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December 05, 2014 01:57 PM UTC

Watchdog reporting needed on Gardner

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Sen.-elect Cory Gardner.
Sen.-elect Cory Gardner.

Yesterday, Rep. Cory Gardner voted to halt Obama's program to defer deportation of millions of immigrants who have children in our country.

Gardner voted in Aug. (during the election campaign) against halting Obama's  program to defer deportations of young immigrants.

The two votes weren't exactly identical, but they're close enough to  make you wonder how Gardner reconciles the two. Yet, I can't find a single reporter who asked him directly about the inconsistency.

Instead,  the Associated PressDurango HeraldFox 31 Denver, the Grand Junction Sentinel,  and The Denver Post all apparently relied on Gardner's self-serving statement saying, in part, that "we owe it to generations past and generations to come to find a solution to our broken immigration system."

It's possible some reporters asked to speak with Gardner himself, but they didn't report this. If so, they should have.

But it's not too late to insist on talking to Gardner, if you're a journalist who has access to him, to cover the basic journalistic function of calling out public officials on their inconsistencies between what's done on the campaign trail and what happens in office.

A baby step in the right direction was provided during a Gardner interview Dec. 3 on SeriusXM's new show, Yahoo! News on POTUS

Host Olivier Knox had the presence of mind to ask Gardner whether his "campaign talk" about making birth control pills available over the counter "can translate into legislative action."

Gardner replied:

It needs to translate into policy action. The FDA has their approval process when it comes to prescription, over-the-counter move. I will certainly continue to support and urge, whether it’s legislative action. We’ve got to figure out the best policy option, the best way forward in making sure we have the continued fight for over-the-counter contraceptives, which I continue and will continue to support and push for. And so, we’ll be talking to the FDA and talking about how best to make that happen. It’s something Gov. Jindal first proposed, ACOG, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, supported the move to over-the-counter contraceptions and it’s something we’ve got to encourage to happen here.

I give Knox credit here for asking the question, even though I'd have pressed Gardner to clarify his plan for implementation of a major campaign promise. Will he seek legislation if necessary? How long will he press the Administration? Etc.

Ditto for Gardner's plan on immigration. If he's against deferring deportations, then what's he for? And how does it comport to his campaign promises?

I'm hoping we get this type of watch-dog attitude from reporters going forward on Gardner.


10 thoughts on “Watchdog reporting needed on Gardner

    1. Ditto.

      He couldn't/can't.  A pharmaceutical manufacturer brings its drug to the FDA and asks for OTC status.

      Our lying weasel Senator-elect campaigned claiming the pill being prescription only was some kind of legislative glitch of Obamacare requiring the government to come between you and your healthcare.  He's a lying sack of shit who ran a dishonest campaign, and was elected because people are stupid (including those running Udall's campaign.)

      If he had any intention of following through on this campaign meme, he or any of the half dozen other lying Republican Senators-elect who used this trope to deflect their heinous anti-woman records (I'm looking at you Speaker Motorcycle Vagina) could call the drug makers in for hearings on why they haven't made such applications, or how the congress could facilitate the process for them.

      When pigs fly.

  1. Besides, it's bad policy in any case.  Make them over-the-counter and bingo, insurance companies don't have to cover the cost, thus putting them out of reach for millions of women who otherwise can't afford the cost.

    In this particular case, I'd just as soon have Cory sit on his thumb and do nothing to harm his constituents.

    1. Which is why con-man Cory is so full of shit when he mentions working with ACOG. He'll name drop them, but won't enact their agenda.

      “We feel strongly, however, that OTC access to contraceptives should be part of a broader dialogue about improving women’s health care, preventing unintended pregnancies, and increasing use of contraception, including long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). Over-the-counter access should not be used as a political tool by candidates or by elected officials.

      “Regardless of any current or future proposals from lawmakers, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved oral contraceptives for over-the-counter use, and any future FDA approval for such use would likely cover only a subset of oral contraceptive formulations.

      “Of course, cost continues to be a major factor in a woman’s consistent use of contraception, and many women simply cannot afford the out-of-pocket costs associated with contraceptives, OTC or not.  That’s why ACOG strongly supports the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provision that mandates insurance coverage of birth control, as well as other preventive services, without cost-sharing for the patient.

      “Separately, OTC access to oral contraceptives alone will not help to increase use of the most highly effective methods, such as intrauterine devices (IUD). IUDs are more effective than oral contraceptives, and because they can last for as many as ten years, they are also cost-effective. However, their initial out-of-pocket costs – which can near $1,000 – can be prohibitive for women who don’t have comprehensive insurance coverage.

      “It is also important to note that over-the-counter access to contraceptives does not obviate the need for women to see their gynecologist each year. An annual health assessment is a fundamental part of medical care for all patients, including women, and allows women to discuss with their gynecologists their reproductive health plans, learn about birth control options other than oral contraceptives, and receive important preventive health services, such as vaccines.

      “Recent political discussions on the importance of OTC access to contraceptives are welcome, but ACOG remains firmly in support of comprehensive strategies to increase adoption of more-effective methods and to provide all women with the contraceptives they need at no cost.”

      All that advocating for "abortions for moochers" will hardly get any traction in the Dirksen building, but I'd love to give lobbying for it a try.

  2. I guess you missed Slimy's press release on his vote, Jason?  Let me translate that into English for you, Jason:

    "We desperately need comprehensive immigration reform in this country.  What we don't need is anyone actually doing anything to facilitate that, most certainly not President Obama . . . 

    . . . I support immigration reform. But, let's find a way to get some more white folks, and maybe a few of those Asians into here, huh?  Canadians would be ok. I mean, we already got all the hispanics we're ever gonna' need, and then some, right now.

    If god has wanted more immigrants here, he would have put them in this country legally."

  3. I just hope I don’t hear anyone acting surprised…they were warned.
    the moderate voters who elected him deserve the Senator they are going to get….only problem is..we all get to share the spectacle…

  4. His conduct will only help Bennet.  Moderates won't want to vote for a Republican in 2016 after seeing Cory go back to being who he really is.  Gardner is going to be Bennets best election tool.

    1. I would actually like to see a primary effort by someone who is not a corporate apologist like the good Senator. Time for some good ol' grass roots populism…

      I nominate tater heap tom….laugh

      1.                                  Tater Heap Tom

                                               for US Senate!

                                           A tater in every heap!!


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