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April 10, 2013 01:11 PM UTC

Gessler says Denver Post out to get him and other conservatives

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Scott Gessler.
Scott Gessler.

On KOA's Mike Rosen show this morning, Secretary of State Scott Gessler amped up his attacks on The Denver Post, saying, among other things, that the newspaper is "ideologically skewed in one direction, and that's where they devote their resources."

Tell that to ColoradoPols, Mr, Secretary of State. But it gets worse.

In response to Rosen's assertion that Post news coverage of Gessler channels "Democrat talking points" and gives "lip service to the other side," Gessler said:

"I think that's true lately. I think part of it depends on who the reporter is who covers my office. So this article today is written by a guy Joey Bunch. He's new on the beat. So we'll see how well he works. I'm sort of optimistic that he will be a lot fairer than what we've seen in the past."

I asked the collective wisdom on Twitter if anyone thinks Post reporter Joey Bunch will be "a lot fairer" to Gessler than the Post's previous Gessler-beat reporters , Tim Hoover and Sara Barnett.

No one replied, but I can tell you that Hoover (who's writing editorials) and Barnett (who's gone) are widely considered stars in Denver journalism circles.

Gessler implied that The Post has an institutional bias against him, saying:

"You know, I think The Denver Post is just ideologically skewed in one direction, and that's where they devote their resources."

And he expects The Post to get fully behind former Senate Majority Leader Ken Gordon, who's running against Gessler.

"I'll be running against Ken Gordon and his largest corporate donor, which is The Denver Post," Gessler told an approving Rosen.

Gessler's comments today go beyond the usual darts he's thrown at The Post and other media outlets in the past. He's trashing specific Post reporters, as well as the entire institution. 

Coming from an elected official who, more than other partisan politicians, is supposed to stand up for democracy, and seems so ignorant about the role of journalism therein, it's gross.

Someone at The Post, maybe one of the good folks who posts the Editor's Notes blog or somewhere, should respond to Gessler's abuse.

Transcript of Mike Rosen's interview with Scott Gessler 4-10-13

Rosen: "You'll be running for re-election against The Denver Post. It's one thing for them to endorse a Democrat, any Democrat, on the editorial pages, which they, no doubt will. But they have been on you ever since you took office. And I think, in most cases, unfairly. In any event, do you know who your official Democrat opponent will be."

Gessler: "I do. It's Ken Gordon."

Rosen: "Former state legislator.

Gessler: "Former state legislator. He ran eight years ago against Mike Coffman, narrowly lost. So, I'll be running against Ken Gordon and his largest corporate donor, which is The Denver Post."

Rosen: "What does The Denver Post have against you?"

Gessler: "You know, I think The Denver Post is just ideologically skewed in one direction, and that's where they devote their resources. I mean, if you look at this legislative session, every single initiative that the Democrats have pushed, the democratic post [laughs], The Denver Post has been on board with that 100 percent. They've sided with the Democrats every single time."

Rosen: "In their news stories attacking you, they just channel Democrat talking points, giving lip service to the other side. That's my appraisal, and of course I'm biased. But I think my analysis is accurate."

Gessler: "I think that's true lately. I think part of it depends on who the reporter is who covers my office. So this article today is written by a guy Joey Bunch. He's new on the beat. So we'll see how well he works. I'm sort of optimistic that he will be a lot fairer than what we've seen in the past."


43 thoughts on “Gessler says Denver Post out to get him and other conservatives

  1. I don't know what Colorado Pols is always nitpicking about, but overall the Denver Post is a very liberal paper. I think it goes to show you how intolerant liberals really are of opinions that disagree with theirs. If even the leftist Post goes against you, you can't take it and they become the enemy.

    That's why nobody cares about Colorado Pols, except to see what the leftists are whining about today.

    1. ArapaGOP– Do you have a credible study or some kind of document proving that The Post has a liberal bent in news coverage? I've been searching for this proof for years now. Without it, sweeping assertions about bias, like Gessler's, are meaningless, like, "The Post is conservative because I say so!"

      It's best to focus media criticism on specific stories, like Pols does. This allows for more productive conversations.

      1. One of the best examples of the Post's bias was the railroading of Scott McInnis. McInnis was exonerated of the charge of plagiarism, but not before the Post destroyed his campaign.

        Holding Denver Post Reporter Allison Sherry Accountable

        Many readers of Peak Politics will likely recall at least a story or two questioning Denver Post reporter Allison Sherry’s journalistic integrity.

        In case this is your first time hearing of this topic, the stories included, but are not limited to:

        • Allison taking Scott Tipton to the tool shed while giving two Democrats a pass for essentially the same mistake (here)
        • Allison criticizing Doug Lamborn and Cory Gardner for trying to do something about high gas prices and stating they “are wrong” while using the Obama Administration’s talking points as justification (here)
        • Colorado Peak Politics questioning whether Allison is merely a PR flack for Senator Bennet due to her positive coverage of his “outrage” with Washington (here)
        1. If Scott McInnis was railroaded, he was the one driving the train.

          And when was McInnis exonerated of plagiarism? That's news to me. If I was falsely accused and then exonerated of something, I wouldn't be paying back the $300,000. In fact I'd be hiring David Lane for a defamation suit against the Post or whoever else defamed me.

          Care to comment on that ArapaGOP?



        2. 'McInnis was exonerated of the charge of plagiarism'  Can you link to something that shows this?  Remember, the finding of 'insufficient evidence' to find someone guilty of a charge and a 'settlement with the Hasan Foundation' are not exoneration.  So, happy digging…or more likely, just ignore it and move along to your next burped up talking point. 

        3. Wait a minute………………Mcinnis was exonerated of plagiarism charges?

          Please be exact, which plagiarism charge? If it's the "water musings" incident, Mcinnis actually APOLOGIZED for it. Just because he did lay the blame off on an elderly aide, sparing himself actual charges being leveled against him, he did admit the work was stolen.

          He wasn't "exonerated", you hack.

          If I'm wrong, if I missed something, level me. I'll accept it like an adult.



        4. First, he wasn't railroaded.  He had to return the money to the Hasan family because they, not the Post, demanded it as several here have noted.

          Second, an example, even if it were valid,  doesn't constitute a pattern of bias.  I can show you examples of the Post supporting conservative Republican candidates of over Democrats.  Heck I could use the fact that they continue to publish Rosen's own column as an example of rightie bias. But I would be just as wrong in doing so as you are.

          Where is your evidence of a sustained pattern of liberal bias?  Never mind.  I'm sure you're on to the next attempt to throw something at the wall in hopes that this time, maybe it will stick. It never does.

          1. This is for sure……….if, as some polsters have suspected, "agop" is only posting because he's getting some payment from some local republican coffer to "Throw stuff at the wall", the republican dumb enough to pay him should ask for his/her money back.

            In the past, there have been some righty apologists that provoked thought here. They were usually treated respectfully, so long as they stayed civil and reasonable."agop" "ain't one of 'em."

            All he does is embarrass himself.

            We all know reds.conserves like him though. Uninformed, pissed off, narrow, intellectually lazy. They sound like him.

              1. 'insufficient evidence' = / = 'exonerated' 

                Predictably, you are all wrong.  As in wrong all over. Again.  Please go apologize to the inside of your closet. 

              2. For Arapapatatatapat 'Exonerated' means

                …do not warrant discipline.В“ After a review of the evidence and interviews with various witnesses, we conclude there is not clear and convincing evidence of a violation of the disciplinary rules…


  2. The Poit hates – front-page-editorial-above-the-fold HATES the possiblity of organized labor.

    Is that the new liberal?

    The Post is an inferior news paper. That's not the same as being left leaning or right. (PS – Chuck Plunkett endorsed HIllary in the primary, wbut when she lost, he endorsed McCain in the general. Seems like a pretty leftie move.)


  3. The last refuge of an absurd politician is always to say, "the media is out to get me." It takes a great deal of hubris to believe yourself worthy of the coordinated attack of an entire news outlet.

    1. Cpols wrote:"the media is out to get me."

      Mike Rosen always shuns conspiracy theorist. Mike takes great pride mocking tinfoil folks.  Mike says there are no way all these different governments coordinated, and if somehow they did coordinate then the secret would be out.


      Certain conspiracies are spontaneous and require no coordination; simply put some conspiracies automatically happen when several people are acting in their own self- interest.

      Self-serving government employees, pro state politicians and media are a perfect example of a spontaneous conspiracy of like-minded, self-interested individuals forming and non-hierarchal conspiracy…


      Think about it.

      1. Conspiracies?

        You mean like birtherism, or bastardizing the 2nd Amendment to leave out "as part of a well organized militia?

        Or that the keystone pipeline will supply the US with oil, and will create jobs?

        That somehow in the last 4 years the deficit has gone up?

        How about the old tried and true "Government doesn't create jobs" kanard?

        Here's another…."Government's getting bigger".?

        Yeah, you're right, nock. "Self serving government employees, pro state politicians" like mitch mcconnell, cantor, boehner, et al pinkos definitely  prove your point.

        Just not the way you thought.

  4. Seriously, is there a chance that Gessler will decide to not run for re-election?  The office doesn't pay enough, you know.  And if he's taking on Denver's major newspaper this early in the game, prospects don't look that good.


    1. Legacy media shouldn't roll over when they're repeatedly trashed. They should fight back with facts and get involved in the conversation. Laughing in secret used to work for them, but those days are gone.

      1. Sorry, I don't agree. You can't have a conversation with microminds. The paper has been trashed with enthusiasm throughout its history. The trashers just use different megaphones these days.


  5. Dear Secretary Gessler,

    be a lot fairer than what

    This is pretty shaky grammer here…I think the words "be a lot more fair" would be gooder.

    1. Davide Barnes wrote:"Dinky Singleton leans to the left? Who knew."

      Define left? Maybe Dean is a social value  authoritarian which makes him not so  left however Dean has never met an expansion of State power he does not endorse, this makes him very much left…

      I don’t by Deans Baptist stick, Dean does not view the Bible as the blueprint for Liberty and personal responsibility, rather a socialist mandate by all means available even violent war…


      1. So AJ, which part of being able to enslave the entire female and child population of a village you conquer (after killing all the men) most says "blueprint for Liberty" to you? 

        1. You mean you could actually make enough sense of what Nockwurst said to respond to it?  Hats off. I read words but I couldn't get any sense out of them.

      2. "Dean's never met an expansion of State power he doesn't endorse".

        Well, young nockworst, that would make him a conservative.

        You see, skeezix, under Democratic Administrations, Government and it's power shrink. Under conserve/redleg/pinko/repub regimes, government allways expands, and with it the power that accompanies expanding government.

        It's yet another hard fact, a little, inconvenient toe stubber that rightie lemmings forever trip over.

        As far as the bible as the blueprint for liberty, the "Founders", as you beckphyles refer to the authors of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, were very clear in their intentions that our young Democracy was to be secular.

        Once again, nock posts with zero idea what he's talking about.

  6. "Coming from an elected official who, more than other partisan politicians, is supposed to stand up for democracy, and seems so ignorant about the role of journalism therein, it's gross"

    Quite a bit of unsupported conclusions and assumptions packed into that single sentence.  Seems like you guys felt the need to make a mountain out of something that isn't even an anthill let alone a molehill. 

    1. SOS and Sherriff are both elected therefore partisan. However I do not see any evidence of Gessler being anti-Democratic. He fights hard for I&R, he also fights against elitist like SJohn Morse who wants/tries to make access as difficult as possible for commoners.  Heck, Colorado would not have #64 if it were not for boobs like Gessler and Douglas Bruce, who constantly fight for our right to petition…

      1. Voter suppression as well as voter intimidation are highly "anti-Democratic".

        It's universally accepted that the ideal situation is one where the maximum amount of eligible voters cast a ballot.

        The gessler model severely curtails the number of certain "types" of eligible voters, as it identifies them as eligible voters that vote primarily Democratic.

        While illegal, voter suppression as practiced by gessler and redleg officials in 36 States is seen by the republican party as the new best way to resist the Democratic leaning direction the United States is heading.

        Very much a form of Apartheid.

        I've often wondered this about you. Why would you tend to side with those who value you least? Why do you root against your own best interests, and those of your family? And, of course, why do you have no clue what's actually happening right in front of you?

        A question for any red leaning individual, not in the top 1%, for sure.

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