"The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse."
–Benjamin Franklin
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: harrydoby
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Air Slash
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Battle for GOP Chair, Sans Dave Williams, Gets Underway
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Tuesday Open Thread
BY: Thorntonite
IN: Gun Rights Groups Losing Their Damn Minds Over New Magazine Limit Bill
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@COLOGOP does some mansplaining about that whole Santrorum is our top pick thing…
I looked at the @cologop twitter feed, saw no Santorum. Plenty of other icky stuff.
Santorum won the CO-GOP caucuses in 2012.
I know – Santorum did really well in Pueblo. But I don't see any splainin about it on the cologop twitter feed.
It was a joke, not reportage. I thought the cartoon kind of made that point. the ColoGOP are not really elephants…
only Tuesday?
Hey AC! Where is your daily ponderous explanation of how Benito Mussolini was a much better man than the lying liberal press said he was? I need my daily fix of feeling intellectually superior to you
V, and a good morning to you too.
How's this:
Yes, yes, AC, everyone knows that a cowardly, hypocritical, unpatriotic racist troll like yourself doesn't feel manly unless the President is blowing people up, sending our family members out to die, or pointing guns at starving, terrified refugee children. You guys are such vicarious badasses…..
Project much?
Wow, The "No, you are!" defense. It'd be a lot less laughable if people couldn't read every racist, hypocritical, chickenhawk post you've made…or do we have to start cutting and pasting to get you to skedaddle away like usual?
I know you are but what am I? The perfect companion to Johnny does it too defense. The things kids say to moms when caught with no more viable excuses to offer. Moms are never impressed.
Wait. Something just occured to me. Maybe that's why most women don't buy what the GOTP is selling. We're so familiar with their favorite reponses. Especially those of us who have had 3 year olds in our lives.
Yeah, I doubt we'll hear from him again on this matter. As we all know, when it comes to GOP trolls, for all their bluster and armchair warrior bloodlust, direct confrontation really isn't their strong suit.
What sort of direct confrontation are you looking for?
Regards, C.H.B. (AC/DC Rules !)
Addressing points directly and with factual back up instead of just dropping their talking point and insult bombs?
Precisely that.
By the way, C.H.B, I welcome your presence here as an example of what I think true Conservatism is all about. And I mean that as a sincere compliment.
I welcome you too. Unlike AC and Modster, you're a grown up with whom civil discourse is possible.
CHB, Maybe you can help me. Can you find where as BC remarks "Addressing points directly and with factual back up instead of just dropping their talking point and insult bombs? – See more at: http://coloradopols.com/diary/60841/tuesday-open-thread-74#comment-557359"
is to be found in this response:
"Yes, yes, AC, everyone knows that a cowardly, hypocritical, unpatriotic racist troll like yourself doesn't feel manly unless the President is blowing people up, sending our family members out to die, or pointing guns at starving, terrified refugee children. You guys are such vicarious badasses… – See more at: http://coloradopols.com/diary/60841/tuesday-open-thread-74#comment-557359"
I did not see it when I read it. 🙂
I stand by everything I say, and will gladly defend it or renounce it, if warranted.
You can't even face up to your own words. Chickenshit.
Sorry A.C. I'm not bailing your ass out. My time for Colorado Pols is limited and I'm not doing your work for you.
Regards, C.H.B.
Crunch Crunch
So, AC, you've moved on from refusing to address points to assigning others to do it for you. Is that supposed to b an improvement?
" know you are, but what am I is Exactly what I thought when I saw AC's reply. "Great minds…" B.C.
Why solve problems when you can fly around at taxpayer expenses with a big gun, or on a boat with the Manatee, and dream of shooting down children turning themselves in at the border according to US law?
Anybody heard anything from the Dem Senators who are pretend to be great friends of Israel?
Chuck Schumer has been awful quiet lately.
Seems like when Obama and Kerry wants to take out Israel and reward Hamas by opening up commerce so they can build more tunnels, the cat has their tongue.
You are repulsive in every sense of the word.
Ah, yes, the centuries-old Israel/Palestine conflict, which our resident racist hypocrite chickenhawk could solve…..how, exactly?
Deflect much?
Do you ever answer a damned question, AC, or does the prospect dampen your Ronnie Reagan Underoos?
You posted in response to something I posted, yet you did not address my post.
Why should I respond to yours?
If you want a civilized discussion you would not engage in name calling. If you don't want a civilized discussion continue and act shocked and surprised when a discussion does not follow.
You posted rhetorical questions and false allegations.
I asked you a direct question, which you never answer, because you are a racist, hypocritical, cowardly chickenhawk.
Obama and Kerry want "to take out Israel"?
Are you guys saying there are "death panels" for nations now, too?!
Yeah, Palestine is going to 'take out' Israel–just as soon as they stop getting illegaly occupied by a nation (propped up with B$ in US military cash/weaponry) in contravention of numerous UN resolutions.
At least your position is consistent with the dying demographics of your aging party. Better get them octageniarn Kochs to craft up another 'youth outreach' group! Dial up some Astroturf! Rapido!
by 'you' I mean 'it.'
Or 'your' rather which is directed not at Canines but the turd.
Really this rabid rightie nonsense about Dems wanting to destroy Israel isn't worth any response. If it were, huge majorities of American Jews wouldn't be reliable voters for these Dem candidates. We're not 75% self loathing anti-Semites. We've been hearing it and following it all of our lives and many of us have been there.
Besides. There's very little anyone can do to prevent the demise of Israel as a Jewish democratic state at this juncture. Who is more at fault for the situation can be debated until the cows come home but a two state solution is pretty obviously never going to happen. Netanyahu and his allies all oppose it. Netanyahu has said so quite plainly. The Palestinians must be seen as opposing it as they oppose recognizing Israel's right to exist at all so where do you get two states out of that?
What isn't up for debate is that, in the absence of massive ethnic cleansing on the part of one side or the other, a single state solution means either a majority Muslim population under a minority Jewish regime, not viable as recent history demonstrates over and over and so doomed to fail, or simply an eventual majority Muslim state with a Jewish minority. More likely they'd mainly feel forced to leave.
Those are the only two one state choices. Either way, one state probably works out better in the long run for the Palestinians. Easy to see why that's the Palestinian preference but Bibi and friends must be delusional if they think it's going to work long term for Jewish Israelis.
If the two a state solution is as dead as it appears to be, well…. do the math. Don't blame it on Dems.
Obama did it, right after he drove to Guatemala to pick up a busload of canteloped-calved drug-runners to berible D voters in 10 years (when of age); but before he helped Putin shoot down that plane.
Seriously, does anyone with a brain, or a knowledge of history, think there's a good guy / bad guy dynamic in this scenario? Or is this just a "hedging our bets in case of Armageddon" thing that makes them assume the government of Israel is purely acting in self-defense?
You know who the top 3 governments are that are most aggressive about spying on the U.S. ? Russia, China, and Israel. http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/05/18/363107/cia-ranks-israel-aggressive-spy-force/
I don't have a side in this fight. I abhor terrorism and genocide no matter what flag it waves.
"You would think. But instead, Kerry basically ignored an Egyptian-led ceasefire effort to do just that, and handed Israelis a document that offered them this:
Hamas would have conceded nothing. No nation would have accepted such terms, not after what’s transpired, and naturally it was rejected unanimously by an Israeli cabinet that includes the ideological left, center and right. Not only did the proposal irritate Israel — a nation often accused of warmongering for kicks — but it also upset Egypt and the Palestinian Authority.
All of which, one presumes, a seasoned statesman like John Kerry should have foreseen. So why did Kerry offer a proposal driven by Qatar and Turkey, two of Hamas’ allies and Israel’s antagonists? Qatar not only funds one of the leading anti-Israel propaganda outfits on the planet, Al Jazeera, but it is also, according to Simon Peres – hardly a warmongering Likudnik – the “world’s largest funder of terror due to its financial support for Hamas in Gaza.” And Turkey’s anti-Semitic governments recently accused the Jews of committing genocide, called Israel a “terror state,” compared Netanyahu to Hitler, and has provoked Israel on a number of occasions over the past few years – all of which, to be fair, sounds a lot like some well-known progressive twitter accounts these days.
Though we’ve often pressured Israel to shorten these kinds of operations, only a historian would be able to come up with an instances of the United States pressuring Israel to accept such a lousy agreement. So naturally, the Israeli press, including left-wing newspapers like Haaretz, went after Kerry pretty hard. The US, according to reports, believes that Israeli officials had misrepresented the deal. And the Obama administration pushed back yesterday. “It’s simply not the way partners and allies treat each other,” said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psak, who seems to think Israel has a state-controlled media.
But, according to nearly every news report, Kerry was the one who brought Turkey and Qatar into the mix. And it is undeniable that Kerry went to Paris immediately after negotiations collapsed and met with officials from Turkey and Qatar to discuss a potential cease-fire in the Gaza. Kerry did not meet with Egypt, nor the Palestinian Authority nor Israel. That seems odd – inexplicable, even – but it certainly lends credence to Israeli media accounts."
Real posters use block quotes to indicate when they are copying and pasting whole cloth others' work. No, no one expects that of you.
Sorry, I posted more of the article than I intended, but editing in this format is not an option.
Yeah – there's a reason the article said: "The US, according to reports, believes that Israeli officials had misrepresented the deal."
Kerry's working with a tough hand of cards here and I give him credit for trying his best to win something that saves lives and works toward a lasting peace. That's simply not going to happen with a deal like Israeli media whisperers have insinuated, and Kerry knows it.
Thank you note due Boehner. His suit and the impeachment threat have sent Dem funding through the roof. In fact, it's all backfired so badly Boehner is now trying to claim that Dems manufactured the whole impeachment crisis. Bet he wishes he could claim they manufactured his suit.
Well, I guess it's back to Benghazi . . . ?!?
The Republican House lawsuit against Obama is their way of avoiding the impeachment question while looking like they're doing something for their base. House leadership knows the suit is going to die a horrible death in the courts, but while it's still active they get to talk about Obama's "overreach" and the (not really, but pretend so the GOPers can feel better) 12 unanimous decisions the Supreme Court has made against him.
There's good reason they're scared of the word "impeachment"; you know they want to go there, but amazingly they still have some sense of history and remember that it backfired on them against Clinton.
Sarah Palin is a white house Democrat?
Who knew?
Classic Doocey Faux News mash up with him saying yesterday its only the Democrats talking impeachment, then with with guests from a week ago on his own show talking with him about impeachment. Tabula rasa– each day is a day anew with the GOP.
EXCUSE ME, COLORADOPOLS – No Wednesday Open Thread?