an interesting morning in the neighborhood!
I’m not going in…but I will be around.
I do hope the ‘real’ Tea Party (as opposed to the poseurs) protests.
I’m an interested observer today.
What will it be 🙂
Jordanian MP pulls gun on activist during television debate
Chris Christie Calls War On Drugs ‘A Failure’
But I have to say – congratulations Gov. Christie for supporting the truth, at least this time.
I’ve long said it is not a war on drugs. Wars are not waged against inanimate objects. It is a war against people who use drugs, and the casualty list is appalling.
Lamar Smith Looking To Sneak Through SOPA In Bits & Pieces, Starting With Expanding Hollywood’s Global Police Force
Personally I don’t think this piece is that dangerous because, at the end of the day all it does is fund people to lobby foreign governments. But it does show that Lamar Smith and his fellow travelers are going to continue to do whatever they can get away with for their Hollywood masters.
Actually this is a big thing, because the EU Parliament recently rejected stricter copyright enforcement. Our government funding an attack overseas is yet another assault on our own rights in the end.
Anyone with an update….?
We don’t want any popery here in Douglas County.
and will cover up the smell of almost anything.
That’s right you Democratic welfare development fuckers … the DPS real graduation rate os 43.5% … Superintendent-cum-Senator Bennet sure left one heck of a shit-stain on Grant and 8th!
Now back to Douglas County and its nearly 50,000 tax paying students … what are the insiders going to do?
A) intervene on behalf of the $200k/year Union Boss or
B) force the Labor Secretary to tell the state SEIU President that the death panel had made a tough decision?
It’s fun when you get this way.
Will it make you mad if I point out that the article you quote is old and the graduation rate cited is from 2008? DPS has exceeded 50% since then, IIRC.
Here you go.
That change in how they account for the graduation rate likely means that the improvement was even better than the 12.6% difference between 2008 and 2011.
and CatGate will plague Libertad until he releases his tax returns. This leads to the question of whether we were too quick to dismiss the questions about the donkey and the midget.