As readers know, the Colorado Republican Party is in the midst of what can best be described as an existential crisis under a controversial new chairman, former state Rep. Dave “Let’s Go Brandon” Williams, elected in March to replace outgoing chair Kristi Burton Brown after another historic landslide victory for Colorado Democrats in 2022.
Since taking over the Colorado GOP, Williams has largely devoted his time and energy to attacking fellow Republicans, both to punish the impure as well as to carry on Williams’ personal political vendettas. At the same time, the party has been unable to raise enough funds to cover payroll expenses, while splitting their efforts trying to raise separate funds to pay embattled couptorney John Eastman for a legal challenge to Colorado’s semi-open primaries.
In an email blast this morning, Williams took a break from eating his own to take a swipe at Pride Month concluding tomorrow. And although Williams is nominally on target, the insanely homophobic rant against Pride Month and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole reveals Williams’ other problem besides incompetence: stark raving lunacy.
For all of June, we’ve seen celebrities, politicians, journalists, pundits, and corporations push an extreme message that goes way beyond mere “tolerance.”
Much worse, the agenda these activists and organizations are pushing strike at the heart of what our leaders should be safeguarding most: our posterity.
Simply put, these degenerates want to violate our children and their innocence…
And as bad as this is, their motivations for violating our children get much darker.
Ultimately, these LGBTQ+ reprobates want to groom your children and sexually exploit them so they can normalize pedophilia.
Why else would a grown man share sexual fetishes or put on pornographic performances for children?
Aside from experiencing a distorted sexual high as they perform in front of these innocent kids, they know that desensitizing children to these obscene and lewd acts gets them one step closer to achieving the height of their perversion.
Enough is enough. The Colorado Republican Party will no longer be silent on this subject…
Let’s start with the most important point: this is the kind of rhetoric that incites violence against LGBTQ+ Americans. Here we have the chairman of the Colorado Republican Party in his official capacity accusing “the LGBTQ+ community” without distinction of wanting to “violate our children” and “normalize pedophilia.” These outrageous and baseless epithets are of course nothing new on the hateful fringe of Republican politics. But for a party that just a few years ago was trying to shed its backward wedge-issue-obsessed reputation, Williams just set that effort back to the Stone Age. We’ll be very curious to see if there are any Colorado Republicans left with the backbone to call this unhinged rhetoric out.
This sickening and desperate appeal to bigotry isn’t going to win Colorado Republicans any new supporters, and it alienates the next generation of voters for whom LGBTQ+ rights are–or at least have been for them–a settled issue. This is a party by every available metric in a death spiral–institutionally, financially, and morally. As Williams continues to impotently rage against his failures, it’s likely to get even worse before the end.
At the moment Colorado Republicans most needed a savior, Williams is an unparalleled agent of destruction.
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Cheezuz Kkkrice.
Was he a character witness for the Club Q shooter?
He's gonna get real mad when he hears about the Church.
I'm sorry but nobody thinks about gay sex this much unless they want gay sex.
So Dave wants to protect children from depraved predators.
But he has no problem with Doyle McAlister walking around loose, right?
How could he lose what he's never had?
"Enough is enough. The Colorado Republican Party will no longer be silent on this subject…"
Oh, goody! The GOP is launching another homophobic jihad.
I remember back when Pat Buchanan gave his famous declaration of cultural war speech at the 1992 GOP convention.
It got us eight years of President Bill Clinton and five women as newly-elected senators. (Well, the women senators got a big assist from Clarence "I Was Scarred by Affirmative Action" Thomas and his can of Pepsi with the pubic hair.)
Brand Management. The anti-gay rants are strategic.
This is a turnout strategy, not a persuasion strategy. They assume that their dedicated fanatics are more likely to vote than the masses of tuned-out, apathetic voters who think both Parties are the same.
Agreed, and an odd one coming out at the END of Pride Month.
Seems more like an "oh, by the way, I forgot to attack the gays" move by a chair with no strategic vision. He's literally just a reactionary.
A tired technique that is losing steam as their moral values are under daily assault from their cult leader. People with a pulse have heard these moldy call to arms and those who are opposed to this kind of bias are just as motivated as those who are knee jerk okay with it. If anything it moves those who hate is kind of phony alarmism to be even more involved in defeating them.
But this "strategy" is guaranteed to do more harm than good for the Colorado GOP. It could be argued that it would a turnout strategy back when the state was purple but now that that's history, I find difficult to imagine that would motivate much people even among conservative voters. There's definitely no longer enough Republicans (as in even including moderates and sane Republicans) for them to feasibly win statewide elections here and there's even less far-right loons so this pandering is targeted towards no one really.
43 percent of white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff NBC News.
I read the title as "or staff of NBC News"
Why are there "log cabin gopers"?
The saddest thing I've ever seen was the Log Cabin Rep. booth at the CS pride fest.
Joy Reid had it right in describing Clarence Thomas on affirmative action and how it makes him feel a little less self-hatred.
The same can be said of the Log Cabin folk and gay Catholics who are members of Dignity.
When will he recognize and respond to ACTUAL child abuse?
* Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser released the special master’s report “Roman Catholic Clergy Sexual Abuse of Children in Colorado from 1950 to 2019.”
* More victims are speaking out about sexual misconduct allegations against Colorado Springs-headquartered Young Life, a Christian ministry …
* Jan 18, 2023 — (COLORADO SPRINGS) — A former Bible study teacher at a church in Colorado Springs has pleaded guilty to Sexual Assault on a Child by One
Those were in the top 10 items of a Google Search for “”colorado springs” churches with child abuse”.
Yes, but the Bible Study teacher probably found Jesus – yet again – was dunked in the river, and therefore, all is forgiven.
That's beauty of evangelical Christianity. It absolves the Born Again of any accountability or responsibility for what was previously done.
Born again and again and again ad nauseum.
Just google “Youth pastor arrested”, the results speak for themselves….
6,970,000 hits. Amen.
I just googled “youth pastor arrested” and wow. Matt’s correct, 6,970,000 hits. I didn’t get past the first page but most were about sexual assaults on children, one was about bilking an elderly couple out of their money, another was about filming women in a shower (without their knowledge or consent). All on the first page were from Colorado.
What a bunch of stand up folks! The Colorado GOP should be proud to be so well represented.
Make the search a bit more specific – "youth pastor arrested sexual assault" – and you still get like 4.7 million hits.