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March 06, 2014 12:54 PM UTC

Ukraine Makes Its Way Into Colorado Politics

  • by: Colorado Pols

We suppose it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. From Politico:

Momentum is building in Congress to wield the United States’ vast natural gas resources to break Vladimir Putin’s energy stranglehold over Ukraine — although some lawmakers acknowledged their efforts would have no immediate impact on the crisis in Crimea.

Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) introduced bills Wednesday to make it easier to export natural gas to countries including Ukraine, and the House Energy and Commerce Committee is working on its own legislation. Meanwhile, Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) is seeking new momentum for a bill he introduced last year that would give Ukraine, Japan and NATO members the same preferential access to U.S. gas as countries that have free-trade agreements with the United States…

…The legislation builds on days of pleas from lawmakers in both parties, including House Speaker John Boehner, for the Obama administration to unleash energy exports as a wedge against Russia, which supplies 30 percent of Europe’s natural gas using pipelines that largely run through Ukraine.

Sen. Mark Udall's bill will be followed up today by a similar measure from…guess who? Reports The Hill:

Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) will introduce a bill on natural gas exports Thursday, a congressional source told The Hill.

Gardner, who recently announced his campaign against Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.), will introduce details Thursday.

Dueling bills on Ukraine! Intense!



26 thoughts on “Ukraine Makes Its Way Into Colorado Politics

  1. I understand, just like Udall was involved in the latest Obamcare delays, he is also being called on for his advice about the Ukraine.  I think he was at this meeting:


    Embedded image permalink

      1. I was referring to the new two year delay on requiring policies to be ACA-compliant which came out this week. When the administration walked back that part of the law they gave a shout out to certain endangered Dems, including Udall.  I guess they only became aware of the problem because of the insight offered by these spineless, Obama-ennabling wonders.

    1. They are cell phones.  They guys wear it on their belt.  The gals keep it in their purses.  I think they had to check them outside before they were allowed in.  They have built in cameras and we wouldn't want anyone to take pictures of these guys in action.

      1. No, we couldn't have any photos of " these guys in action ".  If they could've at least caught Bin Laden I would give them a little cred, but no, just a bunch of goobers.

  2. While the bills are well intentioned, the actual effects will be small – we don't have the capacity needed to export that much natural gas, and won't for several years.

    I give the extra political overreach award to Gardner for introducing a separate bill because he didn't take the lead enough to make the first round of (new) bills on the subject.

  3. Poor Yertle the Minority Leader, so desperate to stay a little longer on the pubblic dole in DC… 

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell trails his Democratic opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes, by 4 points in a new poll published Thursday night by Kentucky’s largest newspaper.

    The survey also found President Barack Obama to be slightly more popular than the longtime incumbent senator in the red state.


    1. Meanwhile Speaker Boehner's Congress has an approval rating of 5%.  Yes as in slight more than 0%.  I grew up in KY, its not Obama turf but they hate Yertle more. And Obama is a full 33% more popular than Speaker Boehner's congress. 

      Anew poll is showing widespread voter displeasure with U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez, in the wake of the government shutdown.

      TiptonEnlarge photo


      Conducted by Public Policy Polling for, a liberal advocacy group, the poll, released this week, found that 51 percent of respondents disapprove of the job Tipton is doing, and only 28 percent approve.

          1. CT, if you read the link. Obama polls worse in Colorado than the national average.  Don't let the facts get in the way of your story.

  4. Of the Rs: Coffman is the most vulnerable and Lamborn the least.  Tipton is favored, but not as safe as he ought to be.  He is reoutinely disliked in the 3rd, among Rs, I's and D's.  He has at least one primary opponent–that will suck up some of that Texas oil money that he has been stashing away as he works agains the wishes of his own constituents and local governments–and will have a D and I challenger on the Genral election ballot.  If Tisha does a good job, Tipton could be going back to the store his daddy bought him in Cortz, or through the revolving door to some low-level seat-warming position at an oil and gas lobbyist shop.  

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