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April 11, 2014 02:36 PM UTC

Renfroe Beats Buck At CD-4 Assembly

  • by: Colorado Pols
Sen. Scott Renfroe (R).
Sen. Scott Renfroe (R).

​As the Denver Post's Lynn Bartels reports:

State Sen. Scott Renfroe beat Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck for the top spot on the ballot in the race to succeed Congressman Cory Gardner, but both made the ballot Friday.

Renfroe, who was called a "statesman" by several supporters, took 54 percent of the delegate vote while Buck won 46 percent at the 4th Congressional District assembly, where abortion and "personhood" were mentioned…

Delegates cheered both Kirkmeyer and Renfroe when they said they were pro-life and supported personhood and would never change.

The dig was clearly intended at Buck, but it also implicates Gardner, who recently said it it was a mistake to support personhood, which gives rights to fertilized eggs. Gardner said he still opposes abortion but agrees with critics who say personhood also bans certain forms of birth control. [Pols emphasis]

Bartels reports that Weld County Commissioner Barbara Kirkmeyer, who is petitioning on to the CD-4 primary ballot, released her delegates to vote for other candidates–which may well have helped Sen. Scott Renfroe come out ahead of Ken Buck. Despite the "backroom deal" alleged to have paved the way for Buck to step into the CD-4 race as incumbent Rep. Cory Gardner moved up to the Senate race, we see an "anybody but Buck" scenario emerging, where Buck's opponents collude where necessary Survivor-style to ensure he doesn't prevail in June. The team hit on Buck, and collaterally Gardner, over flip-flopping on the "Personhood" abortion ban seems tailored to have that effect.

A poll follows–who will win this red-on-red battle?

Who will win the CD-4 GOP primary?


12 thoughts on “Renfroe Beats Buck At CD-4 Assembly

    1. I don't see it as having to do with what you may be referring to as a backroom deal. That is not an issue on the Republican side of things.

      There are four candidates and Buck is polling in first place.  Kirkmeyer at the last minute released her supporters to vote for others.  I suspect most of them voted for Renfroe because that would be in Kirkmeyer's perceived interest.

      It seems to me if you assigned the likely voting among the four candidates it is probably something like:

      Buck 46%

      Renfroe 35%

      Kirkmeyer 20%

      Laffey 1%

      Buck is the only one of the top candidates that does not go along with Personhood and amoungst the delegates I suspect Personhood is a bigger issue than among the general primary voters and certainly the general electorate.

      This will sort itself out in a couple months, but that is how I see it.

      1. Dems will take 15-18 US Senate seats, and about three or four dozen House seats.  (I meant to post that 11 days ago).  McConnell won't even be able to get hired on as a K Street walker worker. 

    1. I wish I had your optimism, DP.  I grew up in that district and it does have a fine Democrat, Vic Meyers, ready to run.  But knowing both Renfroe and Buck, I suspect the fear is that Buck is too liberal.  Reapportionment — adding right-wing votes in Douglas County — has hurt Ds since Betsy Markey won it under moderate colors. 

      1. V, I didn't mean to imply that the Dems were somehow suddenly/magically a lock in CD-4 — far from it, actually.

        I just meant that the long knives are quickly coming out among the various warring factions in the GOP, and I suspect it's gonna get mighty brutal before the dust finally settles!

        1. I think V meant the other DP. dustpuppy has been predicting a 100% Democratic sweep of all races in the state for the past year or two. (Maybe he thinks one or two Republicans will hold on in local dog-catcher elections – I may have missed that…)

          1. Yep. Look a the boxes. It was clearly for Dust puppy. one of you should no longer be referred to as DP. Dawn Patrol was first so how about DP and puppy?

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