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April 21, 2023 10:23 AM UTC

Secretary Pete Burns Boebert Masterfully

  • by: Colorado Pols

Colorado’s far-right two-term Republican terror Rep. Lauren Boebert thought she was coming in hot–more literally in this case than usual–but Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg had the perfect riposte:

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R).

Followed by a dose of truth about Republican fiscal priorities:

We estimate its impact on FRA would mean about 1,000 fewer rail safety inspection days next year and 30,000 fewer miles of track inspected annually.

If you care about preventing derailments, please change course and help us increase accountability for freight railroads.

From there, Rep. Boebert’s response became…less persuasive:

We haven’t seen Secretary Pete’s response to Boebert’s predictably offensive non sequitur, probably because it doesn’t merit one. It’s clear that Boebert doesn’t want to have a substantive discussion with Secretary Pete about railroad safety or anything else. What we saw here was just another cheap drive-by waste of time substituting for what should be Boebert’s job, getting things done for her constituents.

On top of that, in the end Boebert gets dunked on. Every time. Like Boebert’s self-owning quest to get to the bottom of public urination in Washington D.C., Boebert never sets out to become an object of ridicule. It’s just what happens, with no one to blame but herself.

So, keep ’em coming we guess.


10 thoughts on “Secretary Pete Burns Boebert Masterfully

  1. Well, it's kind of unfair, as Pete speaks eight more languages than Boebert:  Norwegian, Spanish, French, Italian, Maltese, Arabic, Dari, and of course, English.

      1. Quick point for detail – she speaks the related dialect of Transplant Redneck. Lived in a suburb of Orlando, Denver, and Aurora CO before winding up in Rifle.

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