(Oops. – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Senatorial candidate Cory Gardner's spokespeople are saying that a federal personhood bill cosponsored by Garder, called the Life at Conception Act, is not a real personhood bill because it "simply states that life begins at conception" and would not actually outlaw abortion or contraception.
If so, you'd expect other co-sponsors of the Life at Conception Act to agree with Gardner. But this is not the case.
After co-sponsoring the same Life at Conception Act in March, 2013, four months before Gardner signed on, Rep. Charles Boustany, (R-LA) issued a statement saying:
“As a Member of Congress, I take the cause of fighting for the unborn just as seriously. That’s why I cosponsored H.R. 1091, the Life at Conception Act. This bill strikes at the heart of the Roe v. Wade decision by declaring life at conception, granting constitutional protection to the unborn under the 14th Amendment.”
Boustany's comment comports with the actual factual language of the bill. It's an attempt to outlaw all abortion, even for rape and incest, via the 14th Amendment.
I've made multiple attempts to reach the House sponsor of Life at Conception Act, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), for his take on his own bill, but I have yet to hear back. [Hint to a reporter who might be reading this: Would you please give him a call?]
But Sen. Rand Paul is the Senate sponsor of the Life at Conception Act, which is identical to the bill co-sponsored by Gardner. And this is how Paul described his own bill in March of last year.
"The Life at Conception Act legislatively declares what most Americans believe and what science has long known-that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore is entitled to legal protection from that point forward." [BigMedia emphasis]
In January of this year, Paul released a statement saying:
"Since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, 55 million abortions have taken place in America. The question remains, can a civilization long endure if it does not respect Life? It is the government's duty to protect life, liberty, and property, but primarily and most importantly, a government must protect Life," Sen. Paul said. "In order to protect the unborn from the very moment Life begins, I introduced the Life at Conception Act. Today, our nation wavers and our moral compass is adrift. Only when America chooses, remembers and restores her respect for life will we re-discover our moral bearings and truly find our way."
You can argue that Jordan's personhood bill–and its Senate counterpart–would lead to a major court fight with an uncertain outcome. And anti-choice crusaders have different views about the most effective way to enact abortion bans. But the clear intent of the Life at Conception Act is to establish personhood as federal law, as co-sponsors and sponsors of the bill have stated.
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Rand Paul and Paul Ryan both ignore the pro-abortion position of their spiritual mother, Ayn Rand, who said:
It would be fun to ask Cory Gardner about Ayn Rand.
That danged liberal Murdoch and his collectivist WSJ with their dead horse beating!
Once Sarah has QuitterTV up and running we won't need to rely on lamestream MSM like the Murdoch boys push out!
Benghazi. Lewinski. You're always proving that you hate America and have no ideas of your own.
It's difficult defending a lying loser like Gardner, huh?
Do any of your overlords know how bad you really suck at your day job??
I should ask the same of you and Colorado Pols. This is the most dedicated paid Democrat echo chamber in the state.
All of which are Republican-manufactured scandals.
None of the are real or juicy scandals.
These are scandals that the Republicans pulled out of their asses and threw it on the wall and see if it sticks – unfortunately, none of them did.
Is he flogging the horse because it transported a doctor who performs abortions?
What do Democrats say to Obama and Udall's list of scandals?
One more time.
Gosh, Moderatus, it's great that you agree so strongly with Ayn Rand that abortion is awesome, but women will get abortions – you don't need to advertise them quite so strongly. I think it was Gray who said that Boulder Polsters get paid in gluten-free bread and BOGO abortion coupons. You might consider a similar marketing strategy.
I mean, I'm pro-choice, but I don't feel like a flashing neon sign is needed on my local Planned Parenthood branch. If they do need one, I'm sure they'll look to your edgy design skills.
Never mind. I was trying to make it blink for you.
Gotta' ask again, . . . any of your overlords know how bad you really suck at your day job?
I don't thiink he's employed by anyone, but living in the basement, fat and lazy, in his mom's house. With Cheetos on his hands…
You know, something like this:
(And Robb should recognize the creator too)
If it's stupid, repeat it. If it's REALLY stupid, repeat it again and again.
Yeah, the 'New Black Panthers' (all three of them) are an Obama scandal. Dude, you're a joke. And your desperation makes you even less appealing, if that is possible.
And a majority of people voting "DEMOCRAT" — Moddy missed that scandal!
If three white guys had been intimidating black voters, you would never stop talking about it.
Well, we're probably still talking about because thos guys are still in Congress.
Apparently you have chosen to overlook all the articles about white -true the vote guys- intimidating voters in the last election. Typical
Those damn facts keep getting in the way of a good childish rant and that phony list – that must be from the gop crooks and liars division. Something right wing fools can copy and paste.
Facts? Whatever happened to this case? Was it dismissed?
Poor Moddy…so desperate, he's playing the i
He's playing the "If White People had done that" card…..
Well, yeah, but we wouldn't blame Mitt Romney for it. We'd blame the folks involved.
Ummm… the incident that got the attention was in a majority black precinct and they were trying, pretty unsuccessfully to intimidate black voters.
Yeah, you and facts. Did you not see the picture of the scary black men?????
Next you are going to suggest that the kids truning themselves in at the border are not hardened drug cantalopes.
". . . scary black men . . . " ??
That speaks volumes about this idiot.
OK. We all know that there's no substantive difference between home grown and federal personhood. We all know what granting fertilized eggs full rights means. We all know Gardner's attempt to have it both ways is pathetic. Do we need to keep going over this again and again?
For once I agree with the Modster program's little cartoon. We all know that nobody who supports choice will vote for the guy but there are plenty of other issues people should be aware of so more people will have more reasons not to vote for him. Next!
Your Democrats message machine masters must not have anything else to say.
Dems don't need a message machine. I'm sure Udall supporters will have no trouble coming up with all kinds of things to say. There's so much to choose from.
The main difference between state personhood bills and the federal legislation is the 14th Amendment. One of the goals of the very conservative Republicans is to redefine some of the terms of the 14th amendment. For example, "equal protection" of the laws should only include those who were speciffically listed in the amendment and women and 18 year olds who were given certain voting rights by subsequent amendments. Such legislation could also revese public accommodation federal laws and allow the states to determine where private property rights would triumph over civil rights legislation. I am not a lawyer, but the argument is made that the wording of the amendment allows Congress to pass legislation implementing the special goals of the amendment. I do not believe that the President would have veto power over such legislation. That is the difference between state and federal legislation.
If the republicans take control of the Senate, it is possible that the "Federal Conception" Act would be voted on by simple majorities in the House and Senate and pass into law. How the SCOTUS would consider the legislation is anyone's guess.
I have said before, and I will repeat it, the Republicans, even with a majority in Congress have never voted on legislation to ban abortion, except for resolution back in 1982. They have never even voted on "life" resolutions/legislation in
committees when they held majority. I don't think they will now. I think it is an empty gesture.
I think it critical that pro-choice advocates be knowledgeable and present legitimate arguments.