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March 17, 2025 03:12 PM UTC

As Few Words As Possible About The Racist Jagoff Coming To Junction

  • by: Colorado Pols
White supremacist Jared Taylor.

As the Grand Junction Sentinel’s Nathan Deal reports, Colorado Mesa University, which in addition to being Grand Junction’s finest institution of higher learning has also long served as a job placement service for Republican operatives including the school’s president John Marshall, is hosting in the interest of the 2025 definition of “diversity” one of America’s leading white supremacists to expound on the virtues of “Western culture.”

And although the invitation of Jared Taylor to campus has polarized the student body and Marshall himself calls Taylor’s views “abhorrent,” there’s very little chance of the speech being canceled:

After the event was announced, Marshall sent an email to students, saying he would not attend Taylor’s event, saying Taylor’s values are “at odds with our campus values” and describing Taylor’s views as “abhorrent” and filled with “vileness.” He referred to Taylor’s ideas as denigrating human beings.

Marshall referenced CMU’s self-applied identity as a “Human Scale University”, which he defines as “a model of the world we want to create.”

Taylor took offense to Marshall’s statement in an email he sent to Marshall and others on March 10.

“I am sorry to learn that you think my views are ‘abhorrent’ and ‘vile.’ You write that you will ‘be there to peacefully and respectfully demonstrate our values,’ but that you will not attend my talk. You encourage students to attend, and to take ‘the opportunity of your life’ … to carefully deconstruct [my] dehumanizing ideas,” Taylor wrote.

CMU President John Marshall (right) with Rep. Lauren Boebert in 2023.

9NEWS reports that the event was organized by a student group calling itself the “Western Culture Club,” which one could we suppose argue and members certainly do doesn’t necessarily mean white supremacist:

The Western Culture Club is one of more than 200 student clubs and organizations on campus and was formed last November.

CMU President John Marshall told 9NEWS that campus leaders do not have input into who student clubs invite to speak and have never rejected a speaker before. Marshall said he won’t attend the speech but that canceling the speaker would be a slippery slope for the university’s free speech principles.

“We said we’re not going to limit it because once you go down that road, where does it start and stop?” Marshall asked. “Who is it that gets to decide who gets to speak and which ideas are acceptable and unacceptable?”

But if you check the CMU Western Culture Club’s announcement for Taylor’s speech, it does seem like “Western Culture” and old-fashioned racism are interchangeable terms:

About the event
Jared Taylor will be speaking about his thoughts on Western Culture.

Taylor’s “thoughts on Western Culture” are well documented by the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Taylor entered the active racist scene in 1990, when he founded the New Century Foundation, a pseudo-intellectual think tank that promotes “research” arguing for white superiority. A year later, he began publishing American Renaissance, a magazine that focused on the alleged links between race and intelligence, and on eugenics, the now discredited “science” of breeding better humans…

More recently, Taylor has sounded off against all black culture, writing in a 2005 article in American Renaissance, “Africa in our Midst: Lessons from Katrina” that “the barbaric behavior” of the city’s black population after the hurricane revealed a key truth: “Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears.”

So yes, Jared Taylor a straight-up white supremacist, and that’s what anyone who attends his speech later this month can expect to hear. In response to the controversy that naturally followed from the announcement of Taylor’s upcoming visit, the Western Culture Club has at their service a high-profile lawyer–high profile for being unusually interested in defending racists–who as the CMU Criterion reports happens to also be funding Taylor’s appearance:

Western Culture Club has lawyered up. The club’s president, Maxwell Applebaugh, indicated that they have Texas-based attorney Jason Lee Van Dyke on retainer as a protective measure against threats and harassment…

[Van Dyke] said he is providing $1000 for the event since Taylor waived his speaking fee. Van Dyke will be attending the speaking event at the end of March. He has “gained notoriety for representing the so-called ‘dissident right’ in a variety of ways,” according to his profile on the law firm’s website.

In addition to Western Culture Club, Van Dyke has also represented two organizations widely regarded to be white-nationalist – Patriot Front and the Proud Boys. Southern Poverty Law Center alleges that he is a member of Patriot Front as well as their legal counsel. He represented the leader of Patriot Front in court in February of this year.

To summarize these plot points, you have a nationally known racist ideologue coming to Colorado Mesa University as the guest of an extremely thinly-veiled racist student group, and a lawyer specializing in creating safe spaces for extremism riding shotgun with a chip on his shoulder hoping the non-racist CMU student body and/or administration will give him something to sue over. Though no Hillsdale College, CMU is certainly the most politically conservative of Colorado’s four-year public colleges, led by a politically-connected Republican who while denouncing Taylor’s white supremacism as “vile” will not be the college president who dies on the proverbial hill of keeping racism off his campus.

The end result, consistent with the times, is that unvarnished racism inches closer to normality.


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