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December 19, 2014 05:36 AM UTC

Discuss: Cyberwar, North Korea, Sony's "Interview" Fiasco

  • by: kwtree

(Hackers suck – promoted by Colorado Pols)

“The Interview” was not a great movie. It appears to have been a fantasy ammosexual buddy movie, aimed at those panting, sweaty hordes who know what real he-man American foreign policy should be if that wuss Obama were not in charge.  By Golly, North Korea would be sorry they went in the wrong mom’s basement, futhermucker.

The Wrap article, edited "Interview"
North Korea allegedly hacked Sony’s servers after the company produced the political satire film,”The Interview”.

That said, the swift withdrawal of the movie from scheduled Christmas theatre showings, in the total and complete capitulation of Sony pictures to the hacking of its servers, sets a chilling precedent for free speech.

Why did Sony make the movie in the first place? How would we react if a rival nuclear power attempted a holiday film about assassinating our President?  Domestic white hate groups fantasize about this constantly, but usually not on widely distributed video. I have to think that a foreign, say, Bollywood, blockbuster on this topic would not be kindly received.

What were they thinking? Did Sony get what they deserved? Should we mourn that we will not see “The Interview” while Kim Jong Un is in charge? Did they do the right thing in cancelling all showings?

Here’s a link to Ari Melber and Lawrence O’Donnell’s discussion on MSNBC if you need background.

Most of youtube is also chilled – Hardly a trailer to be seen. ..all are now “private”. Over-reaction much? I haven’t seen mass freakout like this since 9/11.





21 thoughts on “Discuss: Cyberwar, North Korea, Sony’s “Interview” Fiasco

    1. You say it's a terrible precedent and that we should not condemn Sony for setting it? How does that make any sense? You do realize it was their decision, not the government's? Oh wait. You probably don't.

    2. That's what Obama says! Just don't expect him to do it according to your schedule…

      “They caused a lot of damage, and we will respond,” the president said. “We will respond proportionally, and we’ll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose.”

  1. From the Telegraph:

    During his captivity, US marines forced Saddam [Hussein], who was executed in 2006, to repeatedly watch the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, which shows him as gay, as well as the boyfriend of Satan. He was also regularly depicted in a similar manner during the TV series…

    Stone, 37, said both he and Parker, 39, were most proud of the signed Saddam photo, given to them by the US Army's 4th Infantry Division.

    He said: "We're very proud of our signed Saddam picture and what it means. Its one of our biggest highlights.

    "I have it on pretty good information from the marines on detail in Iraq that they showed Saddam the movie.

    "Over and over again – which is a pretty funny thought.

    "That's really adding insult to injury."



  2. With this and Paramount's decision to not re-release "Team America" this is a replay of the Mohammed cartoons gutlessness. How many people, not corporations and not in North Korea, would care what Kim-Jong-Un thinks? Who thinks that he can damage anyone? Apparently only fainthearted corporations are scared of him.

    Asking the government to "protect them" is just craven. Sony and Paramount are both bigger economic and media states than North Korea.

    1. mapmaker, Sony and Paramount may be bigger economic and media states, but apparently North Korea is better at (anti) cyber-security.  As far as "who cares what Kim Jong Un thinks", that was probably exactly the thinking of the producers of this film. They badly underestimated the probable response and their own vulnerability.

      There's plenty to mock about North Korea's regime, and  the international artistic world should be lining up to do so. But they'd better make sure that their glass houses can withstand the boulders lobbed their way by hackers.

      It is the Department of Homeland Security's job to protect even incompetent and reckless fools on American soil.

  3. It's seems to me that the fallout and reaction from all parties involved in this absurd stupidity is, and will be, infinitely more funny and entertaining to watch than the piece of crap movie itself . . .

    . . . heyyyyy, I smell a screen play!

    1. Have to agree. I agree that Sony allowing itself to be bullied is a bad idea but so are 95% of Hollywood comedies, including this one which looks pretty juvenile and stupid from the ads, so the non-release of this movie won't make the slightest dent in my lifestyle.  The last three comedies I saw were the joyous, feel good Hundred Step Journey" and "Chef" and, most recently, the brilliant "Birdman". And, no, it wasn't about our former Nugget.wink

  4. I'm not sure Sony had much choice.  In reality it was the major theaters that decided to cancel the showings, not in small part due to the potential liability issues currently Cinemark Century Theaters is being sued about (Holmes, J., July 2012).

    the four largest theater chains in the United States said they would not show the movie

    For what it's worth,I believe they are discussing releasing it directly to consumers (online, dvd).

    1. Still bad precedent but it's hard to blame the theaters after Aurora. On the bright side, it looked like a juvenile piece of crap movie. The principle is important but the film itself is no great loss. 

  5. Lol. I think it’s comical that you accuse “right-wing” racists of fantasizing about the assassination of President Obama when you liberals were the ones that took your disgusting revenge murder-porn to the big screen with the anti-Bush movie “The Death of a President.”

      1. Yeah, but you can't deny they were liberal Brits . . . 

        . . . and, anyway, stop trying to confuse the moron's point — it's just cruel the way you people treat the simple-minded!

  6. Netflix just released "The Interview" online, and I watched it. It was really stupid and unrealistic… an ammosexual buddy movie, as predicted, with plenty of bad bathroom and sex humor, and some sharp social satire. But really funny, in the tradition of Ghostbusters, and John Belushi movies. Worth all the fuss? Not really. So glad we didn't go to war over this.

    It's sad that this "freedom of artistic expression" people are dying for seems to be limited, in modern pop culture, to caricatures of religious figures and sophomoric buddy movies.

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