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April 25, 2024 08:06 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“He who angers you conquers you.”

–Elizabeth Kenny


10 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

  1. There's a Libertarian running in the CD4 special election, and sure, I'm always curious. It looks like one of her platform points is to Eliminate The Government. I tried to read between the lines here, it's always possible to miss context, but it looked pretty straightforward to me. So, based on that I guess she'd have my vote?

    1. So I’m confused. I assume she’s running for CD4 based on all of her media coming from the Holyoke Enterprise, but this is the text under her Home page, “Proven Leadership”:

      Hannah Goodman, with her unwavering commitment to these principles and a proven track record of leadership and innovation, is ready to guide Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District (my emphasis) into its most vibrant era yet.


      1. I found her from the Sec of State's ballot order listing for the special election in the 4th. There's also an Approval Voting Party candidate, to go with the Libertarian, GOP and Dem candidates.

        But her home page sure as sugar says the 3rd. Maybe cut-n-pasted from one of the current occupant's campaigns? Nonetheless, I'm sure Hannah's reading Pols and might wind up editing based on this conversation.

      2. Maybe when she is eliminating the goverment she eliminates one of the first 3 congressional districts, renumbering CD-4 to CD-3? Yeah I think that's it.

        1. That, or maybe she's a Real Libertarian tracking that Faux Libertarian, Lauren Boebert, in here eastward migration from Rifle to Sterling. When LB moved from CD-3 to CD-4, so too did Hannah.

          Freedom knows no boundaries!

  2. I am in Playa del Carmen arriving last night. Nasty things tend to happen in the US when I am here. For example, Iwas here from 1/421 to 1/11/21, and we all remember what happened then.

    If questions from the majority of SCOTUS members are any indication, it looks like Jack Smith case will be kicked over to 2025 for trial.

    Alvin Bragg's morality play featuring a disbarred lawyer, a former porn actress, and a tabloid publisher by the name of Mr. Pecker may be the only Trump show going forward before November.

    The good news is that Biden's polling numbers are ascending.

    Including one out of Florida showing Biden only behind by 2%.

    He may yet be able to win come November.

    1. And a Special Electoon was held on the 23rd.

      Final from Pennsylvania. Dems have yet another special election overperformance. "Republican Jeff Olsommer has won the special election for the 139th District in The State House of Representatives."

      Olsommer (R) 60.3%, Skibber (D) 39.7% — a 7.3pt Dem shift vs. 2020 president.

      And % for the seat itself. 

      2022.. R 63. D 37

      2020.  R 68  D 32


  3. The Roberts Court: corrupt in its construction, corrupt in its jurisprudence, venally corrupt as well. Josh Marshall.

    Everything comes into conceptual alignment if we understand the Court’s corruption: corrupt in its construction, corrupt in its jurisprudence, venally corrupt as well, though that is the least of its problems.

    On this show I still saw people saying things like, “I hope this isn’t the case.” “I hope I’m wrong.” Don’t hope you’re wrong. This just leaves us still in some hunt for the silver lining in the Court’s corruption. Or even worse, this undermines faith in the Court. No. We don’t want to shore up faith in a corrupt institution.

    We are where we should know we are. The Roberts Court is a corrupt institution which operates in concert with and on behalf of the Republican Party and to an ambiguous degree right-wing anti-regulatory ideology. If we believe in a different set of policies or even democratic self-governance we will have to succeed at that with the Supreme Court acting as a consistent adversary.

    That’s the challenge in front of us. It sucks. But things become more clear cut once we take the plunge and accept that fact. Swallow it whole.

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