(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
In a post on RhRealityCheck.org today, I reported that a mailer produced by senatorial candidate Cory Gardner refers to the “American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists” as a backer of his proposal to sell contraception over-the-counter. But this group apparently does not exist.
An organization with a similar name, which Gardner has cited previously, doesn’t support Gardner’s proposal.
The advertisement states:
Supported by the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Cory’s proposal would make oral contraception: Less expensive — about the price of Aspirin; More convenient — helping women obtain The Pill on their own schedule without an appointment; More accessible — ensures women in underserved urban and rural areas have greater ability to obtain The Pill. [BigMedia emphasis]
The RH Reality Check piece states:
A Google search for the “American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists” returns references to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
After seeing the Gardner mailer, Kate Connors, ACOG Director of Media Relations, told RH Reality Check via email, “For all I know, there is an AAOG out there, somewhere, but it has certainly never come to my attention. I dare say that the mailer’s reference to it is an error.”
Connors said that it was also an “error” for Gardner to suggest that “we have supported his proposal.”
A September 9 ACOG statement emphasizes over-the-counter sale of contraception is a long-term goal, not a proposal it supports currently.
Politifact.com, in a September 8 analysis, judged Gardner’s claim about the pill being cheaper if sold over-the-counter as “mostly false,” in light of various uncertainties as well as the fact that, under the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies cannot charge policy holders a co-pay for preventive health care, including contraception. So, for most women, contraception is currently free.
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It may be that Gardner was hesitant to credit this organization as the endorser:
it isn't actually a medical association. It's just another pro-Birther advocacy group hoping to attract medical professionals to their cause.
I doubt it. This is probably just a typo, and a spokesperson who doesn't know the whole story. Much ado about nothing, like the whole birth control issue.
When is the next poll due out with Gardner pulling away?
I don't know. But the RCP has two polls showing a reversal on the generic congressional with Dems now holding a small lead, as they had for a long time before Rs pulled a head by a small amount. Even Obama's approval ratings, nothing to write home about, are slightly better in the last few days. No posts from Piss Ant about how this constitutes a new "trend" yet. Some nice anti-Gardner ads are getting a lot of play. Grayed out color, sinister toned narration. Rumor has it there's plenty more where those came from, a home stretch ad frenzy. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the only poll that counts says, little modster.
Oh, Cory boy — so many lies to tell, so little time left. You really are a disgrace.
Good research and follow up. From the ACOG statement:
The contraceptives they need at no cost….one of the featured benefits of the Affordable Care Act, which Mr. Gardner has voted to repeal 54 times. Hardly an endorsement of "the Gardner plan".
It doesn't get much cheaper than no cost.
Mike Litwin article on con man cory http://www.coloradoindependent.com/149541/littwin-on-the-great-gardner-dodge-and-feint