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November 28, 2023 12:15 AM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.”

–Arnold H. Glasow


26 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. It seems like traffic is particularly slow because of the holiday and the site remodel, so…..Let me stir up some shit.

    To wit: What the actual fuck is up with Boebert and her grandchild? Where are the babies’ parents? How is it she seems allowed to cart someone elses’ child around on her hip to the courthouse in her divorce case? She apparently has taken the child to Washington DC, counting on scoundrels like George Santos to help her care for it. Like I said…WTAF?

    Does Garfield County Social Services care about this baby? What the hell kind of family life can be anticipated for this child? Other than as a political prop, who wants this little one? Who is making medical decisions?
      Does anyone know the mother and her family? Is Lou Vallario squashing a story of abandonment and family trauma?

    The silence is deafening.


    1. One could also ask why the Daily Sentinel and the Post Independent seem to be taking a hands-off approach (note: I don't routinely read either paper. But if either paper did something, I assume it would be reported here). 

      Something has smelled badly about the whole situation since the start. In all of Boebert's press, no one has ever mentioned the young mother who got k……. up by Boebert's wayward son. It's as if she doesn't exist or matter.

    2. Colorado says "Proof of your relationship or direct and tangible interest is required" for getting birth certificates.  I'd expect something similar before there would be reporting in the media. So, if the kid isn't suffering and the family is not objecting, why should we care about the arrangements? 

      Grandmother Boebert apparently likes to have the kid on her hip, but it doesn't seem to make her more or less effective in her elected office.  I doubt it makes much difference in the likelihood of re-election.  If it cramps her dating activities, I'm okay with that.

      All politicians' underage children ought to be restricted to being seen in campaign photos (short of booking photos or some equivalent public record).  Politicians' grandkids ought to be doubly removed.

      1. I kind of agree about keeping politicians' grandkids out of the public eye. But Boebert herself seems to be dragging the kid around in public (for what purpose, who knows). One does wonder if the child has 2, or 1, or 0 functioning parents. The chances for child neglect seem significant.

        1. Boebert is absolutely using the baby as a political prop. . But she also may well be a doting grandma who enjoys her grandson’s company. That baby is eerily quiet, too. Has anyone seen it cry for milk, get colicky, or do baby stuff like wiggle, flail around, need to be changed? Does she relegate these duties to staff?

          That she lets a creep like George Santos be her “baby whisperer” is evidence enough of neglect, IMHO. 

        2. I know, right?

          Let’s not forget, she has kids of her own she seems to have been neglecting. Maybe she is a model parent, but police reports and other stories indicate otherwise. 

          When CHB and I look at a situation and agree, there MUST be something to it…’cause…that just doesn’t happen!😆

          1. Kid’s getting big now, and looks like a healthy boy. He is 6 months old now, after all. Those pics of Santos with the passive infant must be a few months old. 

            She doesn’t appear to have her trademark Glock on her hip, so maybe she’s showing a little sense.

            Here’s a photo of Grandma B and little Josiah at some CD3 function. 
            Have to paste entire link since the “link to” tool has disappeared from the comment toolbar.


  2. Help!  I use  my iPad almost all the time but pols site comes jumbled through the safari browser. I finally found a way through to Duke’s thread. Ideas?

  3. Yep. Looks like something got broken. I had to log in at least 4 times this morning before I could see the comments on the Open Thread. Being married to a software engineer, I understand how that happens. You fix something and it breaks something else. 

    1. I had trouble logging in this morning too. The login page doesn't log you in, but then it did.

      I have to hard refresh the homepage to see the latest stories. I think that's a last edited problem Guvs.

      Good luck on the fixes! You're doing this all at the right time of year.

    1. We're continuing to work on improvements and we won't stop until the site is everything users expect from it and more. We're particularly interested in how this new editor works for iOS users.

      1. Aargh. Three comments ( one in reply to Pols last comment, and 2 on the banned book thread) disappeared. The message when I try to “post comment” is “Please type text first”.

        Also, there are TWO reply boxes , which seems excessive and confusing. 

        so I’ll copy this and see if some version will post.

        I usean Ipad runnng IOS 17.1

        Update: only the comment text in the bottoom box posted. What isthe top box for? Inquuiring minds want to know.

          1. The duplicate comment editor box should now be gone. If you see two, use the lower one.

            And everyone please blow out your history/browser cache and shift+refresh to make sure you see changes as we roll them out. We are working overnight every night until all of these problems are addressed.

        1. The top box was a challenge for us to overcome. There are many such challenges in our new design and we are working through them one by one. Thank you for your patience.

          1. You're making progress Guvs, but I'm still getting logged out a lot and i have to refresh to get back in.

            I have confidence in you to fix this stuff. Thanks for staying on it.

    1. Ah ha! This is my first successful attempt at responding to a comment with my iPad to another commenter (instead of just at the end of the thread)

      It should indicate “replied” under jeffcoblue’s comment. At first I only saw two tabs — visual and text, but no apparent comment box. But tapping the text tab opened a new comment box.

      Btw— I was having a problem logging in over the weekend, but that has been resolved (thanks guvs!). And it appears my session survives without having to relogin upon returning to the site. I’ll continue testing with both Safari and Chrome.

      1. They seem to have fixed a lot of stuff. I'm still having a problem after i log in, when i click home it takes me to a pages that thinks i'm logged out. I refreshed again and I was logged in with no problem

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