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April 29, 2013 03:32 PM UTC

Can Someone Explain this Email to Us?

  • by: Colorado Pols

Last Friday, April 26, we received perhaps the weirdest email of support for a candidate that we have ever seen…and we're still not sure what to think after staring at it over the weekend. 

The email came from Hickenlooper for Colorado, and had the subject line: "We need leaders like Andrew" (you can view the entire email after the jump). It is plainly meant to be an email of support for Democrat Andrew Romanoff's campaign in CD-6, and it all looks rather rote until you get to the links.

There are only two links in the text, and both take you to a page where you can unsubscribe from Romanoff's email list. We've never seen an unsubscribe option so prominently placed in an email of support, particularly when that email comes from someone else. This point bears repeating: The email is from John Hickenlooper's campaign, but the only actionable links take you to Romanoff's website, where you can unsubscribe from his list. You can only unsubscribe from Hickenlooper's email list if you click on the link at the very bottom of the email.

There is a small contribution button at the end of the email, which is nice…except that it takes you to a contribution page for Hickenlooper for Colorado. The entire email is about Andrew Romanoff's campaign for congress, but there is NO included option to do anything positive to support him. WTF?

We have to assume somebody made a mistake here, because otherwise we're not smart enough to grasp the logic of this effort.




Every now and then, I meet someone I really click with. I want to take a second to tell you about one of those people: Andrew Romanoff. Andrew is running to represent Colorado’s 6th District in Congress in 2014, and I’d like for you to learn more about him.

Andrew represented our diverse state for four terms as a state legislator, including two terms as Speaker of the House. He has proven himself to be an advocate for all of us by standing up for victims of domestic violence and fighting to protect our children and seniors from abuse. He’s consistently been a champion of our state’s schools and works to create a welcome place for small businesses to plant their roots.

We need leaders like Andrew in Washington. But, if you’d rather not receive updates from his campaign, click here to opt-out.

Andrew has a tough road ahead of him, no doubt about it. We can tell already that his race is going to be one the most competitive contests in America next year. We see again and again that our competitors with extreme right-wing SuperPACs on their side will stop at nothing to keep progressive leaders out of office—even if it means spending millions of dollars of their own money. This is why Andrew needs your support.

I understand what it’s like to have an overflowing inbox. Some days, I feel like I can hardly keep up! So, if you’d prefer not to receive messages from Andrew and his campaign, click here. But I really hope you want to be involved.

Thanks for your support, and thanks for supporting Andrew Romanoff.

Thank you.

John Hickenlooper



Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado

Click here to unsubscribe


12 thoughts on “Can Someone Explain this Email to Us?

  1. Duh – team Chickenlooper did not expect anyone to actually read the email.  Just see the subject and the first 20-30 words and delte and move on.  Explains everything.

    1. Sure, but why not just include the standard "click here to donate" text? We've never seen an email that makes such a point to give you a way to opt-out of someone else's future mailings.

    2. I read enough of it to wonder why would Andrew be a party to such an insipid piece of politibargle…I didn't bother to follow any links. This really stinks…did Andrew authorize this? 

  2. Looks like Hickenlooper will be giving Andrew at least a chunk of his email list (whoever received this email, minus those who 'opt-out' from this blast).


    Kinda spammy practice, especially since this one was sent 'from' on Hickenlooper's campaign Salsa account and the Andrew unsub pages are on BSD.

  3. Voicemail: Hey we're thinking of sending out an email blast in support of Andrew, can you give us a link to your donation page?

    Nobody checks voicemail. At the last minute the word comes down to run with it anyway. Trying to rewrite the usual boilerplate, the communications director is still pissed off and has a sudden idea.


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