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October 08, 2012 11:32 PM UTC

Mike Coffman Takes The Lowest Road Imaginable

  • by: nancycronk

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Tea Party / Birther Congressman Mike Coffman just released a new ad which crossed the farthest line known in politics — falsely associating Joe Miklosi’s name with child molesters.

The ad is so outrageous, the Fraternal Order of Police sent an unsolicited letter of outrage condemning the Congressman’s vile and disgusting commercial.  

Colorado Fraternal Order of Police Denounces Mike Coffman’s Slanderous and False attacks against Joe Miklosi:

To the Citizens of Colorado’s 6th Congressional District,

On June 25th the Fraternal Order of Police announced its endorsement of 6th Congressional District candidate Joe Miklosi for the United States Congress. The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest organization of sworn

law enforcement officers, with more than 330,000 members nationwide. Across our state the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police represents over 5,000 sworn law enforcement officers. We are the voice of those who dedicate their lives protecting and serving Colorado communities. The Fraternal Order of Police is very proud to reiterate its endorsement of 6th Congressional District candidate Joe Miklosi for the United States Congress.

Joe’s opponent is running distasteful and grossly misleading commercials suggesting that Joe has jeopardized the safety of Colorado children. That assertion is totally false. We find it unfortunate Joe’s opponent would use such deceptive advertising. Joe is a thoughtful and responsible legislator with a solid record of support for the public’s safety. We have worked with Joe during his tenure serving the citizens of Colorado in the General Assembly on matters of importance to the safety of the public. We have no doubt that Joe is concerned about keeping our communities safe. He un-questionably understands the issues surrounding public safety. He is a proven staunch supporter of law enforcement and the safety of the public, and we are proud to support him.

Electing the right person to serve in the US Congress is a serious responsibility, one that is tremendously important to the citizens of Colorado. Joe Miklosi’s history of commitment to public service, secure communities, and fairness has earned him this valuable endorsement. The Colorado Fraternal Order of Police believes Joe Miklosi is undoubtedly the best candidate for this office to resolve the serious issues facing our great nation.


Michael J Violette

Executive Director

Colorado State Lodge

Fraternal Order of Police

From Wikipedia:


Jessica’s Law is the informal name given to a 2005 Florida law, as well as laws in several other states, designed to protect potential victims and reduce a sexual offender’s ability to re-offend. A version of Jessica’s Law, known as the Jessica Lunsford Act, was introduced at the federal level in 2005 but was never enacted into law by Congress.

As a Children’s Rights Activist who has donated thousands of hours to several organizations for efforts that help children, I am one of many people who believe Jessica’s Laws are usually well-intentioned but create more problems than they solve. Joe Miklosi needs to respond to Coffman’s outrageous ad, and he needs to do it now.  


35 thoughts on “Mike Coffman Takes The Lowest Road Imaginable

  1. especially with my name on it and directed against my U.S. Congressman, but Coffman’s lie is so incendiary, so dishonest, so malicious, he has outdone the Willie Horton ad plus Swift Boat veterans combined. This is pure Karl Rove. Miklosi’s camp needs to hit him back HARD.

    Just typing Coffman’s name makes me need to wash my hands.

    1. This is a story that needs promoting, but if you could throttle your title and prose back to something front page appropriate, we (and we suspect Joe Miklosi) would appreciate it.

  2. during football yesterday. While I was quietly thinking “that’s funny, you would think ‘supports child molesters’ would’ve been in the news some time ago,” my relatively apolitical fiance exclaimed “I don’t know who that Coffman guy is, but he’s a total asshole”

    I don’t know what that says about how numb I’ve gotten to vitriolic campaign ads, but my fiance seems a good barometer for how a normal person would react. Too bad we’re up in CD4 and don’t have the wherewithal to send any support down south.

  3. you really approved that message? Coffman is getting very desperate. Even your mother would be shamed

    I agree with Nancy and probably everyone else that Miklosi needs to put up a strong answer and do it fast and often. He should not rely only on the FOP to deal with it for him

  4. This was a set up from the start. The bill proposal was unenforceable and totally flawed.  Tabor paired with the recession has significantly reduced funding to existing police, fire and children’s protective services. These are the same government jobs that Republicans attack on a daily basis and then Mike Coffman comes in with this fear ploy. I think the media needs to ask Mike Coffman about his position on the federal budget and how sequestration will hurt the health and safety of every child in this nation. It’s unconscionable how Coffman has voted against children being able to go to the Dr. when sick; investing in education and opportunity to learn, and funding those basic services that attend to our abused and neglected children. How dare he draw an invisible line to Joe Miklosi. Coffman must be very desperate to recklessly play on the fears of citizens. As a mother and educator, I see greed, lying and Mike Coffman as the biggest danger to our children.

    I’m getting my checkbook out to write a check to Joe Miklosi right now. That’s my reaction!

  5. “So, what Miklosi actually voted on was a provision similar to one part of ‘Jessica’s Law.’

    Moreover, Coffman’s ad fails to note Miklosi did vote for the final version of the underlying bill, which imposed a host of tough new sanctions on child predators, not exactly siding ‘with the lawyers who defend the worst predators,’ as the ad says.”


    1. but thought it OK since Dems have been using Rep. Akin’s offensive comments to point out that Paul Ryan holds similar views (having sponsored the equivalent of the eggmendment with Akin in the House, in which they both serve), and that Paul Ryan is the running mate of one Willard Romney.

      http://www.gjsentinel.com/S=bf…  (behind Paywall).

      Rape, a vile word describing an evil act, has become the centerpiece of the Democrats’ strategy to win in Colorado, it would seem. But here’s the problem: In many cases, the underlying accusation is an utter falsehood.

      Take Romney: His opposition to abortion includes an exception for rape, incest and the life of the mother. But that hasn’t stopped Obama from spending hundreds of thousands of dollars proclaiming Romney is blithe to the victims of rape.

      Makes me wonder: When was it that Democrats became the party fixated on divisive social issues?

      More fundamentally, makes me wonder if there is such thing as a boundary in our political discourse any longer.

      Soon Democrats may find themselves wondering too – as in whether, in the long term, it was wise to make rape their political weapon of choice.

      One GOP congressional candidate being subjected to the invidious allegation that he doesn’t give a hoot about rape is firing back, accusing his Democratic opponent of being on the wrong side of a different form of rape – child rape.

      Turns out that the Democratic congressman in question voted against a landmark law that made it easier for Colorado prosecutors to prosecute child rapists. For the last five years, Democrats in the Legislature have voted along party lines to block minimum mandatory sentences of child rapists.

      Sorry to make anyone suffer through the tedious prose that is Penry’s verse…

      Of course, Paul Ryan (half the GOP ticket) did co-sponsor that bill with Mr. ‘legitimate rape’ Akin, and the GOP platform does not include an exception for rape and incest. No mention of any of that, of course, in Mr. Penry’s column.    

      1. for years…He is cut from the same cloth as Coffman, Akin, Ryan, and Romney. He will lie through his teeth and perpetrate any sort of political underhandedness in order to promote himself and his greedy friends.

        No ethics…no honor…no shame.

        Just greed…

    1. Kurtis Lee is bringing the missing little girl in Superior into this. It’s so fucking horrible I can’t even imagine it, but:


      A television ad by Republican Rep. Mike Coffman that attacks his Democratic challenger, Joe Miklosi, for being soft on child predators remained on the air while the search for a 10-year-old Westminster girl continued Monday….

      On TV-screens throughout the Denver metro-area, the ad claims that in 2009 Miklosi as a state legislator voted against “Jessica’s Law” here in Colorado. More than two dozen states have passed laws similar to, but not necessarily exactly the same as, 2005 legislation passed in Florida after 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford was raped and murdered….

      “You run a week of advertising accusing someone of ‘X’ then something like ‘X’ happens, it magnifies it,” said political analyst Floyd Ciruli. “When factual situations happen during an ad campaign, it can provide it with legs. It could make Miklosi vulnerable since this issue is playing out in the public.”

      I can hardly believe what’s happening. These people call themselves journalists. Is the Denver Post helping Coffman make his slanderous bullshit real?

  6. We vote and we have noticed that Coffman doesn’t appear to be able to win without lies….

    We know how he has voted on issues such as Medicare, Social Security and Health Care.  We are intelligent voters and resent Coffman’s nasty shiftiness.. He had the gall after his record on these issues to send a letter to us (we are retired) saying how he was going to strenghten social security and preserve Medicare, etc.

    This is exactly opposite of how he votes.  Does he think all the voters are stupid?

    What is wrong with him that he can’t run a decent campaign?  He must be terrified that he is going to lose because we have been getting phone calls from his campaign and all his superpacs, etc…where as in the past we did not get these calls..

    He sounds really desparate to run nasty ads trying to smear Joe.  If there is any justice in this life or next (for those that believe) then he and all those lying Republicans are going to get a lot of payback.  

    1. One of the saddest things in my life is a gnawing suspicion that a majority of Americans are dumb enough to buy the lies hook, line and sinker. You give me hope.

      Post more:-)


        a gnawing suspicion that a majority of Americans are dumb enough to buy the lies hook, line and sinker.


        There seems to be no level of mendacity which is beneath this current crop of republican candidates. Is there a GOP candidate running an honest, fair campaign…anywhere? It seems the presidential campaign is a template for the rest of the GOP.

  7. This is going to backfire. The spot may end tomorrow but the fallout has just begun. The ad is bad enough, but for it to be running while that little girl is missing is beneath contempt. Pulling it now won’t save Coffman’s sorry hide.

    If Joe’s campaign staff is smart,they will quickly get an ad out enumerating Coffman’s votes against child welfare bills. I love it when smug candidate are blown up by their own bombs.

  8. Mike Coffman’s ad is neither disgusting or vile.  It makes people question what Joe Miklosi was doing in the state legislature.  

    “You run a week of advertising accusing someone of ‘X’ then something like ‘X’ happens, it magnifies it,” said political analyst Floyd Ciruli. “When factual situations happen during an ad campaign, it can provide it with legs. It could make Miklosi vulnerable since this issue is playing out in the public.”

    The ad was running for three days before Jessica Ridgeway was reported missing.  It had a one week run time.  The silence from Miklosi’s campaign has been deafening.  Now the ad is gone.

    Its replacement, that began today (Wednesday,) is a devastating rebuttal to  Mikoski’s most run ad, the one with the assorted individuals taking a “new look” at Congressman Coffman.  It uses KCNC and KUSA truth tests to point out how various segments — and the whole ad itself — is false and misleading.  By the way, the Jessica’s law ad, was labeled “Needs Context; ” it was not called “False and Misleading.”  It’s pretty clear — to non-political junkies — which ad was vile and disgusting.

    By the way, the beginning of the Coffman’s latest ad points out that Mikolosi has run nothing but negative ads.  How true!  That point hasn’t been lost on voters.  Miklosi, who most residents of the 6th CD do not know, never bothered to introduce himself to voters.  It’s hard for them to accept, at face value, what some new guy tells them about someone they already know.

    The NRCC rubric cube ad is pretty effective, too.  Don’t look for the DCCC to come riding to Miklosi aid though.  They have shifted to the 7th CD trying to save Perlmutter.      

      1. Face it, Duke.  More of the general public know who Ben Stein is than Craig S. Barnes.  

        Your stooping to juvenile name calling merely demonstrates you really have nothing to offer.  

        Frankly, if one removed the words “radical” “extremist” and “Rush Limbaugh” from Joe Miklosi’s campaign vocabulary, he really wouldn’t have anything to say.  This has become painfully obvious to the large number of non-political junkies who just see Miklosi as an unknown attack dog with little substance.  They are a perceptive group!


        1. a lecture from another nameless, faceless, republican. OK…let’s rumble.

          More of the general public know who Ben Stein is than Craig S. Barnes.  

          Is that supposed to mean that being widely known imparts some sort of veracity to $teins comments? Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are very widely known…right.

          Your stooping to juvenile name calling merely demonstrates you really have nothing to offer.

          I couldn’t give a shit less what you think of me. When you quote an idiot, it says a lot about you. I warned every one of you neo-con twits that you will get nothing from me but verbal abuse until your party stops being the party of hate and rejects the leadership of immoral jerks like Romney, Gingrich, Rove, and Norquist, among hundreds of others.

          Whether or not I have anything to offer is a question I will leave to the readers and participants on this site. Maybe you should write a diary someday and contribute something of substance yourself. And, for that matter, why don’t you tell us who you are, instead of hiding behind your user name?

          This has become painfully obvious to the large number of non-political junkies who just see Miklosi as an unknown attack dog with little substance.

          Do tell us all how you come to have such insight into the attitudes of “the large number of non-political junkies” of which you speak? Are you a pollster? Maybe an elected official that gets lots of feedback from constituents?

          I get the impression that you are just another neo-con hack blowing smoke out of your ass. If you have some real information to impart…do so.

          Just don’t make the mistake of expecting me to be anything but rude to you until you show a little respect. Why don’t you challenge your compatriots who make a practice of insulting the intelligence and character of everyone on this site who has a progressive thought?

          This is a free site. Come and go as you wish, as does everyone else who posts here. Your username says you represent the party of Greed, Obstruction, and Prevarication.

          Own it.  

        2. a lecture from another nameless, faceless, republican. OK…let’s rumble.

          More of the general public know who Ben Stein is than Craig S. Barnes.  

          Is that supposed to mean that being widely known imparts some sort of veracity to $teins comments? Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are very widely known…right.

          Your stooping to juvenile name calling merely demonstrates you really have nothing to offer.

          I couldn’t give a shit less what you think of me. When you quote an idiot, it says a lot about you. I warned every one of you neo-con twits that you will get nothing from me but verbal abuse until your party stops being the party of hate and rejects the leadership of immoral jerks like Romney, Gingrich, Rove, and Norquist, among hundreds of others.

          Whether or not I have anything to offer is a question I will leave to the readers and participants on this site. Maybe you should write a diary someday and contribute something of substance yourself. And, for that matter, why don’t you tell us who you are, instead of hiding behind your user name?

          This has become painfully obvious to the large number of non-political junkies who just see Miklosi as an unknown attack dog with little substance.

          Do tell us all how you come to have such insight into the attitudes of “the large number of non-political junkies” of which you speak? Are you a pollster? Maybe an elected official that gets lots of feedback from constituents?

          I get the impression that you are just another neo-con hack blowing smoke out of your ass. If you have some real information to impart…do so.

          Just don’t make the mistake of expecting me to be anything but rude to you until you show a little respect. Why don’t you challenge your compatriots who make a practice of insulting the intelligence and character of everyone on this site who has a progressive thought?

          This is a free site. Come and go as you wish, as does everyone else who posts here. Your username says you represent the party of Greed, Obstruction, and Prevarication.

          Own it.  

    1. 1. Coffman’s ad is both disgusting and vile. Miklosi voted against an amendment which was attached to a larger, better bill to kill it. The bill Miklosi was protecting protected children against internet crimes against children. Get your facts straight, RR.

      The ad uses dark images, scary music, and inaccurate numbers to create an illusion of fear. It then associates a good man who cares about people with that fear. How desperate and manipulative!

      2. The Frank Ciruli quote is irrelevant.

      3. I personally had not seen the ad until I wrote about it. Curious which markets it was being played in. Someone said football. Football is a male market isn’t it? Curious if it were being used just to cement his base?

      Not sure what your point is to say it was running 3 days before Jessica Ridgeway disappeared — just an inoculation against those who accuse Coffman of using the tragedy for his own purposes? I never said that here.

      Also, not sure what you expected Joe to say. “Coffman is a lying sleaze with no soul and not a molecule of honesty in his short little body?” Is that what you are saying? No, he didn’t say it. He has too much class. But I can tell you everyone who knows Joe… and knows Coffman.. is saying it.

      3. Coffman’s image has been as a moderate. He had a brilliant PR team. The guy knows how to sell soap. Anyone who follows Coffman’s pro-multinational corporation Tea Party voting record knows that he is anything but that. He is a birther extremist who hates women’s equality, attacks public education, and does not believe in investing one penny in protecting children and other vulnerable populations. It is all in his record. http://thehill.com/resources/l

      4. In regard to KCNC and KUSA, I don’t agree with them that the ads weren’t false and misleading. The MSM is owned by more corporate thugs — they rarely give Democrats a fair shake. I already stated why that ad was desperate and manipulative, as well as vile and disgusting. Just because some television station supported by large corporations comes out against the guy less bought by large corporations, doesn’t mean they are correct. It just means someone with a lot of money is calling the shots.

      5. I agree Miklosi’s ads have largely been negative. I personally advised the campaign that I thought they needed more about Joe, and the great man he is. They didn’t listen. They have a lot of advisors. I agree with you there.

      6. I saw the rubic cube ad once only, and to be perfectly honest, I had no idea what it was saying — the graphics were distracting. I’ll have to see it again to see if it is more of the same lies and distortions. I’ll happily get back to you later on that one.

      7. That may be true — I don’t know. We knew multi-national corporate scum would throw their blood money into the race the last minute, and decent grassroots Americans would be trying to scrape together enough nickels to counter their lies, and it happened. In these last 20 days, I cannot say… and I doubt you can either… which lies will be fought. Just because we may have to choose which lies to fight over others does not mean Crossroads GPS is not vile, disgusting, soul-less, honor-less, deceitful, scum. They still are.

      1. 1. Coffman’s ad is neither vile or disgusting, but it unintentionally proved to be timely to real life events.  You attempt to justify Miklosi’s vote, but the general public (the voters) heard nothing from the candidate or his badly run campaign.  It has cemented their doubts about someone they did not know before.

        2.  The Frank Ciruli observation is very relevant and is precisely what the public is thinking.  Ciruli has a good track record for decades of gauging what Colorado voters are thinking.

        3. You’ve opposed Coffman since 2008.  There was no Tea Party in 2008, yet you still thought him to be the unacceptable then, too.  Most people already had their own opinion about Mike Coffman long before Joe Miklosi showed up.  They like his military background and conservative fiscal stands.  The social conservative stands, that served him well in the current 6th CD, are not so important in the new 6th CD.  

        But social issues are not the driving force behind the 2012 elections, as much as Democrats wish they were.  Voters are not fretting over abortion rights and birth control.  They are squarely focused on jobs, gas prices, the rising cost of food, and trying to hold on to their house.  Miklosi, still a relative stranger to this district, has only made himself — not Coffman — look bad with his constant barrage of negative ads.

        4. With all due respect, it does not matter what you think about KCNC and KUSA withering criticism of Miklosi’s second attack ad.  The general public believes their truth tests and that’s what they are now thinking every time Miklosi burns more money running it.

        5.  Miklosi’s ads have been “largely negative?”  Nancy, they have been 100% negative and that is why Miklosi is going to lose.  He never introduced or defined himself to voters who barely know his name.  He won’t get that opportunity back and they don’t have a positive view of someone who has never appeared positive before the majority of them.

        6.  It was a NRCC, not Crossroads GPS ad, who I don’t think has had an ad in this race.  It was a lot better than the first RNCC ad that had Miklosi in the Mountie uniform.  I’ll admit that was ridiculous.  The rubric cube ad is better.

        7.  The DCCC has abandoned Joe.  They have bigger worries in the 7th CD.  They are more motivated to defend Perlmutter than throw Miklosi a lifeline.  I don’t know what Miklosi has planned for the dwindling days of the campaign, but he will be the one paying for it.      

        1. I completely disagree with you on this. Coffman’s attempt to align Miklosi with child molesters is sick and wrong, but I still want to thank you.

          Thank you for replying to Nancy with an intelligent argument, showing that there are still Republicans who have brains. I’m glad to see people like you still exist. Makes me all warm and fuzzy.

        2. I appreciate your response. I do want to clarify one thing.

          I have opposed Mike Coffman since 2008, you are correct. Although Coffman had not yet signed on to the Tea Party membership yet, his beliefs and ideas were still radical and extreme. Not to mention, he was an incompetent and unethical Secretary of State. http://www.denverpost.com/brea

          My crew of voter registrars called his office many times, and received in-person training from his office, and were told each and every time how to fill out the voter registration forms, exactly the way they wanted them. When the 2008 election was drawing to a close, Coffman changed the rules and attempted to throw out thousands of our voter registration forms, contradicting the very instructions his office gave out. You are correct — since the day I heard him lie about the forms — knowing he was attempting voter suppression to prevent a Democratic win, I made it my mission to make sure the world knew how corrupt this man really is. You are 100% correct.

          Had that not been enough to sway me, perhaps I would have also been swayed by his horrific record in Congress. His many votes against the rights of women, the needs of children, the plight of the elderly, the status of lgbt individuals, the conditions of schools and infrastructure, and so many other causes I care deeply about, would be enough to make me draw the same conclusion. http://votesmart.org/candidate

          As if both his corruption as SOS and his miserable record were not enough, he should have been court-martialled for his insubordination against the President of the United States. Lucky for him he is technically a civilian, and/or has Congressional immunity. Still, many Americans with family members who are veterans, were disgusted and ashamed by the unpatriotic behavior of our “Congressman”.

          You can spin it any way you want, RR, but Mike Coffman is bad for women, bad for children, bad for the environment, bad for the elderly, bad for our schools, bad for infrastructure (and thus business), and bad for our country. I respect and admire Joe Miklosi very much, but you are correct about one thing — I would work hard for any Democrat opposing Mike Coffman (and have). When Mike Coffman is out of office, decent Americans, and concerned Coloradans, will breathe a sigh of relief. One crazy, Tea Party wingnut who is friends with Tom Tancredo down, and many others to go!  

          1. that is the impression that a majority of the voters in the new 6th CD share your view.  Consider that Romney polls close to Obama in this new district.

            Most people made up their mind about who Mike Coffman is years, if not decades, ago.  The same cannot be said of Joe Miklosi.  Unless people, in the new 6th CD, have met him personally — and very few have — their first impression has been formed by watching his barrage of negative ads.  This was a terrible way for an unknown candidate to introduce himself to a potential constituency.

            Miklosi never ran ads introducing himself, touting his accomplishments, or outlining his vision for America should he be elected.  All TV viewers have seen is Joe Miklosi, the Hatchet Man… whose ads are labeled by the media “False and Misleading.”

            I suspect this has turned off a lot of voters.  I’m guessing the NRCC did some polling and found that to be true. Their latest ad capitalizes on it and Miklosi’s votes against the senior homeowners tax break.  At least the RNCC apparently did some research before crafting their ad.  I don’t think the Dems’ Majority Fund did any before blowing their last wad of cash on the embryonic stem cell research ad.

            I am genuinely surprised at how poorly the Miklosi campaign has been run.  

            1. I am pretty disappointed that Miklosi didn’t talk about himself. He received the endorsement of several organizations. He really should also talk about economics.

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