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December 24, 2013 12:30 AM UTC

Christmas Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols



53 thoughts on “Christmas Open Thread

      1. Very cool. I just don't watch David's stuff.  I especially like that the women look as though they may have eaten something in the recent past. Merry Christmas. There. I said it.  Now waiting for the anti-Christmas forces to  break down my door and take me away! Still waiting. More waiting….

          1. Christmas customs, figures and symbols sure have evolved over the years with apologies to those for whom evolution is a dirty word, such as all GOTP candidates for anything and everything. On second thought... no apologies and a very happy whatever you celebrate and however you celebrate it to all. 

      2. Well, I certainly enjoyed that one better than "Get Lucky." Sexier, dare I say.

        As far as Friday Jams goes, I wouldn't cry if it was discontinued in 2014. Although for me, sometimes a song can serve as a better commentary on the week, or a situation, than writing something out. That's why I like it — and it's why I'll continue to post songs here and there, even if Jams is disontinued, just as I did before Jams was created. I also like learning what other people are listening to, even if I don't always like the music — just as I don't expect others to like what I like. That said, worthy discoveries have come my way because of it.

        So, easy come, easy go, like a first snowfall…

        1. Seems likely to me that Mr. Soros, too, has grown tired of Friday Jams . . . 

          . . . otherwise he would have ordered his minions here to release that site users guide they've been camping on all year??!!??

    1. Here's something a little more traditional, at least if you're from Southern Italy.  The bagpipe is called a Zampogna and the little woodwind is a Ciaramella.  It's traditional for the Zampognari to come down from the hills where they tend sheep and serenade the villagers at Christmas time.

    1. Loved PeeWee. It was the best thing to watch with my now almost 31 year old son back in the day. Thank God he was too old for kids' shows when that purple dinosaur showed up. Or teletubbies or whatever they were called. The ones that had Pat Robertson in an uproar because one of them was male and carried a purse or something.

      Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

  1. It's heartwarming in its own way to see how many people know and remember the lyrics to a song now close to 50 years old.

    Best of the season to everyone.

  2. Two Christmas stories in today's New York Times:

    The first, a bit of an old-as-time Dickensian tale, bout a naughty little boy who never learned the true meaning of Christmas:

    The second, a slightly more modern guide of how to holiday survival:

    Merry Christmas ever one . . .

    . . . and, remember, you're probably too old to be wearing cargo shorts!!!

  3. Merry Christmas everyone! In my family this shall be known as "The Dollar Store Christmas" — you can imagine why.

    All I really want is for Dems to start, God Help Us, acting like Harry Truman, Elizabeth Warren, et al……..and put the kibosh on our Sociopathic Enemies on the Right (sic).

    And no, BOTH SIDES DON'T DO IT, Senator Bennet. That is a cowardly cop out on your part that let's them off with even more mischief:

    The Congress of the United States left town this week very proud of itself. It had reached an accommodation by which the Republicans agreed that they would allow the government to function in a minimal capacity over the next two years and the Democrats agreed that they would be grateful to the Republicans for doing that.

    And then they all wished themselves well and went home, many of them, the ones proclaiming themselves most loudly to be the followers of the Jesus Christ of the Gospels, looking forward to being able to say "Merry Christmas" freely again, free from the liberals who have placed imaginary shackles upon their fictional freedom to keep the day in their own way.

    Here's a decent definition of Sociopathy from wiki, with items bolded that fit our Republican/Tea Party brethren to a 't':

    A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following::

    1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest; (Trey Radel)
    2. deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure; (Fox News)
    3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead; (Tea Party)
    4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
    5. reckless disregard for safety of self or others; (Get rid of government regulations.)
    6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations; (Record low number of work days and bills past and governmental obliations met.)
    7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another; (They applaud all this behavior and are proud or it!)

    Here's a little video that puts the lie to all this "President Obama should be more forthcoming with Republicans" bullshit. And it is bullshit.

    They hate Obama, they hate us, and they hate the Middle and Working  and Poor Classes. 

  4. Merry Christmas everyone! In my family this shall be known as "The Dollar Store Christmas" — you can imagine why.

    All I really want is for Dems to start, God Help Us, acting like Harry Truman, Elizabeth Warren, et al……..and put the kibosh on our Sociopathic Enemies on the Right (sic).

    And no, BOTH SIDES DON'T DO IT, Senator Bennet. That is a cowardly cop out on your part that let's them off with even more mischief:

    The Congress of the United States left town this week very proud of itself. It had reached an accommodation by which the Republicans agreed that they would allow the government to function in a minimal capacity over the next two years and the Democrats agreed that they would be grateful to the Republicans for doing that.

    And then they all wished themselves well and went home, many of them, the ones proclaiming themselves most loudly to be the followers of the Jesus Christ of the Gospels, looking forward to being able to say "Merry Christmas" freely again, free from the liberals who have placed imaginary shackles upon their fictional freedom to keep the day in their own way.

    Here's a decent definition of Sociopathy from wiki, with examples of our Republican/Tea Party brethren who fit the diagnosis to a 't':

    A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following::

    1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest; (Trey Radel)
    2. deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure; (Fox News)
    3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead; (Tea Party)
    4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
    5. reckless disregard for safety of self or others; (Get rid of government regulations.)
    6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations; (Record low number of work days and bills past and governmental obliations met.)
    7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another; (They applaud all this behavior and are proud or it!)

    Here's a little video that puts the lie to all this "President Obama should be more forthcoming with Republicans" bullshit. And it is bullshit.

    They hate Obama, they hate us, and they hate the Middle and Working  and Poor Classes. 

  5. Jingle balls…er, bells. Who says that there's a war on Christmas? KMart got lots of twitter reaction from this commercial, which I guess was the idea.


    1. So Fox is upset about saying Happy Holidays but this must be their idea of the true spirit of Christian Christmas because I haven't heard any complaints from them.

  6. More "War on Christmas" nonsense, from Rep. Lamborn, by Agence France Presse  – (found in Huffington Post) Doug Lamborn cosponsored a nonbinding resolution against the "War on Christmas." Is this the most work he's done all year?


    Santa may already be riding his sleigh around the globe doling out gifts, but that did not stop US lawmakers and conservative groups Tuesday from warning of efforts to sabotage Christmas.

    Some members of Congress and religious organizations perennially complain of a movement, embracing the concept of separation of church and state, that is attacking the message of the Christmas season.

    This month, in an example of what some have called the "war on Christmas," schoolchildren in Texas were prevented from delivering "Merry Christmas" cards to military veterans because they violated a Veterans Administration policy against specific religious phrasing.

    President Barack Obama's official White House card meanwhile makes no mention of Christmas, instead noting the "joy of the holidays."

    To counter what they see as attacks on Christmas, House of Representatives Republican Doug Lamborn and 36 other lawmakers introduced a resolution saying "the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be protected for use by those who celebrate" the holiday.

    "There is a vocal minority that is offended at the rest of us who want to celebrate Christmas," Lamborn told Fox News on Christmas Eve, urging people to "not put up with these bans."

    1. Any private person can say Merry Christmas as a private person all they want. Nobody is arresting people on the street for saying Merry Christmas. Or in malls. or to their friends at school. Or anywhere. I'm Jewish and when nice people say Merry Christmas to me I say it back. So far I haven't been fined or anything.

      If businesses prefer to be inclusive and go with "Holidays" that's their customer relations decision. It's not imposed by the government. If government institutions choose to put the fig leaf of a more inclusive term over their obvious non-constitutional endorsement of Christianity by celebrating Christmas and calling it the generic "Holiday"s, Christians are still getting preference they shouldn't over any other religion and most of us nons choose not to make the fuss over it we actually have every right to make. Most don't care to be grinches to the gentiles, bless their hearts.


      All I want for Solstice is for selfish spoiled brats like Lamborn to stop whining. It's an official government holiday that has no right to be. What more do they want?

  7. I am conflicted about the Christmas Holiday for a zillion reasons.

    But I like well executed choral music. (mathematica)


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  8. Madco: when you get ready to paste a video's embed code, press the source button first. Then scroll down to the insert point for the video and paste the embed code.  Then "post comment". that's it! There is a help guide for CK editor available through the ? button above.

    This is a "homemade" Christmas, so I've been baking and wrapping all day. I love it, though. So I'm a lapsed Pagan ethnic Jew brought up as an Episcopal alien, who thinks Jesus had some genius ideas for escaping the revenge spiral, and who loves any excuse for gifting, cooking, and hanging out with my weird family.

    Happy whatever however you celebrate, everyone!


  9. Hope everyone had a Good Solstice, and a happy Channukah, and have a Merry Christmas tomorrow. Yes, I now what time it is. Our Christmas Eve Chosen Famly party just broke up. As my  wife says, "It's not tomorrow until one of two things happens: you've gone to bed and arisen or the sun comes up. 


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