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September 24, 2024 01:38 PM UTC

Trump Grows Aurora "Takeover" Fiction To Cover All Of Colorado

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: Gov. Jared Polis issued this statement welcoming Donald Trump to Colorado if he chooses to visit, but reminding Trump as a “convicted felon” to leave the “criminal elements that he brings with him” back in Washington:

“Aurora is our third biggest city, over 400,000 people, it’s a terrific city, I was there last week. If the president comes, I hope he doesn’t bring him an element of lawlessness or people that are causing trouble. Obviously, we welcome anybody to the city of Aurora, to Colorado, but obviously, we worry about some of the criminal elements that he brings with him, he’s a convicted felon himself, and a lot of people who associate with him might engage in acts of terror against the residents of Aurora,” said Polis. “So if he comes, welcome, behave yourself, play some golf at one of our municipal golf courses, dine in one of our great restaurants, we’d be thrilled to have you but tell your crazy hangers-on not to come with you.”




Here’s former President Donald Trump speaking today at a re-election campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia, once again invoking the thoroughly bogus specter of the nonexistent “takeover” of the city of Aurora, Colorado, population 400,000 and governed by a Republican majority City Council and Republican Mayor–not just a few troubled apartment buildings in the city, and as of today not just the whole city of Aurora:

TRUMP: It’s a mess. You know, the governor is a Democrat and he’s a radical left Democrat and he’s not too popular right now because they’re going to take over a lot more than Aurora. They’re gonna go through Colorado, take over the whole damn state by the time they finish. [Pols emphasis]

Unless I become president, they won’t last long.

All we can say is, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the fictional narrative of the “takeover” of Aurora by Venezuelan gangs has now grown to encompass the entire state. This story made a clean break from reality weeks ago, and now that it’s part of Trump’s stump speeches there is no way it will ever be de-escalated to his audience. That’s just one of the many reasons why Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman’s professed hope that Trump will “see the truth” when he makes his promised upcoming campaign visit to the city is pure fatuity.

Despite Trump’s vow to come to Aurora while doubling down on the false claims about the city Trump hopes to amplify with his visit and Coffman hopes to refute, there’s been no confirmation that such an event is actually taking place. Since this visit to a state Trump has no realistic expectation of winning in November would only serve to further undermine the false claims about what is actually happening on the ground, we wouldn’t be surprised if Trump’s promised visit to Aurora never materializes.

Because the only way these increasingly nonsensical lies about our state hold together is to never set foot here.


15 thoughts on “Trump Grows Aurora “Takeover” Fiction To Cover All Of Colorado

  1. we wouldn’t be surprised if Trump’s promised visit to Aurora never materializes.

    Because the only way these increasingly nonsensical lies about our state hold together is to never set foot here.

    Trump deals in projected shadows and images. His own avatar, of the hyper-masculine "warrior" protecting all the forgotten people, is relentlessly promoted  via  trashy, overpriced merchandise.

    To make his heroic persona shine brighter, the shadow of the villainous Venezuelans and the animalistic, predatory Haitians has to be darkened and amplified for contrast. "I alone can save you / fix it / MAGA".

    It would all be a mildly entertaining vaudeville theater production, if not for  the naked Emperor wielding actual political power, being the commander in chief of a great military, and having the nuclear codes.

    So no, he’ll never come to Aurora. Because then the lights would come up, and the projectionist would be revealed.

      1. Interesting supposition. I think you just gave him an out. A cowards' way out, but it is likely. His forces will be dramatically outnumbered here and continually pestered by reporters and protestors. 

        I am convinced the OD is just going through the motions. Knowing he will lose, his attention is, more and more distracted toward the absurd. 


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