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January 02, 2024 12:51 PM UTC

Boebert Blames Babs For Her Own Self-Destruction

  • by: Colorado Pols
Run, Lauren Boebert! Babs is coming to serenade you!

As Sudiksha Kochi at USA TODAY reports, Colorado’s pinballing portrait of perturbation Rep. Lauren Boebert, fresh from last week’s gobsmacking switcheroo from CD-3 to the on-paper friendlier confines of Colorado’s crimson-red CD-4, is trying to explain away her most likely career-ending move by blaming Hollywood celebrities who have donated to the campaign of Boebert’s erstwhile Democratic opponent for Boebert’s desperate decision to pull up stakes for the Eastern Plains:

Boebert last week announced she will not run for reelection in her current congressional seat in Colorado’s 3rd District and will instead run in the state’s 4th District, which Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., currently represents. Buck announced last year he will not seek reelection in 2024.

In an interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, Bannon said Democrats have raised millions against Boebert heading into 2024. The Republican lawmaker accused Democrats of not having “policies that they are running on, they’re simply running against Lauren Boebert.”

“When you have Barbra Streisand coming in and donating to the Democrat. When you have Ryan Reynolds coming in and donating to the Democrat, it shows you that Hollywood is trying to buy their way into Congress,” Boebert said.

Back in October, readers will recall, Democratic opponent Adam Frisch’s fundraising reports made news for contributions from a modest number of celebrity donors, including actors Ryan Reynolds and Barbra Streisand. Although donations from celebrities naturally attract more notice than from ordinary people, neither of these actors came close to maxing out–and their combined couple of thousand dollars are just a drop in the bucket of Frisch’s multimillion-dollar war chest. Donors to Frisch’s campaign were not “buying” Boebert’s seat, they were taking advantage of the opportunity Boebert herself created by coming within 546 votes of defeat in 2022. Now that Boebert is damaged goods running in somebody else’s primary, the “Hollywood money” is more likely to flow to Boebert’s new opponent Deborah Flora whose husband Jonathan Flora is a movie producer of some repute.

But, you know, Boebert’s got to tell Steve Bannon something. Even Boebert’s most unshakeable fans acknowledge that this desperate switch to run in a district across the state from her own faces long odds; just, in theory, somewhat better odds than facing Adam Frisch again.


17 thoughts on “Boebert Blames Babs For Her Own Self-Destruction

  1. I can only picture The Boebs catching a massive vaping buzz, cranking "The Way We Were," and pondering her future in CD-3:

    Can it be that it was all so simple then?
    Or has time re-written every line?
    If we had the chance to do it all again
    Tell me, would we?
    Could we?

    1. I have a feeling AFC (Americas' Finest Congressman) will, in fact, relocate to someplace (any place) other than Garfield county. Here, she seems to be avoiding a family in turmoil and old friends and neighbors who will no longer speak to her. She has much from which to run away.

  2. Deserting a district because she thinks Molly Brown is going to sing and make her campaign as worthless as her morals is really smart.  A staggering genius she is. 

    A visit to the Molly Brown house would be good.

  3. How will Bimbo make the ballot ? Imagine relying on the caucus might be troublesome for a carpetbagger so the paid petition rioute? Her only chance is a crowded ballot but how many of the 6 others are really likely to make it ? 

    1. I didn't realize until now that U.S. Reps only need 1,500 petition signatures to get on the primary ballot. If she's got the money to just hand it all over to paid petition gatherers, that should be pretty easy unless anti-carpetbagger sentiment is strong enough to keep nearly everyone from signing.

        1. That was a pretty comprehensive wrap-up for a short piece, if anyone's still following this thread. Of course it will probably need daily updating for a while, for example since Lynch jumped into the CD4 race after the story was written.

    2. Maybe she can help finance the signature gathering for some of her opponents especially if she can recruit someone with a name which is spelled as a close resemblance to "Sonnenberg."

      I'm old enough to remember back in 1978 when there were two Ed Kings running for governor of Massachusetts. One was a Democrat and the other a Republican. Fortunately they ran in separate party primaries and only one made it to the general election.

      Maybe Bimbobert can also recruit and collect signatures for another Republican candidate named "Flora." Or if not "Flora," maybe "Fauna."

      The more the merrier. It's the only way she stands a chance.

      A district once represented by honorable people like Hank Brown, Wayne Allard and Betsy Markey has devolved into this freak show. 

    1. So the guy who uses Covenant Eyes is endorsing the Rep getting felt up in a pubic place? By a Democrat?  You really couldn't make this stuff up.  

        1. Technically, the Rep DID the feeling up in a pubic place, and Michael's pretty sharp so he probably knows that, so I'm guessing Freudian or a mere typo.

  4. Might the Powers-That-Be be attempting to clear the field for her?

    There are no limits to the uses to which one can put a useful idiot.

    1. Seeker Mike Johnson really doesn't have much of a choice.  he needs to support the House members who support him.  News this week of the resignation date of Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio) on Jan. 21 creates a bit of a danger: "The resignation will leave the House with 219 Republicans, 213 Democrats, and three vacancies." 

      Given the leadership of the Democrats and the discipline of the Conference, that means Johnson needs to manuever with only 5 votes to spare, and fewer if any of his Conference votes with the Democrats.

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