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September 19, 2014 06:33 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

Used, abused without clues
I refused to blow a fuse
They even had it on the news
Don't believe the hype…

–Public Enemy


51 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

      1. …this, from the phuckstik who's hero was reading "My Pet Goat" while we were experiencing the worst terror attack on our soil in the history of this country.  So he's sitting at the breakfast table with a big boner, waiting for Granny to pat him on the head for getting the first post; the rest of the adult world will struggle with this global challenge.  While he posts his maniplated poll data on #SenatorQuidProKoch that shows him with a lead in the race, the Open Fuels Standard Act will remain unsupported by said candidate.  Ditto for protecting the advanced biofuels standard in the EPA recommendation.  Ditto on said candidates obsession with KXL, which will do nothing for American energy independence. 

        It's not in my nature to loathe someone … but I make an exception for tools like Skippy.

        1. Same here, Michael; I'm not typically so fiercely combative, but he makes it so easy. Above all, I detest thieves and liars, and those who prey upon the weak, the sick, the fearful, the ignorant, the elderly, and the downtrodden, making him (and his party) two for two.

        2. It's not in my nature to loathe someone … but I make an exception for tools like Skippy.

          Which, in this case, amounts to "piling on"…I have the same opinion of  Piss Ant.

    1. Dem calls Obama plan "Lame".

      Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, called President Obama's plan to arm Syrian rebels to combat Islamic militants "lame."

      Speier, one of 85 House Democrats who voted against the measure passed by the House and Senate this week, said that training up to 5,000 members of the Free Syrian Army to combat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is "not a plan."

      "There are many within the establishment, former generals, who said it was lame, actually, that if you were going to do it you need to do at least 15,000 [troops]," Speier said Friday on MSNBC.





      1. This piece has waaaay too many words with more than two syllables so it isn't for the Skippy crowd, but a good article for the rest of us on why Arab civiliazation has collapsed, and won't recover in our lifetimes:

        The Barbarians Within Our Gates

        At their core, both political currents—Arab nationalism and Islamism—are driven by atavistic impulses and a regressive outlook on life that is grounded in a mostly mythologized past.

        Sound familiar?


      1. Show me ONE OTHER POLL with Con Man Cory out in front by anything even BEGINNING to appraoch 8 points, sh-thead, or even more than one recent poll with the lying, flip-flopping dirtbag maintaining any lead at all. Come on, big mouth — put up or STFU!

        Can't do it? Didn't think so. Nice try.

          1. Think about upping your reading comprehension skills, Skippy.

            Knowing that you would site THE ONE POLL (other that the POS Q poll) showing Con Man with a statistically meaningless 1-point lead, I challenged you to provide "more than one recent poll" showing Con Man leading.

            You failed to do so. I knew you would.

  1. Today, from the Votemaster:

    "A new Colorado poll from Quinnipiac University puts Rep. Cory Gardner (R) ahead of Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO). This is so out of line with all other polls that it is certainly a statistical fluke. The race has been very close until now and nothing major has happened there this week."

    1. And of course these same words could also be applied to crap GOTP pollster Quinnipiac's recent crap polls showing CO Gov. Hickenlooper and Iowa Senate candidate Bruce Braley being "trounced" by their Teabagger opponents.

      Lies, and the lying liars who tell them…

    2. And the USA Today Suffolk that has Gardner leading by 1% that came out a day later?

      I agree that Udall is not up by 6 as the poll you cited suggests or down by 8 as the poll that came out from Q indicates.  I think the average, Garner up by 1 or 2 is about right.

      1. Gardner is a mortal lock.

        Let me donate $1000 to your favorite cause, when he wins. All ya got to do is agree to pay $1000 to my favorite if he doesn't win.



  2. My Friday morning error message:

    Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0

    Oh, what does it mean – what guidance should this provide me for today?


  3. Quinnipac Poll- lets students in a country ranked somewhere around 25th in math. Or, if you are throwing money (Rove) at elections, how much do polls cost?

     Media said Scottish Indie movement was too close to call, next morning, 55%-45% vote extended to 16yr old alkies.

    Indie ( read as uninformed) votes break towards leading candidate, as its natural to want to be on winning side (weak) . Other thoughts two jeffco schools closed today due to labor shortage (unrest)

    Remind your local media not to cover enviromental  (largest this yr) demonstration march this NYC, 

    1. Speaking of which, My sympathies to Scots and Scottish descent friends who were hoping for independence. Can we please let the people of Texas and a few other states vote for independence ASAP?

  4. If you have any doubt as to how #SenatorQuidProKoch would vote in support of expanding our domestic, renewable energy resources as a US Senator, you'd have to journey no farther than the Kansas state line:

    A Kansas twister: Wind energy politics complicate governor’s race

    That’s in part because a small but politically influential group of Kansans is in the way. One hundred fifteen miles south of Warta’s ranch stands the Wichita headquarters of one of the most powerful energy corporations in the country, Koch Industries, whose leaders — libertarian political financiers Charles and David Koch — are sworn enemies of the wind. The Koch-funded advocacy group Americans for Prosperity is leading the fight to repeal a federal tax credit for wind energy producers, based on the amount of electricity they produce, which has helped fuel the Kansas boomlet. Opposition to the credit in Congress has been championed by Rep. Mike Pompeo, a Republican whose district includes Wichita and whose top campaign contributors are oil and gas in general and Koch Industries in particular.

  5. Good to see everything is going smoothly at Jeffco schools and they are tickled pink with their new teabaggy leadership.  What a fucking mess.

  6. For those many who saw their high school produce a stage version of Bye Bye Birdie, or remember the original movie itself:

    We loathe you Con Man / Oh yes we do

    We loathe you Con Man / You'll get your due

    Each time you've lied now / Chunks blew

    Oh Con Man we loathe you



  7. Food for thought — post-cold war recess is officially over (or it better be, anyway). Is it time, once again for Governments to start, you know, governing? . . .

    A push for independence is driven by a discontent with the ruling class that applies to varying degrees in the United States and, especially, the eurozone.



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